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Messages - Rambo7

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Mod Releases / [Rambo7] Pimp My Ride Pack
« on: October 07, 2013, 11:07:10 AM »
Ladies & Girls, This is my sixth release of the day,
Pimp My Ride Pack, what the holy Xzibit is this u must be asking,
Well like the name, u can pimp and drift your way through Bullworth Street like a crazy japanese drifter with this

So Xzibit hit the music, my man
♪ You got to pimp my rideeee, Damn right, You got to pimp my rideeee ♪

Ok, let's start shall we
1. Aston Martin 007 (convert from GoCart)
The ride of the British Secret Agent known as James Bond aka The 007
Note: Goldfinger Edition means this is gold painted

2. Mustang GT (cf GoCart)
I got some American muscle here, Mustang aka The Power Horse or The Wild Horse or The Happy Horse or whatever horse it is

3. FnF Toyota Supra (cf GoCart)
Yes, u heard me well, this is the Toyota Supra that Vin Diesel n friends ride in their FnF movies
LOL, Some of u must be screaming like a girls now

4. Bugatti Veyron (cf GoCart)
The fastest car in the world, with a top speed of 431.072 km/h (267.856 mph)
And with 8.0 litre W16, 64v, 2xDOHC, quad-turbocharged, petrol engine & whatsoever
There are only few people own this car, including that six-pack dude named CR-7 & now Jimmy own it too

  • Real wheels that can move & spin
  • Drift Handling
    Yes, I mean it, it's a drift handling
    and if some of u don't know what is drifting, just watch some FnF 3: Tokyo Drift, and see all those japanese do all their crazy drift, if u guys still have no idea what it is, then I just have no idea how to explain it better
    I made 4 drift handling:
    -Elegy : the original GTA SA drift car handling, that I copy to bully handling
    -Custom1: has faster speed & drift longer
    -Custom2: has faster speed, drift longer & more sensitive in braking
    -Custom3: almost same as Elegy but can drift longer & more fluid (My Favourite Drift Handling)
    Note: for Noob just use the Elegy & Custom3 handling since the speed is slower
    and if you already master the drifting & u want a faster speed, u can use custom1 & custom2 handling
  • The King of The Road Script (Made by SWEGTA)
    This script will make all vehicles including cars, bikes & police rides gone from the road, so u own the road & u can drift all your way through bullworth street like its your mother freakin road

Drift Controls Setting (For Keyboard User):
Use this control setting, it will help u to drift better & easier
Change the "Move Foward/Accelerate" button from W to Down Arrow

-A drifting tutorial video, credit goes to the original uploader, RX7Drifter90
His spacebar means, the gocart powerslide/brake for us
The point is hit it in 1 second, don't pust it to hard & don't pust it to soft; it's between that
This drifting skill is something that need practice not a one shot go & u master it, so practice it ladies
GTA San Andreas: How to Drift
-My own drift video, drifting across carnival gocart race
Note: I use the Custom3 Handling & Drift Controls Setting (For Keyboard User)
Here is the original thread, where I post this drift video
Bully SE - Gocart Race Drift Edition
-My own drift video, drifting in Town Hall & Old Bullworth Vale
Note: I use the Custom3 Handling & Drift Controls Setting (For Keyboard User)
Bully SE - Bullworth Drift Edition (Town Hall)
Bully SE - Bullworth Drift Edition (Old Bullworth Vale)
-Drift Tricks
  • The 360
    Recommended handling: Custom2 & Custom1
    Accelerate (↓) in some fast speed, let go of your gas, and move left or move right (A or D), and hit brake (S)
    The Key here is the fast speed, that is why Custom2 & Custom1 handling is recommended
Bully SE - Bullworth Drift Edition (The 360)
  • The Donuts
    Recommended handling: Any
    Fast Donuts: Accelerate (↓) & hold it, then move left or move right (A or D) & hold it, then keep hitting the brake (S) simultaneously in 1 sec or 2 sec
    Slow Donuts: U can do other donuts tricks but this one is slower & easier to do
    Just Accelerate (↓) & brake (S), hold them together, then move left or move right (A or D) & hold it
    This video below is the fast donuts
Bully SE - Bullworth Drift Edition (The Donuts)
  • Round The World
    My favourite drift trick
    Recommended handling: Custom3 (because this handling capable to do more fluid drifting)
    Accelerate (↓) & hold it, then move left or move right (A or D) & hold it, then hit the brake (S) in 1 sec, after your rotation lose its energy hit the brake (S) in 1 sec again, and if your rotation lose its energy again do the same again
Bully SE - Bullworth Drift Edition (Round The World)
Good Place to Drift:
1. Football Field
2. Playing Carnival Gocart Race (recommended to use "Custom3" handling for better drifting experience & your gocart racing will never be the same again)

Note: If u guys already master this drifting, and capable to make a video, u can post it here & I would likely to see it

So now what?
Of course, grab your driving license, thighten your seat belt & start your engine

Thank You List:
-SWEGTA, for the The King of The Road Script
-RX7Drifter90, for the great drifting tutorial video
-Me, LOL for creating this cool stuff

Fututre Updates:
-New drift cars
-F1 schumacer
-Adding Neon Lights?
-Adding a workin front light? where u can turn it on & off

Here is the download link:;sa=view;down=147

Ps. If u guys wanted to use my mods to add to your mod or make any machinima or youtube video, feel free to use it, but plizzz make a little description about me,
I don't ask for a single penny from u, just a little appreciation for my little works
Ps2. Sorry guys I don't do any request, I just do this for fun

