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Messages - Bully1337

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17 18
InsanityGames' Niche / Re: if someone need a fighting style quest me
« on: August 07, 2011, 06:29:22 AM »
Np and for changing skin you need an IMG tool. download it from GTAgarage then read my post on modding on how to change skin.

Tried that. I could grapple with it but can't wrestle. But I do know that they can figt without grapple too.
Anyone any idea's or know how to strike or wrestle with it?

Hi guys. I found out how to change fighting styles and I changed one to Luis but he uses wrestling and when I press left alt or click or press R which are buttons with a diffrent fighitng style I don't attack. Anyone know how I can attack?

I have toke the picture I don't know how to upload it.

Hi guys can anyone tell me how you upload a picture and clips so I can show you guys the pic of this?

Auditory Experiences / Re: Payback quotes
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:56:59 PM »
How do you get people to say payback quotes?

Auditory Experiences / Re: Bully Complete Soundtrack
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:52:25 PM »
023 sounds like comic klepto and the setup mixed

Auditory Experiences / Re: Swirlie quotes (pre-dunk and post-dunk)
« on: July 30, 2011, 01:04:57 PM »
How do you hear pre dunks? all I hear is the scream then when done they say post dunk. And if I wait to long for pre they fight back.

Bullworth Experiences / Who's your worst enemy in Bully?
« on: July 28, 2011, 02:33:32 PM »
Lol I just want to know who your worst enemy is, mine has to be Omar.
What's yours?

Auditory Experiences / Hit a friendly quotes
« on: July 27, 2011, 03:07:50 PM »
Hey guys I only know these guys quotes :)
Tom: Everyone gets one Hopkins, don't do it again
Troy: What are you doing?!
Kirby: ahh what's going on
Fatty: I thought we were code of warriors!
Wade: You can't be doing that crap!
Const: But I thought, aren't we suppose to be helping each other?

If anyone has all others could you post please
I'l see some others too and upload them later.

Auditory Experiences / Re: Pick-up line quotes
« on: July 27, 2011, 03:01:13 PM »
Casey's is just plain dirty oh yeah and go on bully official site and go on soundboard and listen to Ted's phrase it is dirty

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: Are you a bully?
« on: July 27, 2011, 02:42:13 PM »
I stop people from bullying by saying to them leave him/her alone and things. And I bully the bullies lol give em a taste off their own medicine!

Community Stories / Anyone like Roleplaying in Bully?
« on: July 27, 2011, 02:13:06 PM »
Lol I don't know if you guys do it but I like roleplaying like just roleplaying a school day etc. Right now I am roleplaying me dropping out of bullworth lol goes great with my pedro skin.
It's actually quite fun if you try it.

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Respect on Bully 2
« on: July 27, 2011, 02:08:57 PM »
Lol same here actually if I think about it

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