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Messages - JessiLikesRainbows

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Bully 1 Discussion / Funniest/Sexiest/Most Annoying Voice Poll
« on: October 26, 2009, 01:25:21 AM »
Character with the funniest voice: Troy
Character with the creepiest voice: Bif
Character with the cutest voice: Pedro and Petey
Character with the sexiest voice: Pinky
Character with the most annoying voice: Sheldon or Gloria
Character with the most soothing voice: Zoe
Your overall favorite voice: Bucky. Lol, ever since I started playing the game I've LOVED Bucky's voice. I don't know why...

Quote from: CHUCKX53;72115
Hiya, Jessi !!!  Missed you....

Hiya, Chuck! ^^

Quote from: Mercury;72125

Character with the most soothing voice: Sorry I don't know what it means...

Soothing is something that calms you down or maybe makes you a little sleepy. A soothing voice would be a calming voice that's nice to listen to.

Bully 1 Discussion / Funniest/Sexiest/Most Annoying Voice Poll
« on: October 23, 2009, 02:26:20 AM »
Please fill it out and show us what you think! Think of the voices, not the dialogue said.

Character with the funniest voice:
Character with the creepiest voice:
Character with the cutest voice:
Character with the sexiest voice:
Character with the most annoying voice:
Character with the most soothing voice:
Your overall favorite voice:

Introduce Yourself / Late introduction is late.
« on: September 22, 2009, 08:08:08 PM »
Quote from: CHUCKX53;71579
He just found out you were here yesterday....

Oh, I see... :o

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Glitch: Get into Mr. Grant's Yard!
« on: September 19, 2009, 08:28:56 PM »
I was finally able to do this! I tried forever, but I figured out what you have to do (for PS2, anyway): When you're in the air you have to pull the left joystick back a little bit for a short moment (as if to do a backflip) and then push it forward quickly. You should wobble back and forth on the fence. When that happens keep pushing the joystick forward and you should get in. It takes a while but it's totally worth it! Thanks so much for the idea, man! :D

Introduce Yourself / Late introduction is late.
« on: September 19, 2009, 08:23:12 PM »
Quote from: bucky67;71564
ummm........ hi?:?:

Hello there, lol! :)

Bully 1 Questions / How tall are they?
« on: September 19, 2009, 08:15:59 PM »
Quote from: remedy;71440
man, where do you get that list?

Its just something I thought of, lol!

Quote from: CHUCKX53;71456
She's a Smart Girl, Dude.....:lol:

Hehe, thanks Chuck! :lol:

Quote from: Chrissy;71465
I wouldn't put the girls at that height. Most 'average' adult women are usually between 5'4 - 5'7. I'm 5'5, myself.

Good point, I didn't really think of that *face/palm* Changed!

Quote from: Amasuke;71497
It's pretty common knowledge that girls grow up faster than boys isn't it?

That it is. :D

Bully 1 Questions / How tall are they?
« on: September 15, 2009, 12:57:26 AM »
Quote from: CHUCKX53;71391
Jessi..!!! Where the hell you been ???

The list ?? Oh, yeah, Sounds OK, except jocks are usually tall, like Damon would be over 6 Ft.......What about Teachers, Prefects, Townpeople, Cops, Etc.......

Hi Chuck! Long time no see! ^^ I just started my senior year of high school a couple weeks ago which is why I haven't been on much these days. Busy, busy, busy... >:C

Now that you mention it, the Jocks probably are more than 6ft. So that would make Russell even more of a monster! :O Also, I was just thinking about the Bullworth students which is why I didn't list anyone else.

Introduce Yourself / New Dood.
« on: September 10, 2009, 01:44:57 AM »
Good to meet you! I love your avatar! :D

Bully 1 Questions / How tall are they?
« on: September 10, 2009, 01:35:40 AM »
Seeing how tall the girls in Bully are compared to most of the boys got me thinking. How tall are the kids at Bullworth? Here's what I came up with (from shortest to tallest):

Kids - 4' 6" (136cm)
Petey - 5' 0" (152cm)
Jimmy/Short boys (Gord, Vance, Duncan...) - 5' 3" (160cm)
Gary/Average boys - 5' 4"-5' 5" (163cm-165cm)
Girls - 5' 5"-5' 6" (165-168cm)
Taller boys (Trent, Cornilious...) - 5' 7" (170cm)
Very tall boys (half of the Jocks, Bif, Prefects...) - 5' 10"-6' 4" (179-193cm)
Russell - 6' 8" (203cm)

Just throwin' this out there ^^ Any thoughts?

