Introduce Yourself / Re: sup?
« on: March 30, 2012, 07:21:50 PM »
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-To not get caught in the Girls Dormitory
-To try and do kickups but always fail after 5 of them.
Did I do that right?
The first is ok.
It's more like say an action, like: 'to swim, to grab..' than to post events. But you can say 'go to the beach' 'to have a clubhouse'
- To get a hitchhiking (Is this expression correct? rsrs
- Do the 'cow dance'
There was a trainer for pc that allowed it but it has since been literally lost somewhere on the vast space called the internet.
Once I get the lua scripts decompiled....we should have plenty of things like no clipping and such for everyone's pleasure.
Rockstar can do stealth action gameplay really well, like in the Manhunt series. But in other games where they try to incorporate the same thing it usually falls flat completely.
I will poke around the exe assembly sources and see if I can spot anything that looks like command switches to enable windowed mode.
There is the possability tho that bully may not have that since not every game has that ability.