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Messages - Gui

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Bully 1 Discussion / New pics and info - The Bullies
« on: September 19, 2006, 10:23:46 PM »
New pics and info from Games Radar about the bullies:



Bully bully:  

No school would be complete without at least one bully, and Bullworth Academy is well stocked. You might even say it's over-stocked, loaded with thick-headed goons who's only purpose in life is to harass everyone else until they graduate and suddenly realize how shallow and empty their life really is. Not that we have any personal issues here...


It’s pretty easy to spot a bully at Bullworth Academy - they dress in a plain white shirt and tend to be the ones shouting at you and trying to stuff you into a trash can. Bullies don’t restrict themselves to any one particular spot on campus, lurking wherever they can throw the odd insult or noogie the way of the unsuspecting.

Top dog:

As leader, Russell Northrop is as dumb as they come, as big as a house and leads by example picking on pretty much any student that crosses his path. Our earlier hands-on  introduced us to Russell, who may not quite understand why he's such a jerk, but sure knows when to back off - when he's swallowing his own teeth.


It’s safe to say that Jimmy could well have some sort of run-in with a bully or two during his year at Bullworth. The bullies are always ready with a "friendly" greeting for any newcomer and like to pay particular attention to anyone arriving with a reputation for being tough. Unlucky for Jimmy, he happens to have such a reputation.

He started it:

The bullies are pretty dumb, but generally not quite dense enough to pick on anybody in front of an authority figure. But if they are that stupid, then that’s even better - you can watch them getting busted and dragged off to the Principal’s office. Of course, those rules apply to you too. Don't start any fights you're not prepared to win, cover up or escape punishment for instigating.


It's never easy dealing with these obnoxious morons, but as Jimmy you will discover that your actions, be they positive or negative, could even change the way that the bullies treat you throughout the school year. A life long friendship will not come out of any communication you have with the bullies, but they may have a new found respect towards you before school’s out for the summer.


Bully 1 Discussion / Which R* Character would you like as a teacher?
« on: September 19, 2006, 09:25:19 PM »
I think TRUTH from San Andreas would be a great teacher for anger management classes.

Imagine all the bullies meditating in Truth's classes, hilarious.

Bully Archives / Facts on Bully/Canis Canem Edit
« on: September 19, 2006, 09:14:54 PM »
It's your choice, you can choose which one of the cliques you want to hang out with.

Bully 1 Discussion / The kid in the new trailer [super Bully]
« on: September 19, 2006, 09:08:56 PM »
I'm probably wrong, but maybe that bully is Jimmy with different clothes and haircut.

He doesn't look like Lefty Mancini, so he probably is Ted Sinclair or Eunice Pound, lol.

Anyway that bully is a mean dude.

Bully 1 Discussion / New Video at IGN!!!!
« on: September 19, 2006, 05:13:00 PM »
Dogs... cool. I can't wait to run away from the dogs in my GO KART.

I bet the dogs put up a better fight than the prefects and the police combined, lol.

Bully 1 Discussion / About 3 new trailers on R*site.
« on: September 19, 2006, 05:03:25 PM »
R* is putting a lot of effort into BULLY, look at the detail in this pic:

the kid has acne, lol.

Bully Archives / Facts on Bully/Canis Canem Edit
« on: September 19, 2006, 04:56:11 PM »
Quote from: poison boy;8784
I hope maths mini-game isn't too hard, lol.

Same thing applies to english, no difficult words in the mini-game.

R* needs to think about the kids that don't speak english.

Bully Archives / Facts on Bully/Canis Canem Edit
« on: September 19, 2006, 02:04:07 PM »
Quote from: djrussell;8760
Maths (Mr. Hattrick)

I hope maths mini-game isn't too hard, lol.

Bully 1 Discussion / Possible interview with Bully tester
« on: September 18, 2006, 07:04:03 PM »
I really think the bullies are a clique and their leader is Russell (the big bully that Jimmy faces in the cage).

Bully 1 Discussion / Possible interview with Bully tester
« on: September 18, 2006, 06:40:13 PM »
Quote from: Znib;8689
We know near to nothin about the Drop outs ( They hang out in town centre) Did you notice anything about them?

I thought the drop outs were the bullies, those kids that wear a white shirt.

Bully 1 Discussion / 8 new screenshots, i think...
« on: September 18, 2006, 03:36:17 PM »
Maybe the science teacher is a serial killer.

Take a look at this pic:

The teacher is calling Jimmy, he is the next victim.

Bully 1 Discussion / Possible interview with Bully tester
« on: September 18, 2006, 08:24:08 AM »

Bully 1 Discussion / Possible interview with Bully tester
« on: September 18, 2006, 07:49:08 AM »
Multiplayer???... just kidding.

I would like to know…

- If BULLY has weekends ( 2 free days per week to do whatever we want).

- If Bully has loading times while entering buildings????

- How big is the town and school of Bullworth.

- If Jimmy can swim.

- If Jimmy needs to eat and if he can be thin or fat.

- How will work the time of the day, is it similar to GTA (1 day = 24 minutes).

- Which sports are available to play????

- Which fighting styles are available????

I think that’s it, i can’t remember anymore questions.

Suggestions & Feedback / How did you find
« on: September 18, 2006, 06:18:17 AM »
I saw someone advertising bully-board on gamespot's bully forum, decided to take a look and here i am.

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