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Messages - bokutousamurai

Pages: [1]
Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Activities
« on: September 10, 2012, 09:57:28 PM »
i think the SE classes should have actual upgrades for one thing, geography was the only one with a useful upgrade. off the top of my head i think biology class should let you do extras damage to certain body parts.

i think the wrestleing minigame should be an actuall fight you could lose and not just a tutorial, also a basketball, soccer, tennis, track and golf minigame would be cool.

and in addition to boxing and wrestleing, it would be cool if you could also take karate, judo, kickboxing and kendo.

and maybe add playing chess and GaG with the nerds

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Idea for Bully 2 Plotline
« on: September 10, 2012, 09:44:44 PM »
been a lurker for a while, just thought id give my two cents.

i think the main character should be a reporter for the schools newspaper, one who uses unconventional mehtods to get information: fighting, talking to and bribing or charming people for gossip and information, breaking into lockers and dorm rooms to look for proof, getting photogrpahic evidence, makeing friends from the diffrent cliques as contacts for information and so on.

so right there we have the fighting, stealth, interaction with NPCs and what not.

the plot would revolve around him/her fighting angaisnt bullies by embaresing them in the schools paper, and the missions would revovle around the info gathering above, but also requiring him/her to do tasks for students who will repay them with info, like the nerds will give him/her some dirt on a prep if he helps them prank the jocks. and a lot of the turing points for the chapters and story would be about him/her being fed false information and publishing it anyways and/or being confronted by the targets of the embaressing stories and having to fight them.

not the best idea for a bully game, but it'd be one i'd like to play, even as a spinoff or a subplot

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