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Messages - Wolfogen

Pages: [1]
Mod Releases / Re: Full P_Grappler_A with strafe (my first release)
« on: February 05, 2015, 05:24:59 AM »
This is Great! Thank you for such a good mod!

Requests Archive / Re: Darby Full Boss Lua
« on: March 22, 2014, 09:58:43 AM »
The styles used in the PSMM are highly protected for a simple reason. If we were to release any of them before teh mod is out ...then that would make ALL of the hard work put into this mod be all for nothing.

This mod is the end result of a LOT of time being invested in it and both Rise and I have worked on it since the very start which was just after I gave him a copy of every lua script from the game and we pretty much worked together off and on to get that mod created.

Lemon has done a lot of work helping with figuring out all the fighting styles and manually mapping moves....both he and Rise have been working almost nonstop on this and to just release a unfinished portion of this hard work just like that will just kill the whole point of even making this mod.

Once this mod is out and once two months have passed.....after that time the tightly controlled secret behind model swapping will be publicly released. However, the decision whether or not to release the fighting styles or not will rest with Rise and Lemon...and NOT me. I had no hand in working on the fighting styles and as such cannot and will not make a decision on releasing those to the public. That is solely up to Rise and Lemon and no-one else.

If they decide not to release them...I will stand by that decision and if they do decide to release them at some point....I will stand by that.

I know I have said many many many times that hoarding mods is bad for the community and that sharing mods and info...code...etc is what makes the community great and alive.....I still stand by that but in this case I also am doing what is right.

I do know at some point Rise and Lemon might decide to release them.....but due to how difficult this particular mod was.....this is a type of modding best learned by one's self and not one where you should just have all the answers given to you right then.....since I also want to see members of the modding community also learn new things for themselves rather then just get everything handed to them everytime they ask for something.

This is just like can just cheat your way through and get good grades and such...but you won't learn anything in the end by doing so and will have a difficult time later in life as a result. But actually trying on your own and learning about it....thats a different story and everything you learn here can also be applied to later life too and that is the main thing I have always tried to teach everyone here......and I will continue doing this.

That is what makes a truely great modder.  8)


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