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Messages - adidragan

Pages: [1]
Absolutely fantastic work, i bought Bully again just so i can use this mod (i had it for the PS2 and i bought it again, for the PC this time)
But I have a question.
will the V3 still require the arcade machine to activate the mod? because it would be really neat if i could use the cars in actual missions... or at least be able to enter the aim thing on weapons without deleting the car.

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: GoCart Wheel model file name?
« on: September 22, 2011, 08:06:14 AM »
oh right.... forgot it uses the GTA engine... but still i'm not a coder so my only hope for now is to just replace the models and the handling

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: GoCart Wheel model file name?
« on: September 22, 2011, 07:51:12 AM »
as far as i know, making the actual cars drivable is pretty much impossible...

Modding Questions/Help Archives / Re: GoCart Wheel model file name?
« on: September 21, 2011, 03:03:35 PM »
if only that nifskope thing would actually work and let me see all the models then i'd be willing to look at each and every file in world.img to find them... but unfortunately, it doesn't... keeps giving me some header error thing-a-magig when i'm trying to load most of the models....

Modding Questions/Help Archives / GoCart Wheel model file name?
« on: September 21, 2011, 09:09:04 AM »
Does anyone know what the file names for the GoCart's wheels are in the World.img thing? I've searched but i can't find them. Please help.

Also, the GoCart's Handling line would be usefull if anyone can figure it out... they used the car names from GTA there so i have no ideea which is which...

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