Bully 1 Discussion / Voice Actors & the characters in game.
« on: August 23, 2009, 03:35:51 PM »
Here's some I found on BullyWiki:
Melody -
Shannon Amabile

Mr. Oh (YumYum Market manager) -
Andrew Pang

Mandy -
Elena Franklin (already listed, I know, but the picture isn't showing up)

Russell -
Cody Melton

Tom -
Connor Paolo

Mr. Morrati (Happy Mullet barber) -
Vincenzo Sanseviero

Troy -
Evan Weinstein

Davis -
Geoffrey Wigdor

Here's the BullyWiki Voice Artists list: It has short bios on everyone.

Something weird I noticed while looked at all the bios was that nearly every voice actor listed had played a part on Law & Order before their role on Bully. I guess the guys over at Rockstar like Law & Order?

Bullworth Experiences / Bully Commentary
« on: August 23, 2009, 02:49:19 PM »
Many times when I'm playing Bully someone takes it upon themselves to commentate the game or make lots of comments about what I'm doing.

For example, I was on the roof of the Gym building hitting people with the slingshot when my Mom walked in the room and said, "Jesus, now you're SNIPING??"

Another time I was running around when my brother said, "Did you see that? Gord was being picked on! Jessi, defend your bitch!"

Later I ran up the the Lighthouse Lookout and saw Zoe making out with Vance. To that my brother said, "In Bullworth your girlfriend doesn't break up with you, you just lose your turn."

What are the funniest comments or commentary you've gotten while playing Bully?

Here's something that happened to me the other day: Sometimes I like to make out with guys in front of the girls just to piss them off, so I went into the Library and made out with Gord in front of Angie. The weird thing isn't that she didn't mind (even though that was weird and pretty unexpected XD), the weird, unexpected thing is that across the Library I heard Beatrice crying. She said, "Sometimes when I get angry I scratch myself until I bleed! *sob*" then she ran over, kicked Gord in the balls, then ran away again.

Poor B! :'(

Bullworth Experiences / 50th Errand Once More
« on: August 20, 2009, 04:40:41 PM »
Quote from: CHUCKX53;70944
I'll take a shot in the dark and guess your last Gnome in the only one you can't touch...On the barge by Blue Skies....(This Isn't a Cheat, I am only giving ADVICE).....As for the G&G cards, I went to the Guide for the last 2... and the rubberbands I got in my first game without a guide, the last one I found was in the Girl's Dorm....Jumping that damn skateboard between those 2 buildings was a Bitch...But, It was like, WOAH, I did it when I finally did...

I would guess that you have the two arcade games left..Monkey Fling and Nut Shots...Those two are worth about 1 & a half percent to completion...Monkey Fling is the easiest out of the three (Including Con Sumo here)...Just kep running the monkey back & forth all the time throwing shit up at the trees, go end to end, and don't stop unless you have to....Nut shots is a litle harder, requires more concentration....Play it for awhile and you can get into a rhythm...It goes about 10,000 points at a time and you can take breaks inbetween then....

My fist game was showing 6 days and 17 hours when I got that last errand...Shiiiitttt...:cool:

Cool! Thank you so much for the hints! :D I've played Nut Shots so many times. It's a hard one :mad:

Bullworth Experiences / 50th Errand Once More
« on: August 17, 2009, 09:08:25 PM »
I finally got my 50th errand a few weeks back! Did anyone else ever get the same errand twice? I'm sure the repeat didn't count towards my 50, though. For example, I did the errand where Pedro asks you to go to the ship twice as well as the errand where a cop asks you to get rid of the smoking Greaseballs on top of the gas station.

Now I'm trying to locate the last G&G Card, the last Gnome, and the last two rubberbands without the help of cheats. Damn it, it's hard :mad: This is farthest I've ever completed Bully! It's my third time completing the story and I have around 95.75% completed.

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Dream Code
« on: August 17, 2009, 09:00:40 PM »
Quote from: CHUCKX53;70923
Jessi, just think of how neat it would be to be able to explore the Auditorium, the Observatory, the Funhouse, or the Junkyard....Or maybe be able to visit other stores, the town Library, The Chemical Plant, The Staff Room, even other classrooms....

Oh, the possiblities! :D :D :D I know I'd LOVE to go to the Chemical Plant again. Or even the Funhouse. I want to go back to all of them! :mad:

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