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Messages - KillzNThrillz

Pages: [1]
I will save you some effort and this week I will see about releasing a custom script that will let you choose what missions to play anytime you want. Failing that, I will release a custom script that will allow you to load and play the mission you want.
Thanks, that would really help.

And @くにお, I have changed 1_01 to 6_02, and 6_02 to 1_01.

Hello there.

I started modding the Scripts.img file today with IMGtool, but no matter how many times I change 1_01 (Welcome to Bullworth) to 6_02 (Complete Mayhem) it continues to load the default mission. I even tried replacing the second and third missions, with no luck. I have followed the directions to the letter in the sticked thread. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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