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Messages - Pete Kowalski

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Community Stories / Re: Bullworth: The 14 Hour War Fan Fiction
« on: April 01, 2013, 02:44:52 AM »
            The Bullworth Knights

Jimmy: Algie get on the ground now!!!
Jimmy takes out his pistol and guns down the opposing team.
Jimmy give algie a glock to attack against the "Bullworth Busters"
Algie kept missing when attacking one of them. Jimmy killed the enemy instantly.
Jimmy: Algie, you need to get back to the school, anyone in the city is in grave danger!
Algie: Jimmy what happened!!! There's sandbags, army tanks, dead people, and opposing teens?
Jimmy: While you were knocked out the clerk let me free, He forced me to stab you in the brains, but I resisted and killed him instantly. I cut the ropes that held you and ran for the door, When I left, The city was how it was before we got knocked out, it got intense once the townies started gunning down the cops, the army came and failed, the townies changed their name to Bullworth Busters and started killing citizens, I was armed with a Desert Eagle from Petey and then We got ambushed, Petey was shot...
Petey: Jimmy! I think I'm done for!!!
Jimmy: You can't die on me Pete!
Petey: The bullet wound is too deep, everything is turning black and white!
Jimmy looked around and saw a first aid kid next to a dead citizen.
Jimmy healed Petey and Petey had to be carried from Jimmy and Algie...
Algie: Lets bring him into that cop car, they left their keys in it!
Jimmy: I hope I can drive properly!
Algie: It's like riding a bike Jim!
Jimmy: Erm no it's not...
Algie: What about a gokart?
Jimmy: True...
Jimmy and Algie made it to The school...

Algie: The School... It's B-Broken!!!
Jimmy: I can't Believe it!!!
Petey: I-I know how it happened.
Petey: When you guys disappeared, Some Dropouts came and threw some C4 at the walls, they blew it, and all of them died... Luckily they didn't reach the closer to us, or else this war would end in Dropout victory!
Algie: Oh man *cries*
Jimmy: What's wrong Algie?
Algie: Thanks to me I've had like 200 people die because of some stupid cookies and milk!! *sobbing*
Gary: Jimmy!
Gary: Jimmy, I'm so sorry!!!
Gary: I stopped taking my meds, it was all my fault!
Jimmy: What?
Gary: I knocked both of you senseless because I thought you wanted to kill me.
Jimmy: I'll rip you limb from l-
Algie and a Injured Petey keep Jimmy from beating Gary.
Gary: You can't go here either! The dropouts killed Crabblesnitch!
Algie,Jimmy, and Petey: What!?
Gary: Just Kidding! But Seriously the Dropouts could do that any minute!
Gary: The Dorms, and the Gym are the only safe places.
Algie: What about the library?
Gary: Its FILLED with Dropouts...
Algie: Can't we gun them down?
Gary: There's too much.
Jimmy: Are the prefects guarding?
Gary: Yes, they have no choice, They are the Bullworth Elites...
Petey: Yes, they guard the place with mounted m60s.
Algie: I hope my friends are still alive!
Gary: Algie, everyone is alive...
Gary: Even your mom...
Algie: Can I see them?
Gary: They're in their dorm room playing video games...
The 4 Heroes Go towards the Nerds dorm room and this happens.
Thad Carrying a Winchester 1867 opens the door surprised to see someone who Isn't bad...
Thad: Algie? Jimmy!
Thad: My god, how did you survive that and what happened?
Jimmy: It was the Townies, they threw an attack at the army and won, Bullworth Academy needs to kill those wretched sociopaths!
Bucky: We are all armed with Winchesters...
Jimmy: How'd you guys get those?
Bucky: When we went to Ammunation, The clerk died of a heart attack, we realized this war could be Bullworth victory If we use those...
Donald: In fact all the cliques are armed...
Earnest: You'll need alot of backup if you want to kill the Dropouts... We are instantly on your side...
Fatty Leaves with the 4 Heroes.
Fatty: I know someone who can really help us!
All 5 of them: RUSSELL!!!
Petey: He's in the Bully dorm room,
Russell opens the door carrying a minigun.
Algie: Russell we need you...
Russell: Russell hates Dropouts!!!
Russell: Russell Is in...
Petey: We'll need Derby and Bif
Russell: They live at Harrington House, Russell seed it's not broken.
The 6 people head to harrington house and recruit Derby and Bif
Derby was wielding a magnum 357, Bif was carrying a m4a1 Carbine...
Derby: We need those Greasebags to help us...
Bif: Sadly, It's true...
The 8 people head to the gym and they recruit Johnny and Norton
Johnny was wielding a luger 9mm
Norton was wielding a sledgehammer...
Norton: We need those Jock scumbags...
Thad: Can't believe they'll probably help us...
The 10 people asked every jock, they all said yes...
They had 19 people.
The jocks didn't use weapons they would beat the living crap out of those townies...
They named themselves the Bullworth Knights...

