Bully => Bully 1 Discussion => Bully 1 Questions => Topic started by: Ilyas_Beloved on October 12, 2008, 02:17:36 PM
Over youtube, there was a discussion going on.
Everyone was discussing what would happen once the students at Bullworth entered adulthood.
Here's what I think.
Jimmy- Decided to follow in Tommy Vercetti's footsteps. Is living with Candy Suxxx in Vice City.
Gary- Snapped and went on a killing spree in Happy Volts Asylum
Russell- Serving as a bodyguard somewhere
Juri - Is a professional wrestler back in Russia
Lola- Was dumped by Johnny
Earnest- Won Nobel Peace Price
Derby- Became owner of the Aquaberry Store
Beatrice - Discards her glasses and becomes hot
damon, became a top flight footballer, then later an actor followed by an aquitted murderer and finally a convicted kidnapper
trent, moved to new york to become an actor, after failing this he tried to become a hustler with the help of an old school pal called constantinos
constantinos, developed a bad leg and a bad cough, moved to new york to become a con man, after failing this he tried to become a pimp with the help of an old school pal called trent
christy, became a model, did reality shows, had several kids with several fathers(one of whom is rumoured to be jimmy), is currently writing a tell all biography about her days at bulworth, her fathers shortcomings and her brothers suicide
LOL. I love what you did with Damon!
He does remind me of a young OJ Simpson!
what about petey the guy gary picked on? what happens to him? he helped out jimmy a bunch of times don't forget. I think he should become jimmy's partner like lance was with tommy in V.C. i mean he was one of the biggest people, you can't leave him out!
Petey travels to London and becomes a self-help guru.
Beatrice bcomes a surgeon and misplaces somebody's Liver.
Lola becomes a professional prostuite and is killed by her pimp.
Pinky marries her cousin anyway, and gives birth to 3 retarded kids.
Mandy becomes a professional model and screws her way to the top.
Zoe actually escapes New Coventry by winning the Lotto.
Gary goes on a murderous shopping mall rampage, and kills 13 people
before being shot to death by police, who have real guns this time.
Wade: Asks that girl out and eventually gets married and later divorces her, just like his ma and pa....
Cornelious: Becomes an actor and eventually takes over for Steve Erkle.
Lance: Becomes a therapist and helps kids at Bullworth.
Troy: Joins the army and sees a war.
Hal: Starts a fight club, but changes it to include eating cheeseburgers.
Tad: Gets over obsessed with his abusive dad and attempts murder.
Petey travels to London and becomes a self-help guru.
Beatrice bcomes a surgeon and misplaces somebody's Liver.
Lola becomes a professional prostuite and is killed by her pimp.
Pinky marries her cousin anyway, and gives birth to 3 retarded kids.
Mandy becomes a professional model and screws her way to the top.
Zoe actually escapes New Coventry by winning the Lotto.
Gary goes on a murderous shopping mall rampage, and kills 13 people
before being shot to death by police, who have real guns this time.
Best ones yet! XD Awesome job, Chuck.
Angie finally went to the big city with a boy. And got lost.
Eunice lost all her extra weight and is the author of some of the most popular weight-loss books and DVDs. Last year she was arrested for molesting a boy with a resemblance to her old Bullworth "buddy", Pedro.
Ethan now plays an extra in some of the world's most popular martial art/ninja movies. He couldn't be happier.
Melvin died of dehydration at the age of 24 during a 36+ hour marathon of non-stop G&G PC gameplay.
Melody became even more obsessed with good diet and exersise and became Bullworth's top track star by the time she was in 11th grade. Unfortunatly, by the 12th grade she was in deep stages of anorexia and bulimia. She died at the age of 19 and weighed 43lbs.
Gord won season 10 of Project Runway and is now designer and owner of a men's clothing line inspired by Aquaberry. He lives in New York with his soon to be husband, Eduardo.
Kirby finally accepted his sexuality and is now an amature drag queen singer/actress in LA. His stage name is Stevie Maddison, due to his obsession with Steve Madden shoes.
Peanut never got over his obsession with Johnny. Years after Johnny had moved away from Bullworth, Peanut still sent him frequent letters and phone calls. He wanders around Bullworth in a daze, unsure of what to do with his life without Johnny there.
That's all. I think I'll come up with more later. This is fun!
Best ones yet! XD Awesome job, Chuck.
Why, Thanks Jessi -- You're a real sweetheart.....
Here's some more...(don't want to hog them all)
Damon joins an African Safari and eventually gets to fight a Gorilla (He Loses).
Algie becomes a fashon designer and puts out a line of "Pee Stain" underwear.
Erenst builds a sex-crazed robot who goes on a rampage and kills him after It discovers there's no Girl robots....
Why, Thanks Jessi -- You're a real sweetheart.....
Aw, thank you so much! You're very sweet yourself :)
Bucky, after deciding in High School that one wrist watch was never enough, moved to Sweden and now owns a small but successful pocket and wrist watch shop.
Sheldon: Tatttles on a drug deal he witnesses and was murdered by the Mexican druglords.
Lola: Sleeps around and contracts all sorts of nifty STDs
Lefty: Eventually quits smoking and moves to Brooklyn.
Max: Commits violent crimes on account of the police force misplacing his application.
Donald: Loses it one day and goes on a killing spree and targets everyone on his list.
Constantinos: He dies young and miserable because he continues to be a pesamist.
Mr. Galloway marries Ms. Phillips, then falls of the wagon once he discovers what a weird bitch she really is. In a fit of drunken depression, he leaps off of the school clock tower.
Ms. Phillips, after Galloway‘s death, starts having sex with her male students, gets caught, and winds up in a sensational trial at Bullworth Courthouse, is found guilty, but is released, because nobody ever goes to jail in Bullworth.
Mr. Burton finally gets up the nerve to sneak into the Girl‘s dorm himself to swipe some more underwear, And contracts an STD from licking Lola’s underwear, Thereby losing his tongue to a rampaging Infection.
Miss Danvers wound up having Dr. Crabblesnich’s love child, and was forced to leave Bullworth after it was found she had been “cooking the books†for several years.
Mr. Hattrick, after being fired, lost his mansion in Bullworh Vale through foreclosure, had his car repossessed, and spent the rest of his days panhandling on the streets of New Coventry.
Ivan will become part of the freak-show and will marry both of the siamese twins
Trent and Vance will both go and do gay playboy to attract tourists
Pedro follows the footsteps of Jimmy and becomes the 2nd most hottest guy
('cause Jimmy is the first)
Algie finds out that he can't keep on peeing on himself forever so he turns into a girl (by surgery) and marries Melvin!
sounds all Crazy, but that's the nice thing about imagination xD :p
Kirby and his brother would create a TV cooking show called "It's Poundcake Time !".
The entire greaser clique is rounded up in a sweeping police raid, and sent to Carcer Prison, where a corrupt Police Chief springs them from jail at the behest of a snuff film maker, who then hires the entire Greaser Gang to kill James Earl Cash......
Pete: becomes next head of the school.
Damon: Becomes NFL super star
Ted: Becomes NFL super star also
Juri: Becomes pro wrestler
Kirby: Owns sports shoes company
Bif: