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Messages - Rambo7

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 23
Mod Releases / Re: Damon in trouble mission recreation (4_S11)
« on: May 02, 2015, 03:00:55 AM »
Cool 8)
But how about this legendary creepypasta mission
Is this bullsh!t or is it legit?

Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] GTA Character Skin Pack
« on: May 01, 2015, 02:46:34 PM »
Is it a rule to not link to mediafire? If so it's news to me...
No, there is no such a rules, it is just my habid to upload all my mods in the Download Section
Sorry for the confusion, I think I should revise it, it is more of Ma Rulez

Very nice mods! You've been back like a week and are already back to making quality mods.
Yeah, Thanks
But actually I still have something else hiding on my sleeve  8)
I think I will announce it later

Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] GTA Character Skin Pack
« on: May 01, 2015, 01:47:49 PM »
Yeah, Actually I want to add Huang Lee in the first place, but I still can't find a decent model, that looks like his 2D model
If there is one, I might make it

BTW I might consider to make The Other Rockstar Character Ped if you guys interested on it
I think, it will consist of:
-James Earl Cash & Daniel Lamb (Manhunt Series)
-Swan (The Warriors)
-Max Payne (Max Payne)
-Cole Phelps (LA Noire)
-John Marston (Red Dead Redemption)

Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] GTA Character Skin Pack
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:54:29 PM »
Update: download approved
Thanks to Chuckz

Introduce Yourself / Re: The Return Of [Rambo7]
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:18:52 PM »
@All, Thanks for the Warm Welcome

Although as you don't know me,I do :D
Welcome back mate!
Cool, Nice to meet you, dude 8)

BTW, I have another gift for the community,
Check this out, it should be really awesome;boardseen#new

Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] GTA Character Skin Pack
« on: May 01, 2015, 11:51:42 AM »
Swegta or Chuckz will approve this soon when they see my post here 8)

Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] GTA Character Skin Pack
« on: May 01, 2015, 10:44:12 AM »
Actually I had already made some of this skin back then, before my long break a year ago
and there was just left some skin to finish, but yet I couldn't finish it because of my business
But here it is, a complete version of all the GTA Skin
and the quality of the rig should be pretty good

Ps. I think I will make a tutorial about this later,
since back then I had already promised Redblast or Walter I think, to cover about this stuff after I had release this skin mod

Mod Releases / [Rambo7] GTA Character Skin Pack
« on: May 01, 2015, 10:42:43 AM »
Ladies & Girls, This is my eighth release of the day,
GTA Character Skin Pack, what the fuk is this u must be asking,
Well like the name, It is the GTA Main Character Skin!!!

-There is a stupid jokes fanfiction that I wrote below, about all the GTA Character where they actually live in the Bullworth Town back then, before they become the real criminal in their original game.
-I  am actually trying really hard to adjust all the bully ped voice with the original GTA voice. But please note since this not the same game, so not all the GTA char voice will be the same with their original voice
-And some of the gta ped has a special activity for eg. Tommy, you can actually find him cleaning up the school with a broom.

Ok, let's start shall we
1. Claude (convert from TO_GN_Workman)
FanFiction: Before he is the most greasy guy in Liberty City. Back then Claude was the first leader of all the Bullworth greaseball and Johnny Vincent was his number #1 loyal dog greasebag.
Ped Voice: Since Claude don’t have any voice in his original game, so I just assign him with a bully ped that sounds just like a tough guy

2. Toni Cipriani (cf TO_BarberPoor)
FanFiction: Before he is the Leone crime family mafioso and later promoted as the acting Don of the Leone Family in Liberty City. Back then Toni was the Godfather that runs Mafioso family in Bullworth Town which associated with The Derby Harrington Families and he actually owned an Italian Restaurant that serve tortellini, pepperoni pizza, Pasta e fagioli, Ragù alla Bolognese and all the other bullsh!t.
Ped Voice: I assign him with  a bully ped that sounds like italiano guy.

3. Tommy Vercetti (cf TE_Janitor)
FanFiction: Before he is the tycoon from Vice City, that owns The Cherry Popper Ice Cream (that sells a poisonous ice cream), Print Works (that print counterfeit money), Malibu Club & The Pole Position Club (that full of wh@re), InterGlobal Films (that make a Ummm…. Great movies) and other illegal business. Back then Tommy was a poor asswhipe from Bullworth Town, and he only owned a WhoopAss Ice Cream shop that sells a poisonous ice cream  to the bullworth kid, and had a part time job as the Janitor.
Ped Voice: I assign him with the janitor since the janitor has a creppy voice and I think it suits well with Tommy’s creppy wacky personalities.
Special Activity: You can actually find the guy cleaning up the school with a broom.

4. Victor Vance (cf leadpipe)
FanFiction: Before he is a registered as army from Vice City and later turned into a criminal and later he actually  get rekt when trying to sell drugs. Back then Victor was registered as police officer from Bullworth Town.
Ped Voice: I assign him with a police that sounds like a deep black dude voice
Special Activity: You can actually find the guy riding a police bike around the town, and if you trying to fuk around in Bullworth Town, he will bust your ass.

