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Messages - eellliioottt123

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Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:55:58 PM »
I followed all your instructions and my game still crashes. Im unlucky  :-\

The video is uploading now, hopefully that will explain it better than I can.

Yea a Tut video would help alot :3
When I do it the game crashes,
 I think the sign of it working when the camera shakes up and down shown in the video before you transparent.

The video basically just shows where and when to jump so you get KO'd at the right time. I don't remember if the camera ever shakes up and down.

heh Do I need to get skins from streams for it to work or that wont matter?

What is streams? Another way of getting skins? I use imgtool. To answer your question, I'm not sure if you need to use their skin but I always have. Never tried it without.

Streams is the folder that contains the world.img (the img file with all the textures inside). I don't think it's really necesary because after all it's just a skin.
Oh. Can't believe I was stupid enough to forget that. It's probably not neccesary but I always use skins when I change Jimmy's model anyway.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:52:38 PM »
I followed all your instructions and my game still crashes. Im unlucky  :-\

The video is uploading now, hopefully that will explain it better than I can.

Yea a Tut video would help alot :3
When I do it the game crashes,
 I think the sign of it working when the camera shakes up and down shown in the video before you transparent.

The video basically just shows where and when to jump so you get KO'd at the right time. I don't remember if the camera ever shakes up and down.

heh Do I need to get skins from streams for it to work or that wont matter?

What is streams? Another way of getting skins? I use imgtool. To answer your question, I'm not sure if you need to use their skin but I always have. Never tried it without.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:46:50 PM »
I followed all your instructions and my game still crashes. Im unlucky  :-\

The video is uploading now, hopefully that will explain it better than I can.

Yea a Tut video would help alot :3
When I do it the game crashes,
 I think the sign of it working when the camera shakes up and down shown in the video before you transparent.

The video basically just shows where and when to jump so you get KO'd at the right time. I don't remember if the camera ever shakes up and down.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:40:43 PM »
I followed all your instructions and my game still crashes. Im unlucky  :-\

The video is uploading now, hopefully that will explain it better than I can.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:18:53 PM »
Did it work?

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 12:50:28 PM »
written tutorial

Here is exactly what I do to make it work
1. Completely become another character. This includes skin, fighting style, faction, AI.
2. Have a save file in the school
3. Load that file.
4. Get down to extremely low health near 3PM and stand on the second floor, near a ledge where you can drop to the first floor.
5. As soon as the clock hits 3 jump off and you will get knocked out.
6. Wait. Don't do anything, don't press anything, don't move the camera around etc.
7. You should become another character at around 4:00-4:15. If it doesn't work then repeat.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 12:42:08 PM »
ok can u give us a written tut then?

Makes me sound stupid, but what is a written tut?

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 12:31:48 PM »
plzzzzzzzzz now this is bugging us so much?

Right now I'm at a place with crappy internet with a 6 hour upload time. I'm not even staying here for 6 hours, so I can't.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 12:27:58 PM »
Got a video. It shows the whole thing and changes from Angie to Beatrice. I'll upload it later.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 12:17:11 PM »
Okay. It might take a while though.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 12:14:20 PM »
It might take a while to upload, but if you want I can record a video showing the whole thing.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 12:12:49 PM »
does it have to be exactly on 3pm coz i keep dying about half past or 4pm?

No. It can happen at other times but I know that, for me 3PM is the one that almost always works. If you're having trouble dying at the right time, get down to a tiny bit of health, then just when it gets to 3PM jump off a ledge.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 11:59:58 AM »
Well I've only had it working in the school. And I'm not sure if how you're KO'd has anything to do with it, I've had it work by jumping of a ledge and being busted. Jumping of a ledge at 3PM in the school is the most common way I get it to work though.

EDIT: I meant to put 3PM not 4PM

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 11:56:21 AM »
it crashed where were u when u got KO'D? i'm in the school?

I'm in the school. I get KO'd by jumping down a ledge.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Weird Glitch
« on: August 26, 2012, 11:51:45 AM »
I don't think the ide is related to this, with the exception of changing PLAYER1 to anything else.

I always get knocked out by someone seconds before 3 am. -.-

I will keep trying.  8)

If you want to be precise, get yourself down to minimum health and jump off a ledge.

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