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Messages - LadyLuckDoubt

Pages: [1] 2 3
Anti-Bully / Do you think it was too short?
« on: June 13, 2007, 10:52:28 PM »
Seconding/thirding/whatevering the "way too short" here.

Particularly given the richness of the world- there were SO many things they could have expanded upon or drawn out a bit longer.

Much as I adore it, the last chapter, where the Townies get introduced, seemed tacked on and with little explanation- and without the same intimacy, I guess- that the other chapters had. (For example, you help the other cliques with stuff. You don't really help the Townies with anything- it seemed out of character with the rest of the game, like they'd changed writers towards the end or something.)

Not to mention the characters- and all that beautiful city scenery- surely they could have utilised more of that!

Bully 1 Questions / wat chpater is ur favourite one
« on: June 13, 2007, 10:46:17 PM »
The final chapter, because I love the Townies and the whole industrial thing.

The third comes close for me, too- all the crazy love complications and seeing everyone in their snow gear is cute too.

Bully 1 Questions / What is/are your favorite mission(s)?
« on: June 13, 2007, 10:44:27 PM »
Smash It Up because Zoe is sheer awesome
Movie Tickets because Trent/Kirby is adorable in a teen angst sexual insecurity kinda way.
Revenge on Burton (I forget the exact title) because the plan is hilarious, and yay taking on sleazebag cretins. He totally gets what he deserves.

Bully 1 Discussion / Bully Characters in the future!
« on: June 12, 2007, 10:31:07 PM »
Speaking of TV stars...

Pedro had a growth spurt a couple of years afterwards, got really tall, and with that, confident. He's now a motivational speaker with a dodgy "life works" type organisation, and very influential.

Ted made it bigtime in football, then a drugs and sex scandal landed him in jail. He's now a petty crook who is less than C-grade famous- sorta a bad joke like Anna Nicole Smith/Michael Jackson/Paris Hilton/OJ Simpson/John Wayne Bobbitt. He's rumoured to be making a cameo appearance in the next installment of the Naked Gun movies.

Bully 1 Discussion / Bully Characters in the future!
« on: June 12, 2007, 02:22:42 AM »
Quote from: Chrissy;54538
When you said 'Chrissie' I thought you meant me.

I'm okay, really.

And your summation of Trent makes me think of the red ranger from Power Rangers. -coughs-

Ooops! Sorry hon. :blushes:

And... I never knew what happened to any of those Power Rangers actors. One of my friends in high school had a major thing for one of them, though, I can remember...

Bully 1 Questions / Snow Shovelling
« on: June 12, 2007, 02:21:14 AM »
Thankyou so much! It was seriously bugging me, not knowing. :)

Bully 1 Questions / Bucky's Rat
« on: June 12, 2007, 02:18:58 AM »
Quote from: Chrissy;54534
Where did you see this?

In the chunks of textage in the file that was placed up here in one of the other threads- if you comb through, there are bits of script which aren't spoken in-game.

It just seemed like canny timing that that was when Bucky's rat disappeared, too, so I put two and two together...

Well... in response to the first question: yeah, Mandy's a bitch, but there are other things suggesting she's hideously insecure.

I mean, she obviously values external appearances a lot, or at least sees them as making someone worth something. Maybe she feels that that's all she has going for her?

Furthermore- the eating disorder stuff. You don't hate yourself enough to starve yourself or feel so guilty about eating that you make yourself sick because you have wonderful self-esteem.

Finally- she's a bitch and a bully- as we've seen with her treatment of Beatrice. Beatrice is quite clearly WAY down on the social food chain, and isn't really competition for Mandy in terms of the things she values- such as looks, or getting attention from boys. Lola appears to be more on her level, right? Yet she won't directly take on Lola- she hits out at the weak kid who can't stand up for herself.

I mean, how many people bully others just to make themselves feel like bigger people? Looks like Mandy's one of them.

As for her confessing all to Jimmy: she felt down and out and depressed, and like the world hated her. Probably like she had nothing to lose. In that situation, I'm guessing you'd either be too tired to put on an act that you're some bitchy kind of confident person, or she just didn't care who saw her vulnerable side hanging out.

