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Messages - GovernmentMan123

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
You're going to improve those cliff textures, right?

I will probably be redoing the whole map in the future because I am not entirely happy with the maps current state, even with the improved lighting. I will be keeping the original half life cliff textures for nostalgic reasons though, but with some proper texture alignment they will fit into place, something that the current map lacks.

I am back, with a Xen themed map which will be part of a small project I am planning on finishing soon.

There are still many details to be added, along with lighting.

On the subject of lighting, my old Cliff map certainly looks a lot better with some proper lighting:

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: GovernmentMan123's Mapping Showcase Thread
« on: September 07, 2012, 01:42:07 PM »
You plan to include characters from other games too?

In the future.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: GovernmentMan123's Mapping Showcase Thread
« on: September 07, 2012, 10:44:41 AM » far as I can looks like a reskinned hoodz member.

Amongst others.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: GovernmentMan123's Mapping Showcase Thread
« on: September 07, 2012, 09:35:50 AM »
Deus Ex in general is blocky.  :laugh:

Maybe so, but I want this map to have a more unique look.

But that aside, the character...I can't say I recognize the shape or clothes.

You've played Manhunt before. That's the hint.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: GovernmentMan123's Mapping Showcase Thread
« on: September 05, 2012, 07:55:04 PM »
Liking it so far.

That's good. The interior section is a tad bit blocky for my liking and is in need of a lot more details. On the other hand, the exterior is not too bad at the moment.

I've also started another map that takes place within Subway Tunnels:

Notice the character in the background, does he look familiar? A skin variant of a certain character model from a game.

Does anyone want to take a guess, or do they recognise the character?

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: GovernmentMan123's Mapping Showcase Thread
« on: September 04, 2012, 06:48:46 PM »
Here's the video of the Air Exchange map:

Deus Ex - Half Life 2 BETA - Air Exchange Facility (Alpha)

or has life been in the way lately?

Partially. Updates regarding the map have been postponed for a while but progress should resume in the coming days, along with another old project as well.

This is also part of the Air Exchange map, correct?


I've been adding some more details:

The video may be out near the end of this week.

I meant to ask you this (silly question =P ) before, but I noticed in your other video of a Deus Ex-Half Life mashup, the enemies don't scream that "Yaaaaaaargh!" when they die. Why's that?

As comical as that sound is, different death sounds for the combine soldiers seemed more appropriate since they have gas-masks with vocoders.

Updates on the Air Exchange map:

Lots more details to be added. I might upload a video soon.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: ~~~GovernmentMan123's Videos~~~
« on: April 05, 2012, 01:13:57 PM »
- Added "GTA SA - Cutscene Model Rigging Test 4" to "Single and Miscellaneous" section.

GTA SA - Cutscene Model Rigging Test 4

The G-Man from Half-Life as Toreno.

Coming soon: Barney from Half-Life as Sweet.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: ~~~GovernmentMan123's Videos~~~
« on: April 03, 2012, 08:10:42 PM »
It was not an advertisement at all, since i didn't even put it's name, i simply wanted some feedback.

It's an advertisement in my books. You're encouraging others that view this topic and see your post to go and see your videos for themselves, against rule #3 for my section. In addition, why did you not give me a private message? I re-enabled them a while back and you didn't bother to check?

Also, my video is in now way a clone of your video. I wanted to make a series on the clique i created, and so i did.

More like a knock-off. Perhaps I wouldn't associate it as a clone if the name of the series didn't include "Adventures of".

Anyways I think you should be happy if people are "inspired" by your videos, even though these series people are making look nothing like yours.

Maybe I would be happy if my videos inspired people to come up with something original and not use my videos as a template for some silly knock-off of an already bad series.


Now, on-topic.

- Added "GTA SA - Cutscene Model Rigging Test 3" to "Single and Miscellaneous" section.

GTA SA - Cutscene Model Rigging Test 3

Ryder as Luther from Half-Life.

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