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Could you make a video?
F_Evade = function()
PedSetStatsType(gPlayer, "STAT_P_BOXING_Bif")
local Ped = PedGetTargetPed(gPlayer)
if IsButtonPressed(15,0) and PedIsValid(Ped) then
PedSetAITree(gPlayer,"/Global/AI", "Act/AI.act")
PedAttack(gPlayer, Ped, 1)
PedSetFaction(gPlayer, 5)
PedOverrideStat(gPlayer, 12, 0)
PedOverrideStat(gPlayer, 8, 0)
PedOverrideStat(gPlayer, 13, 100)
PedSetAITree(gPlayer, "/Global/PlayerAI", "Act/PlayerAI.act")
PedMakeAmbient(gPlayer, false)
PedLockTarget(gPlayer, -1)
PedSetFaction(gPlayer, 13)
If I have learned something is that when you reveal how to do something or post the source code from one of your mods, then you will see the mod showroom/mod releases sections full of copy pastas of your mod (in rare cases crediting you). This isn't about modding skill or credit, this is about something called "creativity". You don't have to be Madman to make a unique mod.
About this mod, I know that there were player selectors released before this one (hence the name), but in this one I tried to make each ped as "complete" as possible, adding every action and making it bug free.
If someone really wants to make a selector like this follow this tutorial as I did: http://www.bully-board.com/index.php?topic=22170.0
It explains how to create a table, how to add things to it and how to select them via a coded menu.
That's what im doing e.eMake one that extracts any cat files from a push of a button.So it basically gives you everything in it? Couldn't you just HxD?
Some stuff are hidden from simple hex editing, this actually extracts the .cat's folders and files.
So it basically gives you everything in it? Couldn't you just HxD?
Dude is it neccesary to upload a video everytime you find a move (not to mention you are just copy pasting)? You even have your own section, you didn't have to create another thread.
Good thing you didn't do BOSS_Darby otherwise there would be at least 7 videos esch one with an updated move...
May make this happen in freeroam. BTW I got all J_Mascot moves, the REAL ones except for Dizzy Headbutt.
Also, I got a controllable J_Mascot kick, get on xfire if you want it.