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Messages - ReaperTeh

Pages: [1]
Are you sure? I just added SPECIALKISS to a lot of head items, tried a few different ones, and I still wasn't able to kiss anyone with the headgear on.

I looked around in the files and all I could find was Cloths.dat in Config\dat. Edited out all the SPECIALKISS flags, since I assume they were what was keeping me from kissing girls, and put on a Hazmat Helmet. Couldn't kiss them. I'm pretty sure my outfit would let me do so without the Hazmat Helmet on, considering I've kissed girls in the same outfit before, so whatever the file is I guess I can't find it.

First, I'd like to say that I'm sorry if this has been discussed before but I've looked around and I couldn't find anything.

I'm wondering if it's possible to get girls to make out with you regardless of the clothing you're wearing. A lot of the outfits I like have something about them that prevents any chance of that happening (i.e. the I'm With Stupid T-Shirt) and I don't like feeling restricted towards what I can wear if I want to have the option to make out with them available to me always. I'm fine with tinkering around in the game's files to find something like that if someone can point me in the direction I'd need to go. I'm a modder for some games myself, but I know nothing about modding Bully at the moment.

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