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Messages - Rambo7

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15 16 ... 23
Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] Awesome Accessories Pack
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:19:22 AM »
Yes, it is
I just forgot to put the link in this thread

Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] Awesome Accessories Pack
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:10:26 AM »
This is a hell of a mod, Rambo.
Approved the download btw. Welcome back, buddy.
Thanks Man
and yeah, long time no see buddy!

Wow, awesome mod!
Thanks Man
and don't forget to rate 5 man :cool:

Introduce Yourself / The Return Of [Rambo7]
« on: April 28, 2015, 07:56:25 AM »
Yep, Rambo7 is back to the forum.
After a really long ass break, I am back again to the forum. I believe it is one and half year already.
Back then I leave the community because the business of my life. I need to finish my college degree and later I need to find a job for myself. Nowadays I had already graduated and worked at a company.
So here I am, ready to trool again, ummm… I mean modding again.

I notice that, there are so many new members here and there are still old members still sticking with this forum.
Some of you might know me, and some of you might totatly have no idea who the hell I am.
So to all new members: Hi, I am Rambo7, Nice to meet you, dude!
And to all old members: Long time no see, dude!
Here is a little detail about me:
-Back then I use this awesomely kickass picture as my profile picture

-And basicly I am skin modder, although I do know how to mod other file type. I think my best work so far is the “Pimp My Ride/Drift”mod

Oh, BTW I got a little gift for the community
So check it out guys & gals

And this is My 300th Post!!!

Mod Releases / [Rambo7] Awesome Accessories Pack
« on: April 28, 2015, 07:39:52 AM »
Ladies & Girls, This is my seventh release of the day,
Awesome Accessories Pack, what the holy awesomeness is this u must be asking,
Well like the name, u can wear this accessories and be become the most awesome dude in the Bullworth Academy

Ok, let's start shall we
1. Wolverine (cf S_Wristband1):
After failed miserably at the chemistry class and accidently poisoning himself. Jimmy turned himself into a goddamn Wolverine
Note: there are two version of this: regular claw & longer claw

2. Heist
Now Jimmy can join his seniors from the GTA series
  • Bag (cf S_Wristband5):
  • Mask (cf SP_Zorromask):

3. Backpack (convert from S_Wristband5)
Well, I think this is the most funniest thing about Bully:SE, you live inside the school environment and yet there is not a single backpack ever exist in Bullworth Academy.
So I create this backpack to overcome that bullsh!t
  • Cool Bag

  • Military Bag

  • Small Bag

4. Cool Dude
Now jimmy can become the most greasy dude than all greaseball that ever live in the world
-Glasses (cf S_Wristband4):
  • Aviator
  • Matrix Glass
  • Round Glass
-Cigar (cf S_Wristband3):
  • Beside Ear
  • On Mouth

5. Rockband
Jimmy has formed a band with the name of “Jimmy Eat The World”
-Guitar (cf S_Wristband5):

-Headphone: Dr Dre’s Beats (cf S_Wristband6):
  • On Head
  • On Shoulder

6. Dragon Hunter
On one of their roleplaying, Lord Algernus give the title of ‘Dragon Hunter’ to Sir James Hopkins
-Triceros Helmet (cf SP_VHelmet):

-Blade (cf S_Wristband5):
  • Classic
  • Cool Red

7. Good & Evil (cf S_Wristband2)
The Good & Evil side of Jimmy Hopkins
  • Angel WIng
  • Devil Wing

Here is the download link:;sa=view;down=208

Ps. f you want to use this mod for making video. Please give me credit for this mod.
Ps2. If you think this mod is awesomely kickass. Please "Rate 5" for this mod, since it's the only payment & appreciation I get.
Ps3. Sorry guys I don't do any request, I just do this for fun

I think thats all ladies, have fun with this 8)