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: Hallways Of Bullwoeth
« on: March 31, 2013, 10:18:56 PM »
Only Strange glitch I USUALLY find is Damon floating and giving nobody a swirlie, *Oh god call an exorcist for that man*

Community Stories / Re: Bullworth: The 14 Hour War Fan Fiction
« on: March 31, 2013, 10:06:20 PM »
                 The Time Has Come

When Gary headed to the school after being chased, He saw Algie alive and popular. He was really, really, REALLY confused.

Gary: Algie how the %$&* did you remain alive?
Algie: Watch the language sis...
Gary: You moron its bro...
Algie: What ever Cat, It looks like the town is having a riot...
Algie: Its a long and boring story but I'll tell you...
*One Boring Story Later*
Gary: So that's how it happened...
Seth: Is that Gary? GARY!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!
Gary: Because the asylum... Let me free Yeah!!
Seth: Whatever...

Day 3 Since the Incident

School PA: Algernon Papadopoulos, report to the main office...

Crabblesnitch: Mr.Papadopoulos, you seem to have survived a cannibal attack correct?
Algie: Yes Headmaster...
Crabblesnitch: Well thanks to your reporting, we have banned Yum Yum market goods... Better warn the Cook.
*Algie leaves and has a crazy idea.*

*thinking* I should start a riot IN the school! *stops thinking*

Algie spreads rumors to all clique leaders that they should start a riot to stop homework everyone liked the idea. But it wasn't good enough to spark it. He needed a better idea, stopping classes officially. Everyone agreed and started the riot.

Day 1 Since the School riot

Jimmy: What the hell happened algie? Why is everyone fighting?
Algie: Because Jimmy, If I can start a riot in the city.... I can start a riot here.
Jimmy: You moron! People are getting mercilessly beaten up or even killed just because of a stupid cannibal!?
Algie: You don't get it Jimmy... The townspeople have treated us like crap, trashed us, gossiped about you...
Jimmy: What? Oh boy... We need to get to that shopkeeper!
Algie: There's no way out... The military blocked us from leaving or going in the school...
Jimmy: Well... I've heard that scumbag Gary is here, he had bolt cutters we can take it from him.
Algie: Don't even try Jim, Gary locked himself in his dorm room to keep away from rioters.
Jimmy: I used to be friends with him, and I've beaten him he should not underestimate me.

*Jimmy and Algie make it to Gary's room*

Gary talking to himself: Better safe than sorry,BETTER safe than sorry,BETTER SAFE than sorry, BETTER SAFE THAN sorry, BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY!!!
*Jimmy knocks on Gary's door*
Gary: Who's there!
Jimmy: Its me
Gary: Oh the MORON...
Jimmy: Gary come on we don't have time, I'll pay you if you let us in...
Gary: Fine...
Gary: Don't let peestain in, he'll mark the carpet!
Jimmy: Let him in... We need him.
Gary: Algie! Stay OUT!!!
Jimmy closes the door and talks about the riots...
Gary: Right... My bolt cutters are broken...
Jimmy: Gary...
Gary: Okay fine it's in the closet.
Jimmy gets the boltcutters but gets stopped by Gary...

