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Messages - Rambo7

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Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Spawning Entity's
« on: November 03, 2015, 12:00:22 AM »
Yeah, I know JumpFun_Test,
But you can't do much thing with it, since that thing don't have any collision

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Spawning Entity's
« on: November 02, 2015, 01:36:11 PM »
See this cooldoc thread,

CreatePersistentEntity("ENTITY NAME", X,Y,Z, ROTATION, AREA CODE )
Entity name = you must search this from world.img
Rotation = from 0 - 360
for eg.
CreatePersistentEntity("ToolBox", 270, -110, 7, 180, 0)

Just a little suggestion, I think you should add story in it
Why should we save parker, what is the point of it

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey
« on: November 02, 2015, 06:05:05 AM »
Here's what I suggest you do to reach your goal.

1) Learn LUA 5.0.2 and practice it. LUA is a scripting language that Bully uses. It is NOT exclusive to Bully at all either, so you can easily practice it outside of Bully if you'd like. I actually suggest you do practice it outside of Bully first instead of skipping straight to Bully, but that's up to you. The version of LUA that Bully uses is a modified version of LUA 5.0.2. What I mean by "modified version" is that Rockstar did not include all the standard library functions that LUA 5.0.2 normally provides, and there is also some other minor things. This modified version of LUA 5.0.2 also only runs compiled scripts (normally LUA should be able to run from source as well), and you'll have to use a different compiler than the one that comes with LUA 5.0.2 to work with Bully. I will list below a link for downloading LUA 5.0.2. Inside of it you will find 2 files of interest, both inside of "bin". lua.exe and luac.exe. lua.exe will run a lua script (whether from source or compiled). luac.exe will compile a script, however remember that this is not the same compiler you should use for Bully. Use lua.exe and luac.exe with the command prompt so you can give lua/luac command line arguments. (If you don't know how to use the command prompt, you should definitely look that up)
 LUA 5.0.2:
 LUA 5.0.2 manual:

I actually never learn this part really well, though
BTW, I learn my Lua from this two Daboss thread, and it should not be that hard to understand for a new guy
But I guess, you just want to learn fighting style
so here it is: PedSetActionNode(gPlayer, ACTION NODE)
you can get the list of action node here

I do teach other type of modding too (skin modding), you can check it if you want, but most people never bother to learn skin modding btw

Mod Showroom / Re: [WIP] BULLY: ZAMBess (Zombies Ate My Bullworthless)
« on: November 01, 2015, 06:37:32 PM »

jk too

And BTW, the video was uploaded already
Check it out, but please note that you must play it on 720p or 1080p or else the video will look like crap
ps. It is because of my weak laptop & I actually play Bully on the lowest setting

Mod Showroom / [WIP] BULLY: ZAMBess (Zombies Ate My Bullworthless)
« on: October 31, 2015, 11:19:45 PM »
Ladies & Girls, this is my newest project:

BULLY: ZAMBess (Zombies Ate My Bullworthless)
Genre: Humorous fiction
Rating: Pegi 16+

Official Page: CLICK HERE

BTW, I have been working on this mod like for the last few months.
This mod is actually my little idea that I posted back then, to Swegta for his Bully: Zombie Edition, but the guy said that my idea is irrelevant with his mod (But after that day, I do still want this Bully: ZAMBess Mod)
But guess what?
Since I got some skills to develop a mod now, I am creating this mod myself

Basicly this mod is based on the classic SNES game called ZAMN (Zombies Ate My Neighbours), a mash up between zombies and other mythical creatures like werewolf, alien, chainsaw guy & etc (BTW google it, if you have no idea what this game really is, it is a fun game, but this game is actually really hard at some point)

