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Messages - NickOliveira

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TUTORIALS / Re: [PC][Tutorial]Working with textures
« on: June 27, 2012, 08:11:16 PM »
Replacing/editing textures in Bully SE

Things to remember:
NFT and TXD files are actually NIF files

Bully: SE on the Wii, PC, and Xbox 360 use a customized version of the GameBryo engine instead of RenderWare. This is due to the fact that EA bought RenderWare and left the version for the now current-generation consoles in a very bad state (this had a big impact on Crackdown and the developers of it had to even hack the tools for RenderWare to get them working properly). When Mad Doc ported the game from the RenderWare engine to GameBryo, they cut some corners. One corner they cut was textures. Typically GameBryo has both the model and the respective texture in the same file called a Net Immerse (the former name of the GameBryo engine) File, or NIF for short. On the other hand, RenderWare stores it's models and textures in two different files. Instead of combining them into one NIF, Mad Doc named the models to NIF and the texture files to NFT. Since the GameBryo tools out there don't know what a NFT file is, it refuses to open it. However, the only difference between a NIF and a NFT is the file extension. This means that if you rename the NFT to a NIF, GameBryo programs such as NIFTools will open the file with no problem.

How To:
1. Find the texture file (TXD/NFT) you wish to edit.
2. Change the file extension to NIF.
3. Double click the file to open it up in NIFTools.
4. Right click on the texture in the list, go to Texture and then click Export.
5. Open up the exported TGA file in a image editor that can edit TGA files. For this tutorial, I'm using Paint.NET.
6. Edit the texture. When done, save it. If asked for settings, keep the default ones and click OK.
7. In NIFTools, right click on the texture again, go to Texture and then click Embed.
8. When you imported your new texture, NIFTools may have created a new line called "NiPixelData". Right click on it, go to Block and then click on Remove.
9. Go to File > Save As or just hit Ctrl + S and save it.
10. Rename the file back to the NFT extension.

And that's it. Load up the game and you should see it. If not, check other textures with names like it. If the game crashes, make sure you deleted the NiPixelData as Bully doesn't like it being there. I'll add pictures later and if I get some time, a quickly hacked together version of NIFTools for Bully. :P

eh im using imgtools to edit the files in ´´world.img´´ i follow your tutorial correctly but when i start the game in load screen the game crash!i dont know what to do! :'(

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