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Messages - captainCQCK

Pages: [1]
Quote from: Karen;44052
Here are the tracks of the Tenemants mission (I love them, too):

Thanks to GarySmith. :)

Jawooooooll!!!  GEILLL!!! :D :D :D

Thank you soooooo much! Both of you! ;)

By the way:

First Trailer of GTA IV is out!!!
4 everyone, who hasn't seen it yet or didn't even know it was coming

Check it out! ->

Yeah, please... would be great if someone could upload at least a Clip of it. I already looked at YouTube but couldn't find it.

So you mean, it's not from the Composer of the Soundtrack, Shawn Lee, right? Just from some band or so.

Quote from: Bully_Nut;43858
im gonna take a guess here....

the tenements?


It must be on the soundtrack then. Which it isn't...
See... ->

Yo guys,

does anyone know how the name of the song is, which is played once you come inside the big house where you have to find 5 items for Lola? I think the name of the mission is "Tenements".

I think, it was pretty fackin awesome but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be on the soundtrack.

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