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Messages - TheWretched

Pages: [1]
Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Mission ideas
« on: August 11, 2012, 03:59:19 PM »
I don't mind what they do with Bully 2 as long as they keep the excellent atmosphere of Bully 1. I mean the kind of "lone troublemaker" vibe where you go about causing shit around the town and the school, beating the shit out of other students, graffitiing and stealing things while being on your own. I don't mean this in a lighthearted way like the mayhem of GTA SA but it feels kinda "dark" and "bad"  as you are cycling to your objective.  The best examples of this feeling in the game are probably "The Diary", "The Setup", "Paparazzi", "Making a Mark" and "Panty Raid". And this song from the game pretty much sums up this "lone troublemaker" feeling  Bully OST - 10 Here's to you Ms. Philips The trouble meter flashing and filling up with "violence" being flashed as well as you are fighting Davis and the bullies in "The Setup" as the music is playing and getting more intense is probably one of THE best moments I have ever experienced in any game. The sad thing is I don't think anyone will ever get what I mean by this atmosphere I feel from Bully and when Bully 2 is out it will not be able to recreate this excellent vibe.  :(

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