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Messages - JessiLikesRainbows

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Bullworth Experiences / Women holding hands?
« on: August 16, 2009, 11:01:19 PM »
Quote from: Mercury;70905
I wish Zoe and Pinky could kiss... ;)

I second that! :D

Quote from: CHUCKX53;70918
Maybe not having any girls or women kiss is because it would have been TOO sexual

Good point. Usually men kissing is looked at in a funny or gross light, like you said, so it was easier to include it in the game.

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Dream Code
« on: August 16, 2009, 10:42:41 PM »
Quote from: CHUCKX53;70897
I can already kick everybody's ass, so for me the dream code would be to be able to gain access to all the areas that Jimmy can't get into...........


I take back what I said about my dream code, this would be way more awesome. :D

Quote from: CHUCKX53;70899
Another chilling thing Angie says is "I hope you go to PRISON"......:mad:

... I'm official scared of Angie now :shock:

Here's yet another unexpected Bucky moment: I overheard Melvin ask him something (I forget what) and Bucky said, "That's OK, 'cause I don't like girls anyway." Goes to show you that Bullworth is much more gay that any of us thought possible.

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Dream Code
« on: August 15, 2009, 11:20:08 PM »
Quote from: BullyNr○1;69148
my dream code would be to be able to steel a car or moto


And like other people have said, an amazing cheat would be able to play as other characters. I'd play as Pedro and kick the Bully's asses!

But I think that my dream code would be the ability to kiss any character you want. Pair that with being able to change characters and you could have some really hysterical couples.

Quote from: Mike_W;70871
When I looked back it was just Vance in a Pirate costume, no doubt one of his fetishes or something, so needless to say I was pissed that he scared me and kicked his sorry ass.

That was Vance?? Good Lord, shows how much I pay attention.

I had a couple more great, unexpected moments today. I was walking around in front of the Library when I heard Bucky say to Beatrice, "Not trying to be weird, but did you do stuff with Mandy? She has cooties, I hope not." To which Beatrice replied, "Yes, of course!" OH YEAH, Mandy got it on with Beatrice XD

Later I heard Bucky ask Algie the same question. His answer? "Just once."

Oh Mandy, you ho-bag.

WARNING!! The following may contain spoilers!

What is the most unexpected moment you've ever experienced in Bully? A strange thing someone said to you, a weird conversation you overheard, a shoking turn in the story, anything but glitches.

An unexpected moment for me was when I decided to turn off the TV to piss off Melvin, who was watching it. When my back was still turned he sweep-kicked me and said, "Haha! Suck on that, NOOB!" Needless to say, I kicked his ass.

Another one was when I beat the shit out of Angie for making out with Gord at the make-out point. While she was rolling in pain on the ground she said to me, in a very out-of-character voice, "You may be tough now, but you'll come to a BAD end." It really creeped me out.

Among many other unexpected moments, the last one I'm gonna mention is getting expelled. Call me dumb, but I didn't see it coming until it hit me right on the nose!

Please share your most unexpected Bully moments!

Introduce Yourself / Late introduction is late.
« on: August 14, 2009, 02:43:33 PM »
Quote from: Chrissy;70825
I thought I commented on here ...


Wull herro to you too! :D

Quote from: CHUCKX53;70698
Why, Thanks Jessi -- You're a real sweetheart.....

Aw, thank you so much! You're very sweet yourself :)

Bucky, after deciding in High School that one wrist watch was never enough, moved to Sweden and now owns a small but successful pocket and wrist watch shop.

Bullworth Experiences / Driving A Scooter THROUGH A Cop Car
« on: August 08, 2009, 08:43:17 PM »
... and Jimmy lives to fight another day.
I've just learned not to trust cop cars these days. One time I tried to jump onto a parked cop car but when I touched it Jimmy flew back and half of his health was gone! Being stupid, I tried it again and was almost knocked out. Then a few minutes later the front of the car started bouncing up and down like hydraulics.

Bully 1 Questions / Bully Slash?
« on: August 08, 2009, 04:29:45 PM »
Do you like Bully slash? Lets face it. Bully is a slash fangirl's (or fanboy's) dream.

Here's my favorite couples:
(You can hate me for these next two)

Please share your favorites!

Bully 1 Questions / who`s your favourite teacher
« on: August 08, 2009, 04:01:00 PM »
Mr. Galloway is pretty damn cool if you ask me. He's my favorite teacher! All the other teachers aside from him and Miss Philips are dorks.

Quote from: CHUCKX53;70690
Petey travels to London and becomes a self-help guru.
Beatrice bcomes a surgeon and misplaces somebody's Liver.
Lola becomes a professional prostuite and is killed by her pimp.
Pinky marries her cousin anyway, and gives birth to 3 retarded kids.
Mandy becomes a professional model and screws her way to the top.
Zoe actually escapes New Coventry by winning the Lotto.
Gary goes on a murderous shopping mall rampage, and kills 13 people  
before being shot to death by police, who have real guns this time.

Best ones yet! XD Awesome job, Chuck.

Angie finally went to the big city with a boy. And got lost.
Eunice lost all her extra weight and is the author of some of the most popular weight-loss books and DVDs. Last year she was arrested for molesting a boy with a resemblance to her old Bullworth "buddy", Pedro.
Ethan now plays an extra in some of the world's most popular martial art/ninja movies. He couldn't be happier.
Melvin died of dehydration at the age of 24 during a 36+ hour marathon of non-stop G&G PC gameplay.
Melody became even more obsessed with good diet and exersise and became Bullworth's top track star by the time she was in 11th grade. Unfortunatly, by the 12th grade she was in deep stages of anorexia and bulimia. She died at the age of 19 and weighed 43lbs.
Gord won season 10 of Project Runway and is now designer and owner of a men's clothing line inspired by Aquaberry. He lives in New York with his soon to be husband, Eduardo.
Kirby finally accepted his sexuality and is now an amature drag queen singer/actress in LA. His stage name is Stevie Maddison, due to his obsession with Steve Madden shoes.
Peanut never got over his obsession with Johnny. Years after Johnny had moved away from Bullworth, Peanut still sent him frequent letters and phone calls. He wanders around Bullworth in a daze, unsure of what to do with his life without Johnny there.  

That's all. I think I'll come up with more later. This is fun!

Bully 1 Discussion / if their was a new mission
« on: August 02, 2009, 01:49:37 PM »
Hehe, thank you very much! ^^

Bullworth Experiences / Women holding hands
« on: August 02, 2009, 04:29:59 AM »
So I was playing Bully today, just goofing off and running around Bulworth when I witnessed something FANTASTIC - Two women holding hands! Finally, a little lesbianism in this already awesome game!

Anyway, here's a picture I took:

OMG, what is that in the corner? Another gay couple? I think YES! I've officially discovered Bulworth's gay district.

Has anyone else ever seen two women or girls holding hands or kissing before?

Bully 1 Discussion / if their was a new mission
« on: August 02, 2009, 04:12:42 AM »
Yes! Oh Shit Jessi is back, baby! Thanks for making me realize that OH SHIT Jessi is way more awesome than PEACE OUT Jessi XD BTW, yeah that was a dumb typo *face/palm* I was thinking of the number of errands. *fixed!*

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