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Messages - Rambo7

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 ... 23
Mod Releases / Re: The Cure 2!
« on: June 11, 2015, 08:49:10 AM »
Boss, a little suggestion here,
Maybe you should add other variation in your next mission mod,
Since in your Cure 1 & 2, it's more of beating one dude to another dudes
I played TDID's Bullies Nightmare mission and it got other things like finding key and stuff
It sure will make the game is more interesting
and I do know that it's harder to create though

Textures Help / Re: what wrong with my texture?
« on: June 08, 2015, 09:37:38 AM »
And how about the jimmy clothes that you retexture? is the color white too? or it just jimmy hand?
load some picture, maybe I can help you
and what software you use to edit your texture? I recommend you to use photoshop, since other software like didn't work that well.
And converting texture from .psd into tga shouldn't be the problem, cause I usually converting other files type like png, jpeg, tiff into tga without any texture problem

Mod Releases / Re: The Cure 2!
« on: June 06, 2015, 01:02:38 PM »
Already played it. Awesome mod 8)

But can you make:
-Change the text color to white (since Bully:SE subtitle is white)
-For us (the player) To control the move/skip of the text dialogue. for eg. if we press x button, then it will move/skipped the text dialogue to another dialogue (so the text won't be automaticlly move/skip, but it will be manually done by the player). So we can enjoy reading the dialogue without rushing the read
(Ps. actually I already asked this question to TDID, but he said he forgot how to do it)

It's pretty simple to set a ped with a firearm. I used this method with my Zombie Mod Beta allowing Bucky to use the Spudgun all the time by doing this.

Code: [Select]
F_SpudGunFire2 = function()
  local x,y = -772,-123
  local r1 = x + 3.5
  local r2 = y + 3.5
  local r3 = x - 3.5
  local r4 = y - 3.5
  until PedInRectangle(gPlayer,r1,r2,r3,r4)
  PedDismissAlly(gplayer, Troy)
  PedDismissAlly(Troy, Wade)
  PedDismissAlly(Wade, Tom)
  PedGuardPed(gplayer, Troy)
  PedGuardPed(gplayer, Tom)
  PedGuardPed(gplayer, Wade)
  PedAttackPlayer(Infected06, gPlayer,2)
  PedMoveToXYZ(gBucky, 3,  -772.3766, -123.5870, 7.3712)

  PedSetPedToTypeAttitude(gMelvin, 13, 0)
  PedAttackPlayer(gMelvin, gPlayer,2)
  PedSetWeapon(gMelvin, 305, 10000)
  PedSetPedToTypeAttitude(gBucky, 13, 0)
  PedAttackPlayer(gBucky, gPlayer,2)
  PedSetWeapon(gBucky, 305, 10000)
  PedSetWeaponNow(gBucky, 305, 20)
  SoundPlayStream("MS_TenementsHigh.rsm", 0.69999998807907)
  PedSetActionNode(gBucky, "/Global/N_Earnest/Offense/FireSpudGun", "Act/Anim/N_Earnest.act")

if PedHasWeapon(gBucky, 305) and PedIsPlaying(gBucky, "/Global/N_Earnest/Offense/FireSpudGun", "Act/Anim/N_Earnest.act") then
PedSetActionNode(gBucky, "/Global/N_Earnest/Offense/FireSpudGun", "Act/Anim/N_Earnest.act")
until not PedIsValid(gBucky) or PedIsDead(gBucky) or PedGetHealth(gBucky) < 1
PedHasWeapon and set a l_3_0 = false

Just remove the animation for the ped and set the PedHasWeapon and set a l_3_0 = false to true.
Code: [Select]
if PedHasWeapon and l_3_0 == false then

Use this code to test setting weapons to peds. I also use these functions to open and close doors you can test this also.
I tried your code already, but it's not working well
I mean, I want to spawn a weapon to the freeroam peds (the peds that the game automaticly spawn),
not to a ped that I spawn manually (like using the pedcreate function)
You can easily spawn a weapon to a ped that spawn using pedcreate, but I have still no idea how to spawn to the freeroam peds

And I realise that some of the freeroam student ped in the school, spawn with books as their weapon

TUTORIALS / Re: Save Data In LUA Scripts
« on: May 24, 2015, 01:57:50 AM »
What do you mean?
Isn't that bully just have 6 slot?
and can I load the game perfectly without the need to play the Arcade Game whenever I load it from the option screen?

Yeah, I notice that one too, funny it can only work for events ped
and btw I set the pedstat for the "nightweapon" into sledgehammer,
Play my game and wait till night but there is no single person holding any sledgehammer
Btw the "nightweapon" is used for spawning flashlight for the authority, but funny it is not working for any other weapons

Sorry for the bumps (cause I don't want to make another thead, asking the same question)
So does anyone know about this problem?

Amazing Work! 8)
Any release date?

TUTORIALS / Re: Save Data In LUA Scripts
« on: May 23, 2015, 11:14:30 PM »
Boss, did you managed to make the save code work already?
Cause I remember reading Madman comment somewhere that saving in a mission mod is still impossible
So can this code be used for saving my game if I use the arcrace1.lur (a mission mod)?

Mod Releases / Re: Bully Beta Mod
« on: May 23, 2015, 06:37:45 AM »
Yeah, like Daboss said, feel free to come to my tutorial thread 8)
I will try my best to response any question there, if I am around the forum

Mod Showroom / Re: Drive By
« on: May 22, 2015, 08:21:09 AM »
Could, you make the slingshot guy to shot automaticly (make him become AI) and you are the one that riding the bike? (but I think this is impossible, since there is no such slingshot AI exist)
Or maybe make it more like a tank, where you can turn the slingshot guy like the tank turret while you still can control the bike
That would be really awesome 8)

Mod Releases / Re: SanicĀ“s Reskins
« on: May 22, 2015, 08:13:56 AM »
Dude, you should try the next level of skin modding, that is Ped Rigging. It is more complex then this though
Here it is, a tutorial about how to rig a ped written by me 8)
You should check it out, if you want

Mod Releases / Re: [Rambo7] Pimp My Ride Pack
« on: May 14, 2015, 09:42:50 PM »
It would be really cool if the bully multiplayer developer can add this to their mod
and btw this drift mod is actually really light weight, there is only the Drift Handling and car skin, and for drift control setting, u can set it yourself in your bully control options, and thats all
1v1 when Multiplayer is made?
May the best rider win
I will wait for that day to come 8)

Cool 8)
Thanks Man, I will wait for it

I am sorry to bump this thread
But do you guys know about this?

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