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Messages - justin004

Pages: 1 [2]
Bully 1 Discussion / Bully Or GTA4?
« on: August 18, 2006, 06:19:46 PM »
Quote from: BuckatBullworth
Quote from: DGAF
I got to say GTA4. As much as i'm anticipating Bully, i think GTA4 being on the PS3 is going to be something special!

Yeah it will especially
with the RAGE engine
GTA 4 is gonna be awesome
but so will bully
I bet Bully is gonna be my favorite game on the PS2

Who thinks they are gonna make a sequel
after the first 1 is released
or mabye you like get kicked out of bullwoth at the end of the game and in the 2nd one your like sent to a year in bootcamp or something like that

Bully 1 Discussion / Bully Or GTA4?
« on: August 18, 2006, 06:16:37 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
2007 :shock: ! that's like a yea.. oh wait no that aint that far away is it, they're bringing liberty city stories out on PS2 n'all arn't they i was worried i'd have to fork out £200 for a PSP. so yippy for that
librety city stories isnt worth buyin it isnt that great graphic are sketchy and the storie line dies out fast

Bully 1 Discussion / News is drying up....
« on: August 17, 2006, 02:44:13 PM »
it released on October 17th even check

Bully 1 Discussion / News is drying up....
« on: August 17, 2006, 02:41:54 PM »
Quote from: DGAF
Hi there, welcome to the forum.

There is absolutely no official release date for Bully, all websites with a release date shown are just estimations. As soon as R* announce an official date you can be sure we'll have it scattered all over this forum!

My personal oppinion is that it will be released close to, but before November, as it would be overshadowed by the PS3.

I also believe that if there is still no announcement and no new news from R* by November, i think theres a big chance it will be released on the PS3 and would use the new RAGE engine.

They are just my views though i aint got no proof :wink:
check  it says it will be released in October or on October 17th

Bully 1 Discussion / Re: I got details.
« on: August 17, 2006, 02:16:12 PM »
Quote from: Verecetti
My best friend Mike recently got hired for Rockstar Vancouver (March 2006), after a greuling session at an art/tech school, and he was assigned do to Storyboard work for cutscenes in Bully. He told me what the game will be about. Seems odd, but he and I are big gamers, and both anticipate the title.

. The Game will take place in an American public High School.

. You will have full character customization.

. Weapons include Baseball Bats, Brass Knuckles, Balls/Sports equipment, Rocks, Rulers, Scissors, Pocket Knives, and a trusty Slingshot.

. The Game will have somewhat of a storyline.

. They're leaning on doing a final mission including Shooting Up the School, or a final mission with you defeating jocks, etc.

. The  School (Exterior Only), and surrounding areas will be roughly the size of Shoreside Vale from GTA3. The "Town" part will be a tad bit bigger.

. You will go on Field Trips, and cause havoc.

. You can ride BMX Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards, or Mopeds.

. The game will not feature gore, but will feature blood in a cartoony way.

S'all I know.
your lying cuz first of rockstar said it was in a border school and there is no blood and no knive and defenitly no brass nuckels for that matter no sharp aobject witch could cut you :!:

Bully 1 Discussion / Best year of your Life
« on: August 17, 2006, 02:12:33 PM »
Quote from: Nazz

he doesnt have to leave to bullworth since its a boring school he will have to sleep in his dorm on campus

Bully 1 Discussion / Best year of your Life
« on: August 17, 2006, 02:11:03 PM »
Quote from: PlayStation361
Quote from: Nazz
Where'd you hear that?

Forgot, but I'll try to find it again.
he doesnt wake up to leave to bullworth he would already be there it is a border school after all

Bully 1 Discussion / Release date for Bully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: August 16, 2006, 06:01:08 PM »
Quote from: DGAF
I honestly dont think those release dates are accurate. There is no official release date so what they put on the sites such as is just to make people pre-order the game with them and then they'll keep putting the date back and back untill an official release date is announced.

But we can just keep our fingers crossed and just hope  :roll:

 R* says October 17th


Bully 1 Discussion / BREAKING NEWS!
« on: August 16, 2006, 05:44:55 PM »
Quote from: bully15
Quote from: DGAF
Quote from: bully15

how r u certain it will be out by november 17?

Because it would be disasterous for Bully if it was released in the shadow of the PS3. And R* aint stupid.

Hmm.... unless Bully is a release title for the PS3... with us by xmas.... no Xbox version.... no images or new footage since 2005... who knows..  :twisted:

yea maybe ur right hopefully ur right cause i cant WAIT FOR IT!!!

 it coming out October 17 check   :!:

Bully 1 Discussion / BMX in Bully
« on: August 16, 2006, 05:28:32 PM »
Quote from: JESTER
but is it bmx like gta:sa or grinds and tailwips ect.... because that would be awsome :D
theres probally tail whips and grinds and stuff on both skateboard and bmx cus there the only way of transportation so they probaly put a not more work  and detail into them unlike in san andreas cus the main transportation in that game was cars  :)  :!:  :D  :(  :o  :shock:  :?  8)  :lol:  :x  :P  :oops:  :cry:  :evil:  :twisted:  :roll:  :wink:  :?:  :idea:  :arrow:  :|

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