I think thats all ladies, have fun with this 8)

Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] Wacky Ride Pack
« on: October 01, 2013, 09:46:49 PM »
Sure, thanks man
I will give u the credit for it
But I prefer if u make it for gocart than car though
since car can't participate in a race

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: What to Expect
« on: September 27, 2013, 12:27:59 PM »
Ragdoll, for me is fine, it makes the game more natural
For me I want; some great, more fluid & fast fighting system
Not just one dimensional fighting system;
but the 360 dimensional fighting system like Jet Li "Rise to Honour" game; where u can do combo & hit people behind or from ur left/right side, GTA V has that too but I think u can't do combo if someone behind u
"Sleeping Dogs" game fighting style not bad too

And more enviroment to use for fighting, not just can put someone into thrash bin, but make it like sleeping dogs where there is so many enviroment to use & interact

This fighting system is crucial I think, just see Bully:SE, where jimmy use his fist frequently, even when fighting the last boss

Dazzy's Drawings / Re: Changes: Starring Kaven and Rose
« on: September 27, 2013, 06:03:53 AM »
LOL; U got some good fantasy there kid;
And BTW If u don't tell me that, I had think this is a bisexual airplane or something

Dazzy's Drawings / Re: Changes: Starring Kaven and Rose
« on: September 26, 2013, 12:58:24 PM »
What is that, I don't quite get it
It's a boy & a girl in one body,
Is it a Hermafrodite airplane?

Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm back
« on: September 24, 2013, 01:04:27 PM »
So why not using your old account?
If u are him

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: Biking Into Buildings?
« on: September 24, 2013, 10:20:58 AM »
I am using Bully:SE PC version;
and I try it like you said, ride a bike into the gym building when someone open the door,
I can enter the gym building but the bike gone

Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] Wacky Ride Pack
« on: September 15, 2013, 06:22:02 AM »
^I had already think about that actually & I had a tank model already
I will release that on my other ride pack, monster ride pack maybe
But I had no idea how to stick some spudgun into the gocart BTW

Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] Wacky Ride Pack
« on: September 15, 2013, 02:20:39 AM »
@All, thanks again, hope u guys enjoy this

@Jim Carrey, I just put a little of my trooling taste into all my work; thats all, and If u think it's cool then it should be cool  8)

Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] Wacky Ride Pack
« on: September 14, 2013, 10:23:03 PM »
Yep; that's why I called it "Inspiration"

Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] Wacky Ride Pack
« on: September 14, 2013, 10:00:16 PM »
Update: File Approved

@All; thanks, feel free to use it
Actually I got inspired to make this from this old crazy cartoon called "Wakcy Races", I still remember watching this on my childhood day

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: File that Control Wheel for All Cars?
« on: September 14, 2013, 09:51:56 PM »
Actually I knew that already, I had read it from "Ultimate Modding Thread"
But thanks anyway dude, for helping me 8)

Mod Releases / [Rambo7] Wacky Ride Pack
« on: September 14, 2013, 01:54:42 PM »
Ladies & Girls, This is my fifth release of the day,
Wacky Ride Pack, what the holy crap is this u must be asking,
Well like the name, u can ride your way through Bullworth Street like a crazy dude with this

Ok, let's start shall we
1. Rocket Ride (convert from GoCart)
Need a ride faster than a Lamborjoni or Mustank? Well u can ride this Appolo 7

2. Jungle Ride (cf GoCart)
Even Tarzan never ride a lion on the street

3. Love Ride (cf GoCart)
Need an intimate ride with your girlfriend Eunice? Well now Jimmy can ride the Duck Boat of Love with Eunice to sail through the harsh life of Bullworth Street
Note: Never ever try to drive this duck boat with your girlfriend Euncie to the sea, both of you will drown and will go straight to the heaven & meet Jesus there

4. Shopping Ride (cf GoCart)
Are u a shopaholic & always spend 24 hours of your life in Wal★Fart? Then u just need this ride, u don't even need to walk now

5. Lazy Ride (cf GoCart)
Too lazy to move you butt out of the seat & it just like your butt stick like a glue with the seat? Well u don't even need to move your butt now & u can now live happily ever after with your beloved seat
Note: Suitable for people that has big *ss like Algie & Friends

6. Schoolar Ride (cf GoCart)
A must have ride for every student of Bullworth
Note: LOL, don't ask me who is the poor guy, u know who it is

7. Robot Ride (cf GoCart)
I know some of u guys must had a dream to ride a power rangers robot or whatever it is, in your childhood day. Well now I can fullfil your childhood dream, and LOL plizzz don't scream
Note: This is Optimus Prime BTW

Note: U should try to ride this wacky ride in some gocart race, it should be fun

Here is the download link:;sa=view;down=141

Ps. If u guys wanted to use my mods to add to your mod or make any machinima or youtube video, feel free to use it, but plizzz make a little description about me,
I don't ask for a single penny from u, just a little appreciation for my little works
Ps2. Sorry guys I don't do any request, I just do this for fun

I think thats all ladies, have fun with this 8)

Requests Archive / Re: I want Clean Darby_W.nft and nif
« on: September 12, 2013, 10:15:20 AM »

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: File that Control Wheel for All Cars?
« on: September 12, 2013, 09:12:11 AM »
Which one is it, dude??
cause this is what I found on the ide.img & I use hex editor to open it

There none that looks like this code
571   Foreign_wheel   Foreign_wheel   1   100   0      0   1   0   255   0   0   0

I need that file to manipulate the wheel

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