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Messages - Walter20210

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 76
Requests Archive / Re: excluder.dat
« on: July 15, 2013, 12:51:06 AM »
I give you the Code of it =D

Is really short, Just copy and paste over it.

Code: [Select]
FemaleOnly_Restricted GirlsBathroom1
FemaleOnly_Restricted GirlsBathroom2
FemaleOnly_Restricted pool_girlslocker
MaleOnly_Restricted BoysBathroom1
MaleOnly_Restricted BoysBathroom2
MaleOnly_Restricted pool_boyslocker
Everyone POfficeExclude
Everyone 2_06_BenchOff
Everyone ChristmasTreeExclude
MissionOnly FinalFightTrig
Everyone SchoolStoreExc
Everyone 2_G2_ballTossExcluderOutside
Everyone 2_G2_ballTossExcluderInside
Everyone 2_G2_dunkExcluderOutside
Everyone 2_G2_shootingExcluderOutside
Everyone 2_G2_shootingExcluderInside
Everyone GDormExitExclude
Player_Restricted TINDUST_ASYLUM
Player_Restricted 6_02_WonderMeats
Player_Restricted RT_Tether
Everyone 2_S02_PATHVOLUME
MissionOnly 1_03_AutoShopArea
MissionOnly 1_02B_excluderLocker
MissionOnly 1_02B_bathroom
AmbientOnly 2_G2_excluderFerris
AmbientOnly 2_G2_excluderSquid
AmbientOnly 2_G2_excluderCoaster
Everyone PR_HillTop
Everyone HighStrikerExcluder
MissionOnly DunkTankExcluder
MissionOnly PaperRoute_Excluder
Everyone ComicBedExclude
MissionOnly 1_10_Near_BasementDoor
Player_Restricted 2_S02_HATTRICKYARD

Mod Releases Archive / Re: Bully Texture Mods (More to Come)
« on: July 15, 2013, 12:26:15 AM »
Export the .Tga of the .Nft to the same place you have the .Nif
And it will load it.

And No he didnt.

Video Stories / Re: (Video) BullyZ Episode 1 (Video)
« on: July 14, 2013, 10:18:39 PM »
Hey later i will send you the nft so will be more easy for you.

Or i can just tell you a trick to make them always work whitout crash the game.

Mod Releases Archive / Re: Bully Texture Mods (More to Come)
« on: July 14, 2013, 05:31:54 PM »
I didnt explain fine.

I mean it looks a little bit bright. and didnt look right.

Im sure is because the color of the background, The shirt

Mod Releases Archive / Re: Bully Texture Mods (More to Come)
« on: July 14, 2013, 01:49:43 AM »
Looks pretty good.

But is a little bit too orange.

Bully Modding Archives / Re: Zombie Edition WISHLIST
« on: July 13, 2013, 04:34:13 PM »
And maybe add make the slingshot dissapear after 30 minutes or something like that.

Because even the normal slingshot is stronger.

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Question###
« on: July 13, 2013, 04:17:18 AM »
 PedSetFaction(gPlayer, 4)

Bully 1 Questions / Re: Who is your favourite punching bag?
« on: July 13, 2013, 04:10:47 AM »
The punching bag...

And Pete, Gary, Davis, Hal, Sid, Edgar, Omar, Johnny, Darby, Fatty, Earnest, Constantinos.

Mod Releases Archive / Re: [ADDON] Bully - Zombie Edition - Textures
« on: July 12, 2013, 08:46:22 PM »

Mod Releases Archive / Re: [ADDON] Bully - Zombie Edition - Textures
« on: July 12, 2013, 04:39:37 PM »
Thats pretty cool =D

Nice work. And make the blue one have blood too.

PS : If you gonna send me the links later ,But make sure send me them via pm (For obious reasons.) Btw going to remake my skins later.

Most of the peds you see doesnt spawn with weapons because they are spawned via trigger/ide and those peds can only have Ranged weapons, Thats why they dont spawn with weapons.

The ones with lua spawns with weapons.

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: Sitting animation
« on: July 11, 2013, 11:13:53 PM »
Yes it is the correct anim.

Requests / Re: Walter20210 Skins Workshop
« on: July 11, 2013, 09:18:47 PM »
No thats just the model.

And remember you have to only replace the textures folder with the new one
dont paste it inside of that folder.

Requests / Re: Walter20210 Skins Workshop
« on: July 11, 2013, 09:15:29 PM »
I dont know :/

Requests / Re: Walter20210 Skins Workshop
« on: July 11, 2013, 09:10:01 PM »

Maybe you move something.

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