Mod Releases Archive / Re: [Rambo7] Killing Weapon Pack
« on: November 20, 2013, 07:24:57 AM »
I had already said it,
Do not use the replace command, cause sometimes it will says the file it too big to replace
Use the delete command
My rifle & shotgun, use spudg.nif & spudg.nft file, not the SuperSpudG.nif & SuperSpudG.nft
It's different
So delete the spudg.nif & spudg.nft file, and add my spudg.nif & spudg.nft modded file

@Bartandhomerman, you are deleting your post before so I guess you had fix your problem again

Mod Releases Archive / Re: [Rambo7] Killing Weapon Pack
« on: November 20, 2013, 05:37:08 AM »
Glad to hear that
Have fun with this
And if u want, u can check out my other work too, just click my profile or click my signature below

Mod Releases Archive / Re: [Rambo7] Killing Weapon Pack
« on: November 19, 2013, 09:45:44 PM »
Deleting Virtual Store is not harmful, cause I had delete mine too, and my game never crash
i get another problem it does that when i repalce BROCKETLAUNCHER.nif it says  'file is to big to replace BROCKETLAUNCHER.nif'
This is a common problem, u can fix this easily by using the delete command not the replace command, then add the modded file
But now u had error too when deleting file
AND when i try to delete BROCKETLAUNCHER.nif it says ' can not delete file is important'  WTF
Is it really can't be delete?
Cause I had never face this problem before
Maybe someone can help u

Mod Releases Archive / Re: [Rambo7] Killing Weapon Pack
« on: November 19, 2013, 01:53:29 PM »
That's really funny, it is the correct way to install my mod

But I believe, this is your windows virtual store problem
Virtual store basicly are ur windows backup system
Your game keep loading it, not the world.img that already had my modded weapon
U need to delete your bully virtual store,
The location basicly hidden, so you need to show the hidden folder first
-use the search box from the start menu & find the 'Folder Options'. Simply type "folder options" in the search field and the first result should be the Folder Options shortcut. Click on the it or press the Enter key to open it. Go to the View tab and make the settings you want.
-Select the show hidden files option and press ok as shown in the above pic & you are done.

Then search for your bully virtual store folder
Local Disk (C:) > User (your user name) > Users (your user name) > AppData > Local > Virtual Store > Rocstar Games > Bully SE (Delete this)
Delete the Bully SE virtual store folder
Note; don't worry it won't crash or corrupt your game
Then just install my mod according to the installation instruction & rebuild the archive
It should work now

Mod Releases Archive / Re: [Rambo7] Killing Weapon Pack
« on: November 19, 2013, 12:48:12 PM »
Ok, I had seen your video already,
Basicly you had done the correct way to install my mod
But try to use delete command not the replace command, then add my file

-in the search windows (F2) paste this word "brocketlaucher.nif" & "brocketlaucher.nft" and hit right mouse and Delete the file;
-then add my mod (CTRL+A) "brocketlaucher.nif" & "brocketlaucher.nft" from my download pack
-rebuild the archive

It should work now

hey dude this looks frciking awesome BUT i can't install it what am i doing wrong i have imgtool2.0 is that right one then i find the file replcaces the file with your file and i do it for all 4 files in the folder. then rebuilds the achrive then starts the game scrool down to brocket launcher and it is still the same and shotgun and ak47 dosnet work i replaced those 2 aswell PLEASE HELP I AM BEGING YOU
What do you mean?
Have you rebuild the archive?

And note, u can't have Shotgun & Rifle at the same time because they use the same weapon file that is spudg, u must choose between shotgun & rifle
The same goes to AK47, Machine Gun & Bazooka, u must choose between that three weapon, they use the same weapon file too that is brocketlaucher

Mod Releases Archive / Re: ~Release~ Boss Darby v1 Fighting Style
« on: November 17, 2013, 05:57:38 AM »
At ur Bully:SE script folder
Bully:SE > Scripts

Are u just asking a LUA menu or a LUA fighting style menu?
If it is just a LUA menu, u can check coold tutorial here
Press ctrl+F and put "2. Creating a LUA menu"
U should ask him there

Mod Showroom Archives / Re: First ever custom story missions
« on: November 09, 2013, 12:19:09 PM »
Looks Great 8)

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