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Messages - NightShadow

Pages: [1]
Bully 1 Discussion / Gamepad not working well
« on: November 24, 2008, 07:35:16 AM »
I started playing bully on the ps2 and have found it to be very ergonomically created for the ps2 gamepad.

I have problems setting my ps2 gamepad as a controlling device though. The buttons work great its just the analog sticks that are causing trouble.

There doesnt seem to be a deadzone setting which allows me to prevent minor movements as being registered in the game.

Therefore, the gamepad constantly scrolls up or left in the menu before I'm able to adjust the other joystick assignments for it.

Does anyone understand what I'm going through? :)

Anyhow, it looks great with the higher resolution! :D

Bully 1 Discussion / Panty Raid music
« on: August 26, 2007, 12:51:09 AM »
never mind, I just went to the trouble of hooking my ps2 to my pc and recording straight from in game. Not perfect though. I forgot to turn off sound when I recorded the music so you could hear some ingame voices. But I decided not to rerecord because the voices give a nice touch, you could feel as if you were actually sneaking. Heehee.

Please, go on.

Bully 1 Discussion / Panty Raid music
« on: August 22, 2007, 05:08:15 AM »
Hi all. Am new here. Havent played the Panty Raid mission but I heard it here and I was wondering what it is officially called in the Bully Soundtrack. Which does not have 'Panty Raid' in its playlist.


 1. Bully Main Theme
 2. Here's To You Miss Philips
 3. Punishment
 4. Help Gary
 5. Comic Klepto
 6. Beach Rumble
 7. Chase Adult
 8. Chase Prefects
 9. Sneaking On A Date
10. Defender Of The Castle
11. Vendetta Nerds
12. Vendetta Greasers
13. Vendetta Preps
14. Cheating Time
15. Defend Bucky
16. Chase Police
17. Hattrick vs. Galloway
18. Shop Class
19. Russell In The Hole
20. Vendetta Jocks
21. Fighting Johnny Vincent
22. Vendetta Dropouts
23. Final Showdown
24. Carnival Date
25. School's Out
26. Welcome To Bullworth

Play Time:  59:02

thank you :)

Pages: [1]