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Messages - Homeless Prep

Pages: [1]
Bully 1 Discussion / Bully: Scholarship Edition Xbox 360 and Wii
« on: July 20, 2007, 12:36:03 PM »
I wouldn't mind buying an updated version of the game for the Wii to see how they handle the new controls. And wow, this is the first time I've been on these forums in a long time. I'm glad I came back, hopefully the new edition will bring more traffic to this site.

Bully 1 Discussion / I might get this game later.......
« on: November 11, 2006, 07:53:24 AM »
Your information was taken on a heavy heart :(

Bully 1 Discussion / bully the new gta?
« on: November 06, 2006, 02:29:17 AM »
Quote from: Grindcorecrustpunk;20686
What they need to do is ask you a shitload of questions before the game starts, and based on how you answer create a character. Then let you make the apperance of the character.

I think that's a good idea, but that the appearance should be randomnly generated to fit whatever clique you wish to join.

Bully 1 Discussion / Future Bully game wishlist
« on: November 06, 2006, 02:26:52 AM »
Quote from: ganjakiddj;20617
i disagree with the idea of a improved fighting system, i dont think of Bully as a fighting game, its was all about the atmosphere, its about the interactions you make and exploration. sure there should be fight but not to the extent of a brawler, make it realistic. Bully should not be about fighting but about defending urself afterall how many 15yolds u know are versed in that many forms of martial arts..

It's not about martial arts, it's about brawl/street fight type fighting. The current system wasn't very refined and hack n slashy. There needs to be more depth/ability from the fighting aspect. If not, it would be a shame.
Quote from: ganjakiddj;20617

As for the town, i think it has to be in it. though the game should be more strict on student leaving campus during school or curfew hours.  i think the gates should be locked after hrs and its up to u to find a sercret ways in and out to carry out missions...

I think that if there were to be a town it would be nearly impossible to explore. It would require planning/execution so that it's really an endgame thing.
Quote from: ganjakiddj;20617

i also think we should be able to move when in class, like sneeking out, throwing paper, just little pranks to be more interactive.

Those would probably get repetitive and uninteresting. I think the class system needs to be improved, but not like that.

Bully 1 Discussion / Future Bully game wishlist
« on: November 02, 2006, 04:57:47 PM »
First off, I think Jimmy is a sophomore because early in the game he says he is 15. He could've been a Freshman and been 15, but it happened early in the game so I assumed he was a second year.

Secondly, the problem with Bully is that it doesn't have a branching/faction based storyline. They should have it where you can actually pick which clique/storyline you want to do and have the world revolve around your decision.

Thirdly, I would like to see more time put into the combat. I would like to see weapons/attacks be more useful and precise like the boxing match fights. While I wouldn't want to add complexity to a brawl system I think it'd be better served to have a little bit more depth. Yakuza, a game somewhat similar to Bully, had an excellent fighting system that still retained a humorous/thug like style that I think the Bully creators wanted to make.

Finally, I would like the game to focus around the school only. The reason for that is because the City missions only added more places to visit and didn't really have a purpose other than to extend the game deeper. If you focus on the school you can put more secrets in the school and more events in the school and make the school a bigger part of the game. I wouldn't be opposed to finding a town late in the game, but only late in the game, and have it be difficult to get/explore because of school rules prohibiting it.

I also have some problems that I detailed in my thread "Problems with Bully" that I think are microo-problems that could be fixed to the overall Bully formula.

Bully 1 Discussion / Problems with Bully
« on: November 02, 2006, 04:45:34 PM »
Quote from: westphilly;20514
i no wot u mean i missed the egg guy so he randomly said "hey its the egg kid that was anoying

It really took away the immersion out of the game.

Bully 1 Discussion / Problems with Bully
« on: November 01, 2006, 06:22:44 AM »
I know there is a review thread dedicated to stuff somewhat similar to this, but I believe that this thread really stands out on its own. These are my faults with the game design in detail and not really a review more than a legit series of complaints.

1. The skateboard is very annoying. When you're crouched and you skim past it in your equip you go out of crouch mode, potentially damaging a stealth mission. This also hurts in combat, when you need a weapon yet are given the board. It's also annoying when you're running and cycling through your equip and it puts it on you even for a brief time (this effects things if you are being chased or running away). Finally, the two button push has allowed for several mistakes. Why not make a four button push only? That would take it out of the equip where it gets in the way and make it harder for one to make mistakes and equip it accidentally.

2. It's possible to skip cutscenes in the game by already having necessary things. The only example that I can think of was a mission where you were supposed to egg somebody's house. Now, if you already had eggs you were set and ready to go. However, you missed a cutscene because you already had the eggs you needed and therefore missed an interaction between a store clerk and Jimmy. This is not critical to the gameplay, but for the enjoyment it is immense as the cutscenes are very well written and one would like to see each and every cutscene available.

*I wouldn't be opposed to not seeing every cutscene if it were a branching storyline, but Bully was not a game with a branching storyline.

3. There were times when I was riding a bike and dropped off the bike because of a store or mission I wanted to do yet the bike was close to the marker and I couldn't get in and would instead get back on my bike. Why not have it so you walk into stores and missions and have one button that allows you to ride things/activate things? If you were escaping this would be especially handy because otherwise you might be tripped up when you intend to go to a store yet get on a bike.

4. In that same vein, sometimes in significant combat scenarios my character would do things that I wouldn't want it too. In the fight with the Townie leader, for instance, you have to pick up pipes and fight. I would run towards a pipe and press triangle while I was facing the pipe but the Townie was near me and my character would default to grabbing the Townie's pipe instead of the hanging pipe. Also, because that fight had you pressing the triangle button often, I would drop my pipe when I didn't intend to.

Here's a series of solutions for the problems that I have outlined:

Make the skateboard only equippable via a simultay four button press (L1, L2, R1, R2) and not part of the equip list.

Unless there is a branching storyline, make sure each and every cutscene is viewable. The writing in Bully is so good that you don't want to miss any of it.

Redo some of the buttons in the game: Instead of having one button for action, branch things out. Make running into stores/missions exactly that, where you physically move your character to the destination. Make one action button that activates things. Make a separate button do grappling moves, perhaps only eligible when you're locked on to a target. That would separate three different things that conflict with each other. The triangle button for all three has caused problems that shouldn't have happened.

Bully 1 Questions / Your thoughts on Gary??
« on: November 01, 2006, 05:56:22 AM »

I was satisfied when I knocked the prick down on his asshole that he calls a face. Gary was brilliant, hilarious, but mostly a bastard. When I finally smacked him down it gave me gratification like nothing else in the game.

I give props to Gary for being a deep and engaging character, I do not like him, however, and neither should anybody else. The dude is an ass.

And if Petey was so bad why was that Gary's only friend until Jimmy arrived? Petey is tight, helped defeat the greasers. Also, Petey is probably homosexual, but that doesn't make him a bad person.

Anti-Bully / Bully's boy-on-boy scenes
« on: November 01, 2006, 05:42:05 AM »
Since so much bullying is directed towards homosexuals I would love to see the heads of anti-bullying organizations defend their champion in this instance. Unfortunately, biased and ignorant media will neglect the stupid statement and only quote "appropriate" Jack Thompson soundbytes.

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