This is my newest tutorial hope you like it!
Open with notepad.
A = PedStat type name ---> it is the ped name,simple.
B = Id of pickup def ---> what the ped throws when knocked out
C = Likelihood of dropping an item ---> rate of throwing an item(100 = definite,0=no)
D = Vision Yaw (in degrees) ---> this is total yaw and not angle from facing direction
E = Vision Range (in metres) ---> ped vision is in metres ((feet / 3.3) + (inches * 0.0254))
F = Max Health ---> max health of ped(if changed in player it changes after he gets knocked)
G = Health regeneration rate ---> max regeneration of health during a certain timing
H = Fear ---> fearness of ped(doesn't work on player)
I = Chicken ---> boiled?
(doesn't work on player)
J = Attack Frequency ---> as it says
(doesn't work on player)
K = Bike Attack Frequency ---> same but on bike
L = Projectile Attack Accuracy ---> accuracy of ped when projectile
M = Projectile Attack Frequency ---> frequency of ped when projectile
O = Block Frequency ---> ped likelihood of blocking attacks
P = Evade Frequency --->ped likelihood of evading attacks
Q = Aggresion
R = Criminality ---> high values turn peds to criminals,low values turn peds to unreactive
S = Sprint Meter ---> ped running stamina
T = Character Class ---> ped can be classified as generic,striker,melee,ranged and grappler
U = Preferred Combat Zone ---> simple
V = Preferred Orientation ---> at which rotation the ped starts a fight
W = Animation Speed factor ---> Speed of animations(200 = double speed)
X = Zone Promote
Y = Special Meter
Z = Special Points
AA = Bike Cruise Speed
AB = Bike Top Speed
AC = Bike Wait Speed Bike Flee Distance
AD = Bike Catchup Distance
AE = Bike Wait Distance
AF = Bike Projectile Usage
AG = Damage Scale ---> this one maximizes something(i did more damage with hammers,thrown items,sticks etc. lol)
AH = Dive probability
AI = Tenacity ---> how hard a ped can be knocked(works on player too)
AJ = Evasion
AK = Bike Flee Speed
AL = Bike Follow Speed
AM = Bike Catchup Speed
AN = Grap1Reversal (Strikes) ---> resistance of ped to strikes
AO = Grap2Reversal (Grapples) ---> resistance of ped to grapples
AP = Night weapon ---> The Night Weapon requires a weapon for the ped to be armed
AQ = Bike Model Ped Can Ride
AR = Bike Model Ped Can Ride
AS = Bike Model Ped Can Ride
AT = Likelihood of having a weapon ---> How much the ped is likely to have a weapon
AU = Weapon slot 1: Type of melee/projectile
AV = Weapon slot 1: Amount of Ammo
AW = Weapon slot 1: Selection weight for melee/projectile weapon
AX = Weapon slot 1: Available after mission Weapon
AY = slot 2: Type of melee/projectile
AZ = Weapon slot 2: Amount of Ammo
BA = Weapon slot 2: Selection weight for melee/projectile weapon
BB = Weapon slot 2: Available after mission
BC = Weapon slot 3: Type of melee/projectile
BD = Weapon slot 3: Amount of Ammo
BE = Weapon slot 3: Selection weight for melee/projectile weapon
BF = Weapon slot 3: Available after mission
BG = Weapon slot 4: Type of melee/projectile
BH = Weapon slot 4: Amount of Ammo
BI = Weapon slot 4: Selection weight for melee/projectile weapon
BJ = Weapon slot 4: Available after mission
BK = Stun Resistance how resistant a ped is to stunning
BL = Ped can be knocked down (0=no, 1+=yes)
BM = Percent health at which the ped can be humiliated in combat
A health of 999 or 9999 or 30000 would be a great idea for the ped to be resistant on damage an survive MUCH more longer.And resistance is the ability of ped to restore his health(only in Bully but it's nice)Is the player unbeatable at 30000 HP?
Answer is
or NO.
Damage scale is almost unknown to me i did great damage with sticks,bricks,hammers etc. but
not with punches...
Here are the pickups for value B:
RBandBall Rubberband Ball
NerdBooksE books E
NerdBooks books A
NerdBooksB books B
NerdBooksC books C
NerdBooksD books D
leadpipe Johnny's pipe
supersling Super Sling Shot
slingshot Slingshot
cherryb Firecrackers made in chemistry
spudg Normal Spud Gun
SuperSpudG Super Spud Gun
brocketlauncher Bottle rocket launcher
eggproj Eggs
stinkbomb a stinkbomb
WCamera camera, not sure which one
spraycan spray paint can
W_PGun not sure what this is
apple an apple. anyone hungry?
bat Baseball bat
cricket Cricket bat
Polo Polo stick
twobyfour Two by four
Wmallet mallet
Billyclb a club,billy?
W_Crutch Crutch
poolcue Cue Stick
JBroom Janitor's broom
brick what else?
chshielda ShieldA
chshieldb ShieldB
chshieldc ShieldC
lid trashcan lid
Wtray Lunch Tray
Psheild shield
newsroll Rolled up newspaper
snowball Ball made of snow
monkeywrench idk
yardstick Yard stick
2handstick A stick
fireexting Fire Extinguisher
sledgehammer norton's Sledgehammer(strongest weapon in the entire game)
kickme a kick me sign
anibball a ball
bagmrbls Bag of marbles
Wdish Dish?
dec_plate Deck Plate
plantpot Pot for a plant
pvase_proj Tall Vase
snowshwl Snow Shovel
w_deadrat A dead rat
Wbrush Brush?
wftbomb Firecracker on football
wtrpipe water pipe Edgar uses
wtrpipeB Waterpipe B
wtrpipeC Waterpipe C
wtrpipeD Waterpipe D
W_Itch Itching Powder
W_Candy Candy box
WBALLOON Water Balloons what else?
Banana a healthy ready-to-be-eaten banana
sswhip gary's halloween whip
W_Fountain volcano 4000 firework
Thanks for viewing.