That's my theory, anyway.

Bully 1 Questions / Favourite music from fighting a clique?
« on: June 11, 2007, 10:44:02 AM »
Nerds' fight music.

Though my favourite music in the game is the stuff that plays in the Townies' hangout/savepoint once you've acquired it.

Bully 1 Questions / Bucky's Rat
« on: June 11, 2007, 10:41:04 AM »
I think the reference to Bucky's pet rat appears just after Halloween.

Having gone through the script which someone posted on one of the other threads here, I noticed there were lines about Gary having set up pranks to play- one of which included throwing a dead rat at a girl on Halloween night.

I'm assuming that Gary supplied the rat- or that you were meant to acquire it from somewhere, and was assuming that the day afterwards, Bucky noticed his pet missing. :(

Anyone else notice Edna talking about what she'd do if Jimmy didn't get the meat from Yum-Yum Market in time, and then the later bulletin board sign about Ms. Phillips' cat being lost? I assume that was a similar reference.

Bully 1 Questions / Snow Shovelling
« on: June 11, 2007, 10:37:19 AM »
In the stats section in the game, it mentions shovelling snow- which is obviously something only available in Love Makes the World Go 'Round...

The thing is, having just replayed that chapter- I can't find out where or how I shovel snow. I know it's not that important, but... I'm all curious.

Anyone care to enlighten me?

Bully 1 Discussion / Characteristics of Students.
« on: June 11, 2007, 05:18:04 AM »
- has extremely low confidence
- bullies other girls (probably to assert dominance/make herself feel better than she feels)
- judges people based on their appearance, probably because she's used to people doing that to her
- harbours special resentment towards the nerds (even before a certain incident in the game which I'm not mentioning because I don't want to spoiler anyone)
- is either bulimic or a purging anorexic
- seems to confuse popularity/being considered attractive with actually being liked by people
- wants to become a model
- worries about her reputation
- hates Lola, possibly because she's jealous of her (see point above- maybe she resents Lola for not caring that people think she's a slut?)
- freaks out when boys she likes kiss other boys (in other words, she's probably not a slash!writer. ;) )
- can actually fight when someone tries to take her on/annoys her

Bully 1 Discussion / Bully Characters in the future!
« on: June 11, 2007, 05:10:53 AM »
Some more/my ideas:

Constantinos: is a single writer, who pumps out bestsellers ala Bret Easton Ellis and Chuck Paluhniak- nihilistic stuff about the crappier side of humanity, with bittersweet irony and dark humour throughout. He lives in New York City in a crappy apartment that reminds him of the dorms at Bullworth, and still harbours feelings for Pinky.

Chrissie went on to do either fashion design or PR at uni, and has a fantastic job where she gossips about her colleagues, flirts with lots of men, and gets accused of hitting on people's significant others. She mightn't know pi to the third digit, but she can tell you exactly who designed your outfit, the name and phone number of the cute waiter serving you, and all about her boss' mistress and marital problems.

Trent went to Hollywood, and has a main part in a B-grade sci-fi series which is on late at night. His frantic lifestyle is catching up with him, he's not ageing well, and he still breaks out every now and then. He's due to appear on a Pro-Activ commercial, and as for his sexuality? He's happy for sex, whereever he gets it. He has a fanbase on the internet, though, and plenty of sci-fi fangirls/bois would happily shag him. He had a crystal meth problem and has been in and out of rehab, and the papers will every now and then run a report on his sexuality when it's a slow news day.

Bully 1 Discussion / I'm searching for Bully's news ...
« on: June 11, 2007, 05:01:48 AM »
That's awesome.

I wonder how many (if any) have guessed/come up with stuff that would rock that will appear in it (assuming it happens). :)

Bully 1 Discussion / My Fanfiction (Untagged Spoilers)
« on: June 11, 2007, 04:56:59 AM »
Um, are you on LJ? There are communities devoted to Bully/CCE there and there are a lot of fic writers/people offering to beta.

Can't really offer con-crit because all you've posted is the outline, though if you want some betaing done, drop me a line at jessfading at gmail dot com and I'll see what I can do. :)

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