So What is this Bully: ZAMBess?
  • Bully: ZAMBess is a mod that will combine Zombies and Bully Myth altogether
  • There will be a story in it
    Here is a little spoiler: The Town of Bullworth is fuked, and Jimmy will save Bullworth for once again, but this time it's not just from one psycho, but a whole nightmare. THE END
  • Jimmy will be the main character & the only survivor in the game, since he is the only one, that is capable to survive this whole nightmare apocalypse
  • There will be a lots of variation for the Zambess:
    • Brain Zambess: this is the weakest zambess of all, they are pretty harmless but their appearance are really digusting
    • Basic Zambess: this is the most common zambess, they will use the crazy fighting style (and there is a 3 level of this: student zambess [this the weakest basic zambess], townperson zambess [this zambess much more stronger, you can't grapple them], worker zambess [this is the strongest basic zambess, they will have lots of health])
    • Tanker Zambess: this zambess will rip your body apart (they will use damon fighting style)
    • Limb Zambess: this zambess use limb as a weapon
    • Rabies Zambess: this is doge zambess
    • Gorrilaz Zambess: RUSSEL SMASH!!!
    • Jason Voorhees: I think, I will add this dude in the game (since in the original ZAMN game, there is a chainsaw guy that looks like jason)
  • There will be a boss fight (The Bully Myth Monster)
    BTW I use this AronProd & DarkMythHunter as a reference for the Myth Monster in my mod (but I won't spoil about which myth will be in the game)
    Thanks for their great myth video
  • Zombie Theme Weapons: brain, head, skull, heart, hand, leg, skeleton, machete, double chainsaw, etc
  • There will be powerups, to make this game more insteresting
  • Lootable shop (all shop items will be $0), I now how to do this, but for now this is still impossible for me to mod
  • There will be  hunger & thirst system (just like the unturned), but I might scrap this idea though

Progess: I think this mod is 60% done
Release Date: When it is free of bugs & 100% Done
Video: Play it on 720p or 1080p or else the video will look like crap


Thank You List:
(Thanks for this Awesomely Kick-Ass Dudes for helping me out)
  • Lua Helper:
    (They help me, by answering tons of my lua questions)
    ps. I will give them the full credit for what they are helping me out, after this mod is fully done
  • Grammar Reviewer:
    (Help me, fix the grammar for my mod story)

Happy Halloween Guys!!!

Thanks & Have a Nice Day 8)

Mod Releases / Re: First Bully Trailer's Skateboard
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:56:05 PM »
Thanks for telling me I looked at Rambo's retexture guide also but I didn't get it all the way. I want to learn how to edit model's and import them though.
I never make any retexture tutorial,
I believe you must be referring to my "rigging tutorial", it's different from retexture
Here is one

Script Modding / Re: LUA Nodes
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:52:32 AM »
Does anyone know, the crazy bite grapple action node?
Here is the node I got from
Code: [Select]



and I had already put all of that on the Node-O-Matic, but I still can't find the crazy bite action node?
Here is the crazy bite node, but it is still not complete yet, the node after that /Medium/... is still missing
Any Idea guys?

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: Gerry Rosenthal Q&A
« on: September 21, 2015, 12:01:17 PM »
^ One day it will be released 8)

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: Gerry Rosenthal Q&A
« on: September 21, 2015, 03:39:21 AM »
It's really cool, to see that Gerry Rosenthal is willing to interact with all the Bully Fans Around The World, although all of us are represented by Swegta
He is a real humble person 8)

BTW, my question to him
-Is he still expecting Bully Sequel/ Bully 2 to come out?
-Is he still expecting Jimmy Hopkins to be the main character for Bully 2?
-Will he sound Jimmy once again?

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Pissing action node?
« on: September 20, 2015, 10:57:53 AM »
I use the legendary Node-O-Matic 3000 and go piss on the toilet
and the mod printed out this node, but it is actually not the full node
Just my lucky guess, on the last part of the node, which is

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Pissing action node?
« on: September 19, 2015, 02:38:32 PM »
found it

But there is something lack from that, there is no pee sound, and I have no idea where to find it
and please note if you use that anim there will be no pee coming out from jimmy pants
You can try to use the urinal and the toilet and change the camera, and you will notice that there is no pee coming out from his pants

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Pissing action node?
« on: September 18, 2015, 11:20:06 PM »
^ Already search it and I can only find this peeing own pants node

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Pissing action node?
« on: September 18, 2015, 09:05:20 PM »
this one that I can find but it didn't work too

Jimmy can pee in both urinal & toilet
already use the node o matic
In urinal, it didn't show anything, but in the toilet it show some node but there is cameras.act behind all the node, and it didn't work

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Pissing action node?
« on: September 18, 2015, 05:46:21 AM »
Sweg, did manage to find the pee action node?
Cause I need this too actually. but I only manage to find action node for peeing own pants

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