Gary: You don't leave moron!
Gary snaps Jimmy's neck and puts him in critical condition.
Gary came up to Algie and beat Algie senseless with the bolt cutters.

Gary puts both their bodies in the shopkeeper's meat locker.

Jimmy wakes up half-conscious and sees the shopkeeper getting his Knife, and then Jimmy passes out again.

Algie wakes up fully conscious and sees the shopkeeper dead on the floor. Algie sees Jimmy had escaped. Algie realized he was free too. Algie looked outside and saw the place worse than it was before Him and Jimmy got knocked out. He looked around and saw the Army shooting down "Bullworth Militas"

Algie read the tag on one of their uniforms and he said "Bullworth Militas"?

Community Stories / Bullworth: The 14 Hour War Fan Fiction
« on: March 31, 2013, 09:37:08 PM »
                   The Beginning of the End

*Before* Algie was at yum yum market getting some cookies and milk when he saw The
Shopkeeper doing something in the meat locker. Algie clumsily looked inside and saw him eating human meat. Algie tried to escape the cannibal but was caught and no one heard of him until then.

After Algie disappearing in yum yum market Fatty claimed he heard Algie screaming like a girl, this is what he told his friends "I was waiting for Algie to bring me some of the cookies, when I heard a ear-piercing scream, nobody was around and I was to scared to check inside so I ran into the comic shop and told Zach he didn't believe me." Bucky replied with "If algie walked into the market and didn't come back what do you think made him scream and not come out?" Thad replied in a jittery voice "Guys, I think the clerk a-ate Algie!" Fatty said "No way! We need to check this out when the clerk leaves!"

12:00 PM

Bucky: West Side clear Check East Agent Fat
Fatty: East Side clear Check North Agent Thad
Thad: North Side clear Check South Agent Corn
Cornelius: South Side Is NOT clear! There's Blood everywhere!!!
Bucky,Fatty, and Thad: What!?!

*The 3 nerds scramble to the back of the store and see Algie's Glasses*
Bucky: I-Is that Algie's Circle Glasses?
Thad: It says "The Property of Algernon P."
Fatty: There's even more blood in the storage room!
*The 4 Nerds went into the storage and saw something crazy*
Algie: H-Help me!
Fatty: Algie! Your alive!
Algie: Wait, I'm still alive?
Bucky: Why are your glasses off?
Algie: The clerk wanted to make sure I didn't know who was coming.
Cornelius: Put them on.
*Algie puts on the glasses*
Algie: I'm Trapped!
Bucky: No worries! I have a pair of scissors!
*Bucky Frees Algie and they leave*

8:00 AM

Algie: I told my mom about the Incident, she started a mob against yum yum market stores!
Melvin: Wait a second, Everyone thought you were Dead!
Algie: I did too...
Ted: Hey Algie usually I'd bully you, but I'll let you live, what the hell happened in that store?
Algie: Well, When I was going to buy some food, The Clerk was eating a dead body, He grabbed me and tied me to a chair, I blacked out until I saw Bucky,Thad,Cornelius, and Fatty come in.
Ted: 'Kay I tell Everyone about that.

9:00 AM (During the mob rages)

Cop 1: Citizens calm down! The disappearance of these people do not kill everyone!
Citizen 1: You moron! It affects everyone!
All Citizens: YEAH!!!!
Citizen 2: We should tear down those hell holes called convenience stores!!!
All Citizens: Yeah!!!
Citizen 3: Citizens of Bullworth! Attack!!!
*Then the riot sparked*


*Gary Is in his cell reading outdated comic books and news*
Gary: Algie disappears in a meat locker?
Theo: I'm surprised you're reading something new...
Gary: Theo, I don't belong here, I'm a genius, and geniuses don't need permanent time in the mad house!
Theo: In your dreams boy...
Gary: *Thinking* I hope I still have those bolt cutters! *stops thinking*
Gary picks up a pair of bolt cutters from under his bed.
Gary: YES!!!
Theo: Smith! Quiet down!
Gary: What ever...
*Gary breaks him self out of his cell and sneaks for the exit*
Asylum PA: Gary Smith please return to your cell, or extermination will begin...
*Gary ends up in the hall way trapped*
Theo and Jason: Gary! Get back in your cell this instant!!!
Gary: NO!!!
*Gary sees the entrance to the scary parts of the asylum and is in the morgue*
Theo: Damn kids, he's lucky I'm scared of that place!
Gary: I've never seen these people...
Gary: Forget it I'm leaving...

