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Messages - Bully1337

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 18
TUTORIALS / Re: [PC][Tutorial]Import own model in game
« on: September 08, 2011, 04:49:45 PM »
I did this but I have no gamebryo or nif import

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: bullymod123
« on: September 08, 2011, 04:10:36 PM »
Did you change name to ide? Either that or you have a diffrent version

SO basically you know when people are fighting and walk around while fighting. Is there anyway how to do this with a fighting style without doing the watching a fight one?

Hmm it only seemend to work with JKKirby_FB anyone know why and how I can do it with all others?

Done it got the files from script and replaced with player..player and put player..player on JKKirby_FB on ide file

Yes but then I cant like talk to people normally.

For example look at this vid on this topic I want to do same as the guy who has done this with davis.

Yeah but lucky then will look wierd

For example like playing as Algie with jimmys style but have Algie's size. Or playing as russel with jimmy's style with russel's size. etc etc
Anyone know?

Bullworth Experiences / "This is for you skinny little puke!"
« on: September 05, 2011, 01:44:04 PM »
Simply funny.

Yeah :3
its my first remix i ever made ^^

i record this after i fight against the Derby version 2 with blocks and all^^

someone have msn?
I have it it is [email protected]

my version dont crash :O
What version you got?

hey i know this too^^ i play as ricky with jimmys style <3
only copy Player....Player......Huge thats all and paste in Ricky and same to jimmy ^^
I tried doing this it crashed :( You know why?
So anyone know how???

hey i know this too^^ i play as ricky with jimmys style <3
only copy Player....Player......Huge thats all and paste in Ricky and same to jimmy ^^
I tried doing this it crashed :( You know why?


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