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Messages - JessiLikesRainbows

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Bully 1 Questions / Movie
« on: July 02, 2009, 06:39:48 AM »
I think a live action Bully movie could be awesome but only if it was done right which might be very difficult. Getting the right actors and adapting the game's storyline to a good screenplay would be the two most important things.

But I do agree with --Peter--, though. A cartoon series would make more sense. It would be a lot more practical too. I don't know if it would be possible to get all the original voice actors, but I think that's the only way the show would be good!

Bully 1 Questions / Jimmys Mark
« on: July 02, 2009, 06:28:16 AM »
It's probably from a fight. There's also a scar on the back of his head by one of his ears, isn't there? He was expelled from every school he ever been to probably for fighting.

Then again, Jimmy comes from a hard homelife. Like Merilyn suggested, maybe abuse? Good Lord I hope not! That would be so depressing :( I don't know if that wouldn't really make sense though only because you don't know too much about Jimmy's homelife. The only thing you really know for sure is that he fights all the time!

Bully 1 Questions / do you think they should make...
« on: July 02, 2009, 06:13:51 AM »
Yes! I really think they should have. There are so many missions I'd love to play over! I don't understand why they didn't have a system like that. :(

Bully 1 Questions / Your Favorite Bullying/Humiliation Move
« on: June 28, 2009, 11:33:43 PM »
I love it when Jimmy grabs someone by the shirt and bitchslaps them! By far my favorite humilation move!

Bully 1 Questions / Johnny or Derby?
« on: June 28, 2009, 11:28:41 PM »
Holy crap, I'm the only whos voted for Johnny so far?
He's hot, lol! I like his voice for some reason. I just love the way he talks in general. Johnny FTW!
Derby is awesome too, don't get me wrong. He and Bif make me laugh. "I have a photograph." "Well you know what you can do with that, don't you? Hahahaha" XD

Bully 1 Questions / Bully: Pedophile Edition
« on: June 28, 2009, 11:22:14 PM »
I was talking to a friend the other day and he swore up and down that he was playing Bully and talked to one of the little girls when the kiss symbol showed up instead of the thumbs up symbol. And he was actually able to kiss her! He said his game froze up afterwards so it was just a glitch.

Has anyone else had this happen to them? Ever seen anyone else kissing a little girl or boy?

BTW, does anyone else find it creepy that you can pinch the little girls' butts? EW. Just EW.

WIN. So much win!
Dear Lord, I hope that happens to me someday! :D

I saw Peanut giving a swirly to an invisable student. I heard coughing, too. I wonder who it was...

Bully 1 Discussion / 200 things you have learnt from bully
« on: June 28, 2009, 11:04:45 PM »
23. When you give people packages, they store them in their bums.
24. Fortune Telling machines are jerks.
25. Steve Urkle has turned into a 15 year old high school student. (I'm talking about Cornelius!)

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Really weird dog glitch!
« on: June 20, 2009, 05:56:27 AM »
Watch and learn, young ones:

Has anyone else ever had this happen to them?

Bully 1 Questions / Kissing Preferences?
« on: June 16, 2009, 11:03:31 PM »
So who do you like making out with the most? It's a great way to get health, after all ;)

I personally like kissing Gord. "You're such a sentimentalist! Thank you!" "For me? Oh, you shouldn't have..." "That might have been slumming, but I liked it!" "Mm, I feel so deliciously dirty now!" He cracks me up so much!  

I also like kissing Duncan and Vance. As for girls I like kissing Zoe.

Bully 1 Questions / Garys Sweater
« on: June 16, 2009, 10:48:57 PM »
Quote from: Levarr;69619
Aight thank you for answering :)

OT: Its because i had bully for ps2 now i ordered it for xbox 360 and i forgot much..

No problem! ^^

Bully 2 Discussion / Bully 2 Wishlist
« on: June 14, 2009, 04:13:09 AM »
My bro and I were brainstorming today and we came up with some more ideas:

-There should be one new kid added to each clique.
--A new girl added to the Nerds. I think she should be super-hot, but still totally Nerdy!
--A new girl added to the Jocks. Maybe a super-butch, football-playing, bull-dyke that hits on Mandy and is considered "just one of the guys" by the rest of the team.
--A new leader for the Preps. Since Derby is probably a Senior and is graduated, a Freshman comes to Bullworth and proves to the rest of them that hes tough enough and badass enough to lead them.
--A new girl added to the Greasers. Someone that Lola can fight with constantly and have a whore-off with XD
--A new person added the the Bullys. We couldn't really decided if it should be a boy or a girl. The first female Bully could be interesting, but we've already added so many girls that I don't want to get repetitive.

-Have only one new clique: The Emo/Vampire clique. Kids are so emotional in high school, lol! Plus we all know how popular "Twilight" has gotten...
--Have three all ready existing characters join the Emo/Vamp clique because they're so insecure and feel like these are the only people who would understand them. We were thinking it should be Earnest (since being let down by Gary was probably the last straw for him), Tad (since his daddy beats him), and Constantinos (since no one likes his 'cause hes an effing douchebag).
--The other two clique characters could be new kids - a black guy and a girl.

-Petey should have a temporary love interest!
--Petey needs to date someone for a short time. DEFINITELY A GUY. I don't know who, but Petey needs a boyfriend!

-Have a little lesbianism.
--Let's see, there's Trent and Kirby's movie date, Cornelius' role as Juliet in the school play, Petey's pink shirt and suggestion that Jimmy becomes a male stipper, Troy's more than friendly comments about Russell, the occasional gay Townie couples, and Jimmy's ability to kiss six guys in the game. There's all this gayness, but where's the lesbianism? Even just a little? Honestly, it doesn't make sense to me.
--Personally, I'd love to see a mission similar to "Movie Tickets" where you briefly see a lesbian couple out on a date. Maybe Angie and Christy? Pinky and Mandy? How about Lola and Pinky? (HOT)

-The return of Gary!
--Here's how I see the return of Gary: Since he got expelled he got sent to Happy Volts. But over the summer he got "better" enough to get out and move on with his life. So for the first couple chapters in the game you wouldn't see him since he wouldn't be in school (he'd probably be home-schooled now). The first time you'd see him would be in the chapter where you finally get to go into town. I think Jimmy should have a short re-introduction with Gary before doing a mission (not nesessarly a mission for Gary) where you see him very passive and almost vegetable-like because of all the meds he's on.
--Then at some point in the game you find Gary in an ally somewhere freaking out and extremely desperate because he lost a couple bottles of meds and is so addicted to them that he begs you for your help, almost on the verge of tears. Jimmy, being the good guy that he is, helps him out despite the fact that they hate each other.
--After that point, I'm not sure how Gary should be involved in the story. Maybe he and Jimmy can't find his meds so he turns into a total phsyco again from being off them? IDK.

There you go. We'll probably come up with some more ideas later.

Bully 1 Questions / pls help and tell me
« on: June 14, 2009, 03:15:37 AM »
Quote from: yogurtsever;69548
thank u

You're very welcome ^^

Bully 1 Questions / Garys Sweater
« on: June 14, 2009, 03:13:33 AM »
As far as I know you can't. It's not in any of the three shops in town or the school shop. So sorry :(

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