After Gary leaves the asylum a huge amount of REAL crazies leave and roam the city during the riots.

*Author's Notes: I know My Title seems like a ripoff from Evolution's Bullworth: Zombie Fanfic
But The main story has a different twist.

Requests Archive / Re: Damon's Boss Style In Freeroam
« on: March 31, 2013, 08:12:13 PM »
Yeah, I'll need help, I know I need to replace it with that but it crashes, respond if you can.

NES Archive / Re: Character Revenge
« on: March 31, 2013, 07:56:16 PM »
XD They sure look angry

Requests Archive / Damon's Boss Style In Freeroam
« on: March 31, 2013, 07:09:04 PM »
This is the last time I'll ever need to ask, and I apologize for being such a burden for mods but I can't get Damon to appear with his Boss Style It always crashes, I know how to get the others with their Boss Styles and it works, but That's not the case with Damon, When I look on youtube all I see is people showing off and making no description whatsoever how to do that. (FYI When I say Damon's Boss Style In Freeroam I mean Damon picking you up and throwing you...) Can you send a tutorial or something

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Bully 2 Prank Ideas
« on: March 31, 2013, 07:01:10 PM »
Tile Buttering, This would be a Great one against Edna
Covering Toilets with saran wrap
Whoopee Cushions on chairs or beds
Atomic Wedgies
Fake Money for Useful Items from Sales people (Ex. Fatty Selling Stink Bombs)

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Boss Styles RESPOND PLEASE :(
« on: March 31, 2013, 03:20:54 PM »
thx  ;)

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Boss Styles RESPOND PLEASE :(
« on: March 31, 2013, 03:08:16 PM »
I would like that very much  :D

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Boss Styles RESPOND PLEASE :(
« on: March 31, 2013, 02:54:09 PM »
I have no idea how to lua script...

Mod Releases Archive / Re: Lefty Skin
« on: March 31, 2013, 02:56:30 AM »
Whoever thinks Megaupload is still up must be under a rock or never heard of Sopa aka

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Boss Styles RESPOND PLEASE :(
« on: March 31, 2013, 01:38:16 AM »
Okay, I REALLY need to know how to use boss styles, It's hard modding for the player, its hard modding for npcs... The Ultimate Modding Thread didn't help me one bit. All it said was type it in... I use HxD it's one of those programs that Destroy what I type next to... Even when I do get that to happen what happens? It crashes. Please give a better Description I can't  stand seeing things people do that I can't. Please respond  :(

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: 2000 things you have learned from Bully
« on: March 31, 2013, 01:28:08 AM »
1379: Putting on a mask or hat automatically makes you bald *fuck logic*
1380: Jimmy doesn't have armpit hairs. *I know gross that I bring that up*
1381: Nobody Likes Ray.
1382: Fatty is a Pisces therefore, he's sensitive.
1383: Troy is in love with Russell.
1384: Mandy likes Russell.
1385: The posters of the freaks in the freak show look better than the actual people, except for Drew the painted man.
1386: The midget wrestlers in the Freakshow are forever fighting. The Siamese sisters are forever hitting each other, The painted man is forever banging on the glass that happily traps him, The Mermaid forever blows a kiss to the people, the skeleton man is forever smoking and the ugly woman is forever eating nachos and watching a blank screen.
1387: Bucky is not a momma's boy but a granny's boy.
1388: The Dorky Comic book shopkeeper can't throw a punch.
1389: Jimmy can throw a brick like its a piece of paper.

