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Messages - JP9

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Community Stories / Re: JP9's Bully 2 Concept
« on: September 24, 2011, 09:15:23 PM »
Gonna use Rednecks cause they were in my original idea.

I gonna say no to skinheads. For now.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello world
« on: September 24, 2011, 09:12:41 PM »
When youre here, we treat you like family, or at least the in-laws.  :innocent:

Community Stories / Re: JP9's Bully 2 Concept
« on: September 20, 2011, 07:04:36 PM »
PUNKS- well, ive got metalheads

SKATERS- Got em in there already

HIPPIES- Nice, only 2 to go

Community Stories / Re: JP9's Bully 2 Concept
« on: September 18, 2011, 07:10:31 PM »
If you have 3 more cliques then ill be happy to hear them. I do want this to be super long.

Community Stories / Re: JP9's Bully 2 Concept
« on: September 18, 2011, 06:45:17 PM »
That is a good idea, but 3 other new cliques would be needed to balance out my system. Plus the names of these people

Community Stories / Re: JP9's Bully 2 Concept
« on: September 05, 2011, 07:59:38 PM »
Updated with Bullworth Expansions and main character bios

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: What We Would Like To See In Bully 2
« on: August 14, 2011, 06:47:52 PM »
I have a shirt with a Purple Collar, does that count?   ;D

Bully 1 Questions / Re: BULLY CHARACTERS IN SVR OR NOT????????????
« on: August 14, 2011, 05:32:16 PM »
In '10 I was able to make a Jimmy character pretty easy

Community Stories / JP9's Bully 2 Novel
« on: August 14, 2011, 12:32:34 PM »
This will be updated as often as I want it to be.  :p

Location of game: Bullworth!!!!

Jimmy's Group

Leader: Jimmy Hopkins
2nd in Command: Peter Kowalski
Members: Russell Northrop, Ray Hughes, Chad Morris, Edgar Munsen, Zoe Taylor
Main Enemy: None


Leader: Trent Northwick
2nd in Command: Davis White
Members: Tom Gurney, Wade Martin, Ethan Robinson, Troy Miller, Gustav Unitas
Main Enemy: Skaters


Leader: Norton Williams
2nd in Command: Peaunt Romano
Members: Vance Medici, Lucky De Luca, Lefty Mancini, Hal Esposito, Ricky Pucino, Lola Lombardi
Main Enemy: Preppies


Leader: Bo Jackson
2nd in Command: Damon West
Members: Luis Luna, Kirby Olsen, Dan Wilson, Casey Harris, Juri Karamazov, Mandy Wiles
Main Enemy: Nerds


Leader: Tad Spencer
2nd in Command: Bif Taylor
Members: Gord Vendome, Bryce Montrose, Parker Olgivie, Justin Vandervelde, Pinky Gauthier
Main Enemy: Greasers


Leader: Algernon Papadopoulos
2nd in Command: Bucky Pasteur
Members: Fatty Johnson, Melvin O'Connor, Donald Anderson, Cornelius Johnson, Thad Carlson Beatrice Trudeau
Main Enemy: Jocks

Leader: Jason Donnelly
2nd in Command: Anthony Wilkins
Members: Grayson Wong, Zack Ellis, Garrett Luberin, Andre Gonzalez, Maya Paliaro
Main Enemy: Metalheads


Leader: Jesse Owner
2nd in Command: Rodney Stanson
Members: Bill Bolt, Jerry Timber, Eddie Peterson, Phil Nitro, Emily Popper
Main Enemy: Goths


Leader: Eric Heston
2nd in Command: Mike Clark
Members: Hudson Dasidon, Kevin Youngblood, Sam Ravenoid, Greg Pinquin, Brittany Bentz
Main Enemy: Bullies


Leader: Lars McMattison
2nd in Command: Tim Rattletail
Members: Rob Judic, CJ Ovive, John Fiveton, Kris Kane, Ashley Granite
Main Ally: Bullies
Main Enemy: Musicians


Leader: Constaninos Brakus
2nd in Command: Mack Negis
Members: Nico Downer, Tyler Ward, Xavier Pitness, Wes Cidesouth
Main Enemy: Runners


Leader: Omar Romero
2nd in Command: Gurney
Members: Clint, Duncan, Jerry, Leon, Otto Tyler, Sheri
Main Enemy: None


Leader: None
2nd in Command: None
Members: Angie Ng, Christy Martin, Piper Garick, Eunice Pound, Ivan Alexander, Gordon Wakefield, Lance Jackson, Trevor Moore, Amy Prantiano, Linda Carmicheal, Patrica Evans, Matt Goff, Nick Haborki, Zeke Van Stimple, Logan Athens

Little Kids

Leader: None
2nd in Command: None
Members: Sheldon Thompson, Pedro De La Hoya, Gloria Jackson, Melody Adams, Karen Johnson, Kenny Jameston, Mickey Gobstop, Amanda Quench, Janet Locker, Katy Ball


