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Messages - BullworthChampion

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 13
Bully 1 Discussion / Re: B-B's 100% Completion Club
« on: January 30, 2014, 03:01:53 PM »

First the red ring of death was kinda okay cause I still had my Bully. But now I got a new Xbox, had to start over, was in Chapter III goin to IV, and my little sister kept sliding my disk across the floor! Now my chances at 100% pic are put on hold.....for now, till I buy another $30.00 copy!!!! >:(

Chapter 1 / Re: Help Gary
« on: January 27, 2014, 11:42:06 PM »
Im Jimmy Hopkins/ Austin Henderson and I hate Gary.

Mod Releases / Re: Super Mod - V3.0
« on: January 27, 2014, 08:48:14 AM »
They call me Slim Shady, I'm BacK, I'm BacK

Bully 1 Questions / Re: Infirmary At Carnival ?
« on: January 26, 2014, 03:41:50 PM »
PS2 version?

Bully 1 Questions / Re: Infirmary At Carnival ?
« on: January 26, 2014, 12:15:04 PM »
There's one I never got knocked out at it though. Only at Bullworth.

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Re: Bully all 6 transistors locations
« on: January 26, 2014, 12:12:11 PM »
I'm not really readin all the posts so, I'll just post this.

All transistor locations can be found by Chapter 3.

1. In the mission "A Little Help"- Can be found on top of a garage roof, can't complete the mission without it.-Chapter I.

2. In the mission "Help Gary"- Can be found where the room with the burning furnace(there's pumpkins and tombstones if you didn't smash them all on Halloween).-Chapter I

3. In the world- Old Bullworth Vale/Bullworth Town- In the middle of the Bullworth dam.-Chapter II

4. In the world- Bullworth Town- In an alley by the bike ramp.- Chapter II

5. In the mission "Nerd Challenge"- Can be found across the room from the arcade machine.- Chapter III

6. In the world- In the fence before the entrance to the mission area Tenements.- Chapter III

:D Finished!

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Re: easiest way to beat up prefects
« on: January 26, 2014, 12:01:42 PM »
Throw them in the trash, give them a swirlie, or put them in a locker. The locker method won't knock them out, but it will subdue them until you, or someone else opens it.

Community Stories / Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« on: January 26, 2014, 11:55:33 AM »
“What’s the matter Austin?” Austin takes a long pause and there is an awkward silence. Austin finally speaks up. “What…what’s wrong with people?” “What do you mean, tell me.” “It’s been like this for a long time, why do people just keep pickin on ya?” Dr.Crabblesnitch explains to him that in most cases people aren’t comfortable with themselves and must make others feel down. “ It’s not always us Austin, but as people we must learn to cope with these things as it defines who we are. Now I would love to be your mentor or guide to supreme happiness, but I’m a busy man. If you need to talk to someone there’s the counselor and her student helper.” Austin starts to look a bit hurt. “If you need me bad at any time or a little man to man talk come to me instead. Now have a good day Mr.Henderson.” “Alright, see ya,” Austin heads on for the dorm.

Community Stories / Re: Bully II, My Story Ideas.
« on: January 26, 2014, 11:41:00 AM »
Dr.Crabblesnitch looks at the two and shakes his head in disbelief. He glares at Austin then begins to speak. “ Well, well Austin Henderson and Daniel Boudreaux correct? The boys groan in a way to tell him yes. “ Fighting is not tolerated here at Bullworth Academy. As older students, I would expect you to conduct yourself better in front of the younger students. I normally would give you a pass straight to the punishment prefect, but I’ll let this off as a warning and the only warning I will give you. Take some time to sort this out for me, what happened in the first place?” “This guy called me cockeyed, and I don’t like that, so I just showed him who was the boss around here.” Austin glares at the boy while telling the headmaster this. “The pauper doesn’t understand the meaning of a joke. Plus I simply said something that was true and he couldn’t handle it.” Daniel says. Crabblesnitch looks at both of them and sighs. “Daniel, I know your mother and father, Austin I can contact your mother, but as I said, I won’t do it this time. Now you both will remember to keep your noses clean, and act like the young men you are.” Austin nods. Daniel just plays with his platinum watch and shrugs. Austin gets up to leave as does Daniel. ”One… at a time,” Dr.Crabblesnitch points out. Daniel rushes to leave and snickers. Austin hangs back to talk to Dr.Crabblesnitch.

News & Updates / Re: Rules
« on: January 25, 2014, 08:06:11 PM »
ME TOO!!! >:(

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Enemy?
« on: January 25, 2014, 06:01:58 PM »
Use that swegta mane!

Shadows Of Bullworth / Re: SOB Discussion & Comments
« on: January 24, 2014, 11:48:22 PM »
Why ya guys write em so long anywho?

Ummm.......... Why are all books / novels "so long" ??..........  :blank:

I wanna get more views before I post all of the story

Maybe you should try writing in proper & full sentences rather than just a few lazy ones. That's off-putting to readers.

But more importantly whats up with SoB?

Not much?........

Ahem- wasnt referring to books and novels, i was refrencing your posts. Excuse me, Y'ALLS' posts.

Ahem- My style of writing is my style of writing, don't like it don't read.

Not much- i can tell ya jumped head first i bet.

And how is my scentences small  and non proper? Im open to constructive criticism.

Shadows Of Bullworth / Re: SOB Discussion & Comments
« on: January 24, 2014, 11:26:50 PM »
Why ya guys write em so long anywho? I wanna get more views before I post all of the story well 1st chapter. But more importantly whats up with SoB?

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: What should be included in bully 2
« on: January 24, 2014, 10:20:40 PM »
I think Evo meant 7 *kissable* girls. But yeah ya gotta look at total too. And They just got lazy I bet. The only thing is the pro tag when he's in the dorm will it be like a GTA V thing when the other person's in there sometimes, and sometimes not is the q. I dont want anyone looking at meh when I wank off in Bully 2, which I'm sure they'll add.

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: What should be included in bully 2
« on: January 24, 2014, 12:06:47 PM »
I think bully should stay as a boarding school game.

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