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Messages - Repo Man

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 100
Bullworth Never Ending Story / Re: NES Comments
« on: January 31, 2011, 03:50:36 PM »
What's your surname?

Dazzy's Drawings / Re: Dazzy's Drawings
« on: January 31, 2011, 03:46:19 PM »

Auditory Experiences / Re: Spit Quotes
« on: January 31, 2011, 03:45:41 PM »
I wish to read what other Preppies say when you spit on them.

Everyone prefers that.

No I don't. Do we repeat this now?

Dazzy's Drawings / Re: Dazzy's Drawings
« on: January 31, 2011, 02:40:12 PM »
He disappeared, I suspect.

Auditory Experiences / Re: Spit Quotes
« on: January 31, 2011, 02:37:30 PM »
A lotta kids still need to be spat on at the moment.

Auditory Experiences / Re: Spit Quotes
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:46:47 PM »
I thought when you attack little kids Prefects start to appear out of nowhere and try to bust you? How do you attack them but evade the red trouble meter?

Bullworth Never Ending Story / Re: NES Comments
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:45:10 PM »
Je suis {{surname}}...Dylan {{surname}}.

Dazzy's Drawings / Re: Dazzy's Drawings
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:39:45 PM »
Practice. Practice is mother of life, or whatever.

Auditory Experiences / Re: Spit Quotes
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:33:10 PM »
You actually spit on Pedro and Sheldon to find out? How did you have time to deplete their health with all the Prefects?

Chapter 1 / Re: The Candidate
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:31:39 PM »
He should note.

Chapter 5 / Re: Final Showdown
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:31:19 PM »
Derby is probably the best fighter with that style.

Bullworth Never Ending Story / Re: NES Comments
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:30:12 PM »
Yo new avatar!

NES Archive / Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« on: January 31, 2011, 03:56:01 AM »
Later that evening, Pedro wandered into the Common Room at the Boy’s Dorm and spotted Nick, lounging on the couch in front of the Television.  Hesitantly, he approached him.

"Did you do it ?", asked Pedro.

"Do what ?", asked Nick.

"You said you're gonna do it", said Pedro.

"I'd maybe answer you if I knew what the hell you're talking about", said Nick.

"Well you know...about my bed", said Pedro.

"Oh that", replied Nick. "You find out who did it ?"

"Constantinos told me he heard couple of Greasers talk about it. Apparently it was Ricky Pucino, and he told Hal he was going to urinate on all Nerds' and weak kids' beds", said Pedro.

"Ricky Pucino, uh?", responded Nick buttoning up his aviator leather jacket. "This is gonna be fun. Are you coming ?"

"What are you gonna do?", Pedro asked.

"Beat the Oil Licker back to the 50's", replied Nick. "Are you coming ?"

"But...if you're fighting Ricky does that mean I have to beat other Greaseballs ?", asked Pedro.

"Will you be able to ?", asked Nick.

Pedro didn't reply, but continued to follow Nick outside and towards the Parking Lot. A group of Bullies looked at Pedro, grinning, and they would certainly have attacked him if Nick wasn't with him.  They entered the Autoshop area and approached fat Hal Esposito who was on his own, sitting on a wooden crate.

"Where's Ricky ?", asked Nick.

"What you need him for ?", asked Hal.

"I've been sent to help him out with some bicycles", lied Nick.

"Inside. He's fixing what that Prep bastard did to Lefty's bike", Hal said.

Nick approached the garage door and lifted it, followed by Pedro. Two Greasers, Ricky and Lucky were inside. They weren't laughing at Lefty's bike anymore. Instead, Ricky, the Clique's bicycle master, was replacing the handles. Lucky said hello to Nick, but he didn't react. He instead approached the bicycle Ricky was working on.

"Ricky", he called, but Ricky didn't reply. "Ricky!", he said, this time louder, but Ricky remained silent. Suddenly, Nick grabbed Lefty's bike with both of his hands, and tossed it aside with so much force it hit the wall.

"Man, what's your problem?", asked Ricky. "What do you want ?"

"I came to beat you up", said Nick.

"What for ?", asked Ricky.

"You know what for", Nick replied.  " After I'm done you're gonna go buy Pedro new sheets and a pillow."

"Oh, that...", said Ricky.

"Yeah, that", Nick deadpanned.

"I don’t wanna fight you.  You beat up Damon, Norton and Russell."  Ricky paused and suddenly realized he would lose respect if he didn’t fight.  He relented, “You don't use legs and we'll fight".

"Good enough for me", said Nick and took a Philly Shell boxing stance. "Come over here."

Ricky took the fighting stance too. As the fighters circled, Lucky split and returned with Peanut and some of the other Greasers to watch the fight.  Ricky made the first move, danced forward and swung a high kick to Nick, who effortlessly backstepped using his good footwork. Then, Nick attacked with a boxing punch combination, breaking Ricky's guard and ending with a overhand punch that knocked Ricky down to the floor, where he wallowed, clutching his head.

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