Leader: Mario Barone
2nd in Command: Chet Chief
Members: Frank Deer, Sean Maddy, Cody Hacin, Larry Adventde, Becky Newtown
Main Enemy: Ghettos


Leader: Taffy Lewis
2nd in Command: Gaz Moon
Members: JP Sullivan, Kona East, Jace Ops, Cameron Difeno, Monique Williams
Main Enemy: Gamers


Leader: Alex Wilson
2nd in Command: Andrew Wilson
Members: Damien Wilson, Matt Wilson, Jake Peasly, Brady Edwardson, Joel Floyd, Kayleigh Jhonson 
Main Enemy: Stuffers


Leader: Angus Chexburger
2nd in Command: Rumaparoast Banquet
Members: Flab Frenchie, Mick Donalds, Gravy N'Potaters, Otis Turducket, CoCo Cola
Main Enemy: Rednecks 


Music- Miss Peters
Chemistry- Dr. Watts
Biology- Dr. Slawter
English- Mr. Galloway
Math- Dr. Buddy
Geography- Mr. Matthews
History- Mr. Wiggins
Shop- Neil
Gym- Coach Hogan
Art- Ms. Philips
Photgraphy- Ms. Philips
Computers- Mr. Spegiel

A Day:
Class 1: Math
Class 2: Art

B Day:
Class 1: Music
Class 2: History

C Day
Class 1: Gym
Class 2: English

D Day
Class 1: Geography
Class 2: Shop

E Day
Class 1: Biology
Class 2: Photography

F Day
Class 1: Computers
Class 2: Chemistry

Map: All of the map from the  game with a few additions such as:

Sever Island: A large island way out in Bullworth lake with an abandoned prison on it.

Mt. Mountain: A signifigantly high mountain that can be scaled by going around a winding path.

Downtown Bullworth: A larger part of Bullworth northwest of Old Bullworth Vale filled with office buildings and a very tall skyscraper.

Bullworth Academy Expansions: Added a ton of new bulidings with four floors on the main building, two in each dorm, and other various bulidings and hangouts for new cliques.

Main Characters:

Morgan Wallace: An average sized, slighty tan 16 year old from Portland, Oregan whose dad recently died in a war, and his mother is an alchoholic, drug addict, and smoker. His mom drops hi off at Bullworth with the help of fiancial aid. His father's words of advice always help him through the toughest times. Becomes friends with Gonzo, Zii, Violet, and Trystan.

Gonzo Hectaris: A tall, muscular, black 16-year old who was born of a homeless family turned millonares. They got their fortune through a product that keeps socks from getting lost in the dryer. After they had this money, they sent Gonzo of to Bullworth, where no child coul bother him because of his physical stature. Is friends with Zii and Violet, but slighty suspicious about Trystan.

Zii Yammamoto: A slighty short, but average built Asian from South Korea who was recruitd to Bullworth by the gym teacher. He competes on Bullworth's track team, but is nevertheless bullied by the Jocks. Zii speaks English fluently. He is a master of judo and ji-jistu and uses ancient techniques. Friends with Gonzo and Violet, but like Gonzo is wary of Trystan.





Bully 1 Discussion / Re: Bully the movie
« on: August 14, 2011, 11:43:58 AM »
Also I get to say the three magic words


Bully 1 Discussion / Re: Bully the movie
« on: August 14, 2011, 11:38:50 AM »
During my younger years I played the role of Cordell in "Dear Edwina".    ^-^

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: What We Would Like To See In Bully 2
« on: August 14, 2011, 10:18:09 AM »
Now that I think about it, I really don't know  :laugh:

So its Gamer vs. Ghettos

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: Bully the movie
« on: August 13, 2011, 08:45:29 PM »
The only Bully character I resemble is Kirby.

But I don't like my face or voice on the Internet, only words.....

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: What We Would Like To See In Bully 2
« on: August 13, 2011, 08:10:46 PM »
well at this pint I thought I was done with people but others want a Ghetto clique. And considering how my Ally/Enemy thing works I would need to create at least FOUR more cliques to balance it out.

Now I have those four cliqes in place but with no member names yet....


2nd in Command:?????
Main Ally: Adventurers
Main Enemy: Gamers


2nd in Command:????????
Main Ally: Townies
Main Enemy: Adventurers


2nd in Command:?????????
Main Ally: Nerds
Main Enemy: Rednecks


2nd in Command:??????????
Main Ally: Rednecks
Main Enemy: Ghettos

And changes would be made to the other cliques correspondingly

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Create A Character?
« on: August 13, 2011, 07:50:45 PM »
Well in my Bully 2 concept Create-a-Character is in there. You go along a set storyline like Bully but with a created character. For the names it cold be a pre-set list, just not saying the name, or a single set name that you get no matter what.

EDIT: You know what? I'll change it to a pre-set character to keep it simple.  ;)

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