5. Carl Johnson (cf TO_Associate)
FanFiction: Before he is the ultimate gangsta dude from San Andreas. Back then CJ was registered as a student at the Bullworth Academy, he studied really hard and yet he failed miserably because of his minimum size brain, and that is the reason why he later choose the Gangsta 4 Life.
Ped Voice: I assign him with a bully ped that speak a lot of “Gangsta” and “Yo” word

6. Niko Bellic (cf TO_MotelOwner)
FanFiction: Before he is registered as the illegal immigrant from Liberty City. Back then Nico was registered as the illegal immigrant from Bullworth Town (Ps. It is his destiny to become the ultimate illegal immigrant that ever live in this world)
Ped Voice: I assign him with a bully ped that sounds like Eastern European guy

7. Johnny Klebitz (cf TO_BikeOwner)
FanFiction: Before he is the president of The Lost MC biker gang from Liberty City. Back then Johnny owned a bike shop in Bullworth Town.
Ped Voice: I assign him with the bike shop guy, and his voice sounds like a biker gang tough guy
Special Activity: You can actually find the guy inside the Bike Shop.

8. Luis Fernando Lopez (cf TO_Poorman2)
FanFiction: Before he is the party party clubbing guy from Liberty City. Back then Luis was a a suckball losser beggar guy from Bullworth Town, that slept beside the trash containers.
Ped Voice: I assign him with the poor guy  ped, that has a deep voice.
Special Activity: You can actually find the guy begging or drunk around Bullworth Town.

9. Michael De Santa (cf TO_Business3)
FanFiction: Before he is the heist fugitive from San Andreas. Back then Michael worked as a bank accountant at the Bank of The Bullworth Town, but later because of his low salaries, he was pissed off and turned into a bank robber to fulfill his grudge against the bank.
Ped Voice: I assign him with a bully ped that has a scottish accent

10. Franklin Clinton (cf TO_Business4)
FanFiction: Before he is the illegal street racer from San Andreas. Back then Franklin was the best illegal gocart street racer from Bullworth Town.
Ped Voice: I assign him with a bully ped that has unique African accent.   

11. Trevor Philips (cf TO_Asylumpatient)
FanFiction: Before he is the lunatic maniac psychopath that abducts and torture people for fun In San Andreas. Back then Trevor was the most fuk up mental ill patient of the Happy Volts Asylum from Bullworth Town.
Ped Voice: I assign him with the asylum patient, that means he will speak in a crazy way, like talking about bird and other random stuff.
Special Activity: You can actually find the guy do random stuff like tagging the town for fun and etc.

A video made by SWEGTA:

A video made by Mick3Mouse
Bully - GTA Character Skin Pack SHOWCASE

Fun thing to do with this mod:
1. You can play all the GTA Char
Using player selector like Daboss's Super Mod or others player selector mod
(Ps. for Daboss’s Super Mod, specifically the “Vehicle Spawner”, it is still contain a few bug, and it might crash your game randomly, so beware. But overall His Super Mod is still the best mod around the forum)
2. You can talk/shove the GTA Char ingame and some of them will sound just like their original GTA voice
This mod will make all the GTA Char ingame to go mayhem
There are two version of this:
-GTA Char hitting each other
-GTA Char hitting everyone

Thank You List:
-Walter for sending me, some of the GTA Model
-Rambo7, for the GTA IV model (I own the game)
-Luxox, for the GTA V model
-Google, for helping me searching some of the GTA model

Here is the download link:;sa=view;down=209

Ps. f you want to use this mod for making video. Please give me credit for this mod.
Ps2. If you think this mod is awesomely kickass. Please "Rate 5" for this mod, since it's the only payment & appreciation I get.
Ps3. Sorry guys I don't do any request, I just do this for fun

I think thats all ladies, have fun with this 8)

Mod Releases / Re: Bullies Nightmare: Open Source Mission
« on: April 29, 2015, 08:02:58 PM »
I wanted to make the text slower and the ability to skip it if you wanted but I forgot.  :o
Okay, that's cool, so it means that is possible
Btw I want to add my question, is it possible to change the size of the text to a bigger one, for eg. change it from 10 font size to 12 font size
Since for me, a dialogue/story is one of the most important part of a mission, to make the mission really interesting

Mod Releases / Re: Bullies Nightmare: Open Source Mission
« on: April 29, 2015, 11:46:08 AM »
Wow a mission mod, Great work dude!
it looks like bully modding is quite advance now, huh?

And BTW I think your mission mod is quite hard to beat, since I die several times when I play this mod, I believe it is because of the bullies's low health.

And I got some few complaint, hope u don't mind it
My complaint is about the text dialogue, which is:
-It is too hard for me to read the red color text
-The text dialogue move/skip quite fast, I think it move/skip after 2 or 3 sec and  I actually miss some of the dialogue
So is it possible to:
-Change the text color to white (since Bully:SE subtitle is white)
-For us (the player) To control the move/skip of the text dialogue. for eg. if we press x button, then it will move/skipped the text dialogue to another dialogue (so the text won't be automaticlly move/skip, but it will be manually done by the player). So we can enjoy reading the dialogue without rushing the read

But overall this mod is Awesome 8)

Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] Awesome Accessories Pack
« on: April 28, 2015, 10:44:41 AM »
Yeah, Awesome
BTW my favourite is the Heist & the Wolverine

Introduce Yourself / Re: The Return Of [Rambo7]
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:26:32 AM »
Yeah, thanks mate
I think, I do remember seeing you at the forum games back then
But for now I won't be that active at the forum games like in the past, but I will be more active in the modding thread
and I might check the forum games in the future later to trooling around

Introduce Yourself / Re: The Return Of [Rambo7]
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:45:51 AM »
Thanks Man

Bully Modding / Re: [WIP] Bully Multiplayer
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:37:26 AM »
Looks like, I had been off for too long, and didn't know about this mod
This looks really awesome

Introduce Yourself / Re: The Return Of [Rambo7]
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:31:57 AM »
Yeah, Thanks Man
It is just feel so great to get back to this awesome community again

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