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Messages - embas10

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hello. i am bad modders guys. so can someone teachme or make a mod like this:

           - Johnny Full Style (with tornado kick)
           - Skin Johnny
           - Faction Greaser
           - Have 2 bodyguard++
           - Song Johnny Boss Fight

I has ask this before but none reply it! but i so sad because i old member in BB not teach me about make full style!  :(

please can some one teach me i like playing bully with a mod!

and this is mostly i want : -how to make action node and edit the key from action node(using lua)
                                        -how to make a other fighting style to jimmy with full style(using lua)
                                        -how to edit a skin using lua (not world.img)
so you guy must read this. and do what i ask to still stand on BB. ok :)

I cant do that.
Only lur man.
Its either that or nothing, as it will hurt the PSF

ahh man, i want to see how to make a menu fighting style in lua!

but you cant give it .you just give me a lur!  :(
How About you just give me a code in pm And i will now it pleasee!  :jajaja:

Hopefully, I will get permission to release a Menu tutorial using tables then it will be even better :P

wow that's maybe cool !! but can you create, and give me a Lua file with a menu fighting style with some fighting style please but don't give me a lur file because i want to see how to make a menu in lua!! ok send it to pm ok  :)

i am talking about just how to make a menu !!

about cold tutorial it is too expert for me ! so can you give me just the code and i will now!!

hey are you guys now how to make a menu in lua?? i want to make a menu but i don't now about it so can some one give me some tutorial about this or make a code and i can see how to make it!!


You need to be away from Russell atlist 6 foot away from him for a few seconds and your bodyguard will start shooting him.

you ever did it by yourself ?

yes that's right !!!

Modding Questions/Help Archives / PedSetActionNode command for what in LUA?
« on: November 12, 2013, 07:48:03 AM »
who now function  from PedSetActionNode command??

my friend say this is for entire fighting style we want!
but at i try its.the code does'nt do anything!

so can someone explain about PedSetActionNode ???   ;D ;D

look this the haps:

1. i pay lucky as my bodyguard

2. i fighting with russel

3. lucky use his slingshoot but not shoot
(lucky just stay with pick up his slingshoot [he jus stay like crazy guy]but he not shoot russel)

4.i wating lucky for shoot with he slingshoot ( i waiting 5 minute) but he still stay with slingshoot but not shoot

5. after i punch lucky 5 hit .lucky not my bodyguard again, but i see after he leave my bodyguard he now shoot russel with slingshoot!

so that the problem ! not how to give a ped item!

hey guys !! do you now how to make we bodyguard using a range weapon like: slingshot,stinkbomb,spudgun??

i see lucky as my bodyguard he just action with he slingshoot but not shoot the enemy.
so how to fix we bodyguard??  :ohmy:

You have to use the code swap method. It's hard to explain so just try using LUA.
I've been wondering this too. We want Gary to have his boss style with his own stats. How to do this through lua?

yes. am not want gary using the big guy stat ! so how to change Gary Stat with LUA?

how to change gary stat fROMm STAT_B_RUSSEL_A to STAT_GS_GARY? with gary boss fighting style?

you guys want now right?  because at i change gary stat to his stat the game crash!

THX i need the name song!  :D

 what the name song? preps boss fight?  :euro:

It's because in this mission, it's a complete riot = greasers vs preppys = when a ped is attacking the other , he cannot lock on another ped.

PS:Sorry for bad english, i'm brazilian.

yes that right. but how to stop look on suddenly change?


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