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Topics - trixiebell

Pages: [1]
Hi Everyone ~

First of all, please don't laugh at what is probably a  dumb question with a simple solution - I'm ummm.. and older woman and not a regular gamer, but I got hooked on Bully when I saw it being played at a friend's house.   I went out and bought a Wii just to play this game.    I LOVE this game and I'm glad their's still an active board for it to ask questions so thank you in advance.

I've had a difficult time with all the Wii Mote moves in Bully - to fight I just punch with the wimote and randomly push buttons - seems to work so far.   

So.. stuffing kids into lockers - one of the little side errands that keeps coming up..

My current method:    I see a kid opening up a locker --  then I'm using C to highlight the "Loser" and then Z to try to grab and push them -- but whenever I do that it doesn't push them into the locker; rather it pulls them away and into the middle of the hall.   I've tried about 50 bazillions times.

What am I doing wrong or what could I try differently?     Thanks in advance for any helps or tips.   

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