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Messages - Rambo7

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I think what this kid want is,
like for example jimmy has 2 bodyguard (Pete & Gary), and u can switch between this, u can switch to pete or gary or back to jimmy again just like the GTA V, so u can switch between ur bodyguard and back again to your original player.
It's a different thing from player selector.

Mod Showroom Archives / Re: [Glitch] A Ticket to Heaven
« on: August 23, 2013, 06:12:54 AM »
^ it's so true, even God himself can't handle jimmy
He just too bad*ss

Mod Showroom Archives / [Glitch] A Ticket to Heaven
« on: August 23, 2013, 03:01:42 AM »
This is really funny, I think
and this a little glitch, when I ride the police bike to the sea, using vehicle spawner from the DaBOSS's Super Mod.
Note: this is not a glitch from his mod but from the game when u ride a police bike into the sea.
Jimmy will fly to the heaven if u ride it to the sea and he will fall down to the ground if u unride the policebike.
Bully:SE "A Ticket to Heaven"

Mod Releases Archive / Re: Rambo7 Sharp Weapon Pack
« on: August 23, 2013, 01:53:54 AM »
@Lemon; i don't think it's an error, it's just the texture for the scythe is like crystal clear, if u want other colour u just can colour the texture.

@Carbonadium; I actually never think to equip it to the nerds, and sure it would be really epic.
And note, all my weapon pack is unbreakable, so if u equip it to the nerds, and piss them off, sure they will be really bad*ss and hit u really hard with it.

Mod Releases Archive / Re: Rambo7 Sharp Weapon Pack
« on: August 22, 2013, 01:19:37 PM »
Thanks Red

Mod Releases Archive / [Rambo7] Sharp Weapon Pack
« on: August 22, 2013, 11:32:54 AM »
Ladies & Girls, This is my third release of the day,
Sharp Weapon Pack, what the earth is this u must be asking,
Well like the name, u can cut Algie & Friends into eight pieces with this

Ok, let's start shall we
1. Fuuma Shuriken (convert from Pshield)
I made this for the sake of all Naruto wannabe
Note: The fuuma shuriken can't spin, and LOL it's not my fault, it's just the R* guys didn't make any spinning animation for the throwing obj, but the shuriken still looks really good

2. Keyblade (cf SSWhip)
Need a weapon that can cut and open any lock including unlocking the girls dorm & the girls hearts, u just find the best weapon for this

3. Masamune (cf DevilFork)
This the long katana, use by the lunatic called Sephiroth (FF VII)

4. Lightsaber (cf leadpipe)
Yes ladies, this is the freakin lightsaber & I know some of u may be screaming for this
Use this wisely ladies & "May The Force Be With U"
Note: I made 4 colours of this

5. Scythe (cf wtrpipe)
Ready to take someone's life out

6. Elemental Blade
  • Fire Element (cf fireexting)
    Made from Hades's hot breath
    Note: u can blast a lava smoke from this blade
  • Ice Element (cf SnowShwl)
    Made from Neptune's cold sweat
    Note: u can scoop a snow out of this blade
  • Lighting Element (cf PinkyWand)
    Made from Zeus's lighting fart
    Note: u can blind people with the light of this blade

7. Double Chainsaw (cf sledgehammer)
One chainsaw blade is not enough for u ladies?
Need a more gory one to torture Algie & Friends?
Then u should try this two blade chainsaw to make Algie & Friends meet their creator

Here is the download link:;sa=view;down=138

Ps. If u guys wanted to use my mods to add to your mod or make any machinima or youtube video, feel free to use it, but plizzz make a little description about me,
I don't ask for a single penny from u, just a little appreciation for my little works
Ps2. Sorry guys I don't do any request, I just do this for fun

I think thats all ladies, have fun with this 8)

TUTORIALS / Re: TUTORIAL- Importing Custom Models into Bully
« on: August 22, 2013, 05:52:22 AM »
U must adjust it your own, until u find the correct size
put it 0.1 or 0.01 or anything smaler than that

TUTORIALS / Re: TUTORIAL- Importing Custom Models into Bully
« on: August 22, 2013, 05:34:19 AM »
U just need to scale it,
and I had already make a tutorial about this

Looks like McJeff have edited the wikia already, but still there is a little mistake there
He also appears, wearing his pirate costume, on the small island in the bay in Old Bullworth Vale. As part of his costume he carries a ruler in place of a sword. This particular ruler never breaks despite how many times it is used, and for that reason has been mistaken for being a wooden sword. Vance will attack Jimmy on site regardless of his faction with the Greasers when he gets on the island. Once Jimmy knocks him out, Vance won't be seen on the island again. Additionally, beating him up on the island earns Jimmy a pirate hat for his inventory.
The ruler can break, cause it is just a normal yardstick, I have tried it.

Mod Releases Archive / Re: Backup Mod
« on: August 17, 2013, 09:06:31 AM »
He just releasing a mod, and it looks pretty of good, and he don't steal this mod or copy anyone mod
But why are you banning him, Red??

I think you are right Gorath,
The weapon that pirate vance use in the small island, is the yardstick

and the weapon he used in the halloween, is different, sometimes he will carry twobyfour (woodcratestick) and sometimes he is empty handed

and this is info from bully.wikia about Vance Medici profile
He also appears, wearing his pirate costume, on the small island in the bay in Old Bullworth Vale. As part of his costume he carries a wooden replica sword that Jimmy can steal. However when he is on the island he carries a ruler instead of the sword. The sword functions like a yardstick, but never breaks. Beating him up on the island also earns Jimmy the pirate hat. Once Jimmy beats him, Vance won't be seen on the island again.
I think this wiki info is a trool info, after all Mr.Wiki not that smart at all and do mistakes sometimes
And I had read ChuckX talking about the wooden sword on this forum somewhere
And my conclusion is, there is no holy "Wooden Sword" that never break for Bully:SE PC version
and I think it's the same for the PS2 or any version
We just make some fantasy about this wooden sword in bully game, while there is no actual wooden sword in this game
CMIIW (correct me if I'm wrong)

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Starkweather?
« on: August 15, 2013, 05:13:47 AM »
This is another Starkweather; and he is a freak too btw
Charles Starkweather

In 1958 Nebraska 19 year old garbageman Charles Starkweather goes on a murder spree with his 14 year old girlfriend Caril Ann Fugate killing 11 people in three months, introducing America to spree killing.

and funny, but this old dude here has its own movie

Maybe those R* guys just inspired to make The Director from this old dude here.

Mod Releases Archive / Re: Gary's new Facial Hair(Beard and Mustache)
« on: August 15, 2013, 05:02:16 AM »
Great work dude,
and LOL he just looks like the old fart Saddam Husein

and btw u should put your mod in the download section dude, so people can rate it, and u can track how many download already for your mod

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Starkweather?
« on: August 14, 2013, 11:44:32 PM »
You mean this??
Lionel Starkweather aka The Director (from Manhunt)

Description: The twisted mastermind behind the whole scenario, the Director communicates to James Earl Cash through an earpiece until Cash kills the White Rabbit. He tells Cash where to go and sometimes gives special instructions on murdering certain people.

Do you guys know the .nif file name for the wooden sword use by the pirate Vance??
I have been searching this in my world.img file for hours but still can't find it.
I already use this word; like wooden, sword, pirate, stick, vance, but still can't find it
Any help??

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