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Messages - sneakyguy12345

Pages: [1]
Bully 1 Discussion / New new bully roleplay
« on: September 05, 2009, 12:15:12 AM »
Name:Connor Shorts
Look:blonde hair and wears a yellow shirt and light blue jeans and skinny
Biorgaphy:Connor has been expelled from schools because of alot of pranks.
One time he put a firecracker in the deans toliet and he fell for it.
He would also sneak out at night and throw stinkbombs everwhere.
He always carrys a slingshot and is a really good marksman

Bully 1 Discussion / Can I still be in this RP?
« on: August 09, 2009, 10:52:20 PM »
Name:Connor shorts

Bio: Got expelled from alot of schools because he does alot of pranks in fact he loves pranks and ending up in bullworth, he tends to make alot of stink bombs and firecrackers and Icthing powder bombs and is really good at using the slingshot but cant last in a close quarters fight.

What he looks like: Wears a yellow shirt and light jeans and dyes his hair blonde and white shoes.

Weopons: Firecrackers and stink bombs and icthing powder bombs and slingshot

Personitaly: Really hyper and happy seems nice but behind that is a phyco prankster.

Clique: None


Enemies:None because he never got caught pranking all of the cliques

Girlfriend: None yet

Introduce Yourself / Hi everbody
« on: August 09, 2009, 10:23:58 PM »
My name is brian and just love video games and rpgs including bully. Im a couch potateo you can say, all I do really is sit around and I have a dog thats 10 years old his name is pal.

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