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Messages - Harry Miste

Pages: [1]
I called up a Jock and a Greaser and started bashing through the library when a nerd came in (think it was Algie) with a freaking spud gun and started hitting them.
Needless to say, my two bodyguards were gone. Weak bastards.

Bullworth Experiences / The attack of the ghostly tagger!
« on: May 24, 2007, 06:20:05 AM »
Quote from: jimmysgirl;52164
Yar" By the way, vereything you bring up a dead forum, god beats a dead horse

Umm... but it's dead, right? Right? RIGHT?

Bullworth Experiences / The attack of the ghostly tagger!
« on: May 19, 2007, 07:29:11 AM »
Quote from: djrussell;52140
Yeah what are you talking about jimmysgirl?

If I'm correct, it was about a mysterious anti-Preppy tag that spawned out of thin air from Jimmysgirl's point of view.

Bully 1 Discussion / My Fanfiction (Untagged Spoilers)
« on: May 18, 2007, 05:40:01 AM »
Well, I ditched the "Escape the Prefects" Flash game and am now working on a fanfiction for Canis Canem Edit (holy, that's three fictions now).


A year has passed since the riot in Bullworth. Jimmy, now 16, takes two new students under his wing. Claude Smith (15), the younger brother of Jimmy's enemy, Gary Smith, even though he and Claude are complete opposites, and Claire Astor (15), a hot-blooded rebel kicked out of three schools for un-ladylike behaivour (being in a single sex school all this time). Throw in the beginning of a rivalry between Bullworth and a completely new school, Ocelot Academy, and things heat up even more.
Bullworth Academy: The same dump it was, rife with conflict. Did Jimmy slack at his duties, or is there something deeper to this story?
Ocelot Academy: A completely new school within the CCE universe, a history of vengeance against Bullworth. But why this academy? What has happened to warrant such a rivalry?
-Townies (not in any school, although has a truce with Bullworth)
-Skaters (Ocelot Academy exclusive)
-Goths (Bullworth Academy exclusive)
Jimmy Hopkins (16): A veteran with Bullworth, and an extremely awesome fighter.
Claude Smith (15): One of the new kids, younger brother of Gary Smith and a cool, calm, collected individual. What is he hiding?
Claire Astor (15): Hot-blooded, kicked out of schools like Jimmy, and the best when it comes to getting men to do her work. She is prone to romantic interests getting in the way of her problems.
Peter Kowalski (16): A good friend of Jimmy, and head of the school. Not the best fighter, but a tactical mind.
Leon Kennedy (17): The head of Ocelot Academy, and the Gary Smith of ToH (minus ADD). A selfish, scheming student, he may look fine on the outside, but he has his reasons for fueling the rivalry between Bullworth.
Jack Astor (15): Brother of Claire Astor, and an informant for Bullworth. He is in Ocelot Academy, and is not afraid to get into a fight.
The chapters will essentially be the missions, with sections known as 'Scenarios' being the chapters that Bully had.
SCENARIO NAMES (1-4 to not spoil for the 5th and 6th):
1: Is Est Vestri Schola (This Is Your School) [Deals with the transition with Claude and Claire to Bullworth]
2: Notitia 101 (Information 101) [The new trio of Claude, Claire and Jimmy must find news regarding Ocelot Academy]
3: A Novus Spes (A New Hope) [Jimmy screws up and brings Bullworth to it's knees, and it's up to the trio to unify the cliques before Ocelot Academy take advantage]
4: Infractus Pax (Broken Truce) [The mysterious attacks on Bullworth students point to the Townies, and a mini-war begins. But is it really them?]

Constructive critisicm needed.

Chapter 5 / Final Showdown
« on: April 25, 2007, 05:38:31 AM »

-Make it last longer, it took 5 minutes to beat the SOB.
-Make Gary tougher. Add a moveset with some tough moves, hell, even a duplicate of Jimmy's attacks and maybe some extra on the side.
-New and improved battle setting. Flaming ground and Jimmy/Gary fighting on a steel girder inbetween sounds cool.
-Chase is harder. Instead of the firecracker/concrete blocks/bells effects, add like exploding traps or marbles on the planks.
-Better speech. I dunno, the little speech was just crap IMO.

Bully 1 Discussion / Weird.........
« on: April 24, 2007, 07:06:34 PM »
Quote from: LadyLuckDoubt;43526
I think it's a glitch.

I had this guy appear in the Blue Balls save area (the Greaser one) near the bar- and I sort of went, "WTF?" and turned around, and he'd gone. Now that was spooky.

It was Matty.

Bully 1 Discussion / Other Cliques
« on: April 20, 2007, 11:41:21 PM »
Brainless - Russell-type students. Completely dumb, but with brawn the size'a Nebraska.
Teachers Pets - Self explanatory, although not technically Nerds, since they have an average intellect.
Sociopaths - Gary's clique of choice. Total freaks.

Bullworth Experiences / So anoying
« on: April 16, 2007, 02:51:35 AM »
Quote from: jimmysgirl;37477
I was dissapointed in complete mayhem. I adored that level, but i expcted the girls to be joining in, but they were all either running about screaming or no were to be seen.

There's a reason. You see, Rockstar's known as a controversial company, with titles like Manhunt and Grand Theft Auto to name a few. Bully/Canis Canem Edit was controversial way before it was released, and they didn't want to stoop so low as the girls fighting. However, if they were on your side, I guess it would elevate the reason by a tiny bit. Rockstar were merely covering their asses in fear of breaking out a moral outcry.
Wouldn't suprise me one bit if the girls didn't join in.

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