Community Stories / Bully 2: The Fall Of Jimmy
« on: March 31, 2013, 12:39:10 AM »
                                                       Bully 2

Chapter 1: The Most Popular Student
Main CharactersFrancois Perez (Player)
Jimmy Hopkins (Antagonist)
Gary Smith ( Francois' Guardian )
Peter Kowalski ( 2nd Antagonist)

Francois' Father: Francois, you are Going to Bullworth, Every other school you go to ends up being destroyed or abandoned.
Francois: Bullworth? That sounds like the most stupid name for a city ever.
Francois' Mother: Francois, No matter what you are going to that school. We are rich enough to keep you there, Dr.Crabblesnitch says that the school is the most tough of any in this entire country.
Francois: Crabblesnitch?! *laughs out loud*
Francois' Father: I hope you know we are keeping you at Bullworth until you are Eighteen...
Francois: What? It's a boarding school?
Francois' Mother: Yes and we are right in front of it...
Intro Ends

Francois: Oh great I get to go to a school with a clown named Crabblesnitch *chuckles*...
Algernon: Who are you?
Francois: The real question is who are you? And you should zip up your shorts. Sicko...
Algernon: Me? I'm Algernon but my friends call me Algie...
Seth: Algie get to class right now!!!
Algernon: Okay, Okay!
Seth: And you, who are you?
Francois: I'm Francois Perez, I went here because I was forced to.
Seth: Get to Crabblesnitch's office, he'll talk to you about the school quarters.
*cutscene ends and another one starts*
Jimmy: Who's this throwback?
Petey: I don't know but he's small isn't he?
Jimmy: Yeah, hey you small kid over here!
Francois: Who are you?
Jimmy: Did this dork just say who am I?
Pete: What are you deaf I heard it from here.
Francois: I know you, your that Hopkins boy who was expelled from my first school.
Jimmy: Wow this dork has a functioning brain!
Edward: James! Get to class this instant you too Peter!
Francois: *running to Crabblesnitch's office*
*cutscene ends and another one starts*
Crabblesnitch: You must be Perez, correct?
Francois: That's my LAST name.
Crabblesnitch: I know...
Francois: This guard-like person told me to go here, can I check out the school quarters?
Crabblesnitch: What's keeping you from doing that?
Francois: Nothing, just nice to meet you.
Crabblesnitch: You too.

Chapter 1 Speech from Francois- This place is incredibly stupid, we have these weird guys in leather jackets, tiny wimps in green shirts, stuck-up turds in cyan vests and Steroid using gorillas in giant vests. Plus a clown named Crabblesnitch. I bet this place can't put up a good fight. I'll see if I can learn to like this place.

Seth: You, Francois! Get the uniform on right now!

Constantinos: Hey you Francois, I heard you can't even kill a germ! I'm going to kill you!

*Fight scene starts*
Shift- Jab
Shift+Jump- Uppercut
Shift+Crouch- Groin Jab
Alt- Light Kick
Alt+Jump- Medium Kick
Alt+Crouch- Groin Kick
R- Grab
R+Shift- Heavy Stomach Punch
R+Holding Shift for 3 Seconds- Pile Driver
R+Crouch- Choke
R+Holding Crouch for 3 Seconds- Chokehold lift
*After Beating up Constantinos Francois Taunts Him*
*Jimmy sees Constantinos Beaten up and Charges at Francois*
*All 4 Prefects come and Bust Jimmy and give Francois a final warning to put on the uniform.*

Mission 1: The First Day Of School

*Francois walks through the hallways and sees Algernon getting mercilessly bullied.*
Tom: Hey, Algie looks like you want to eat another Toilet Deodorant!
Algernon: No Tom! Leave me alone! My Mom will be sad!!!
Francois: Hey Tom leave that Dude alone!
Tom: Looks like its a double toilet deodorant eating!
Francois: Looks like my 2nd Fight that I'm going to win!
*Cutscene ends and All Bullies fight Francois*
Russell: Russell HATES NEW KIDS!!!!!!!!
*Russell Beats up Algie and forces Francois to pay 100$ for his "Russell Tax"*
Russell: Stupid ants with no money!
Algernon: I want to go home...
Francois: Those people are Just Big Bullies.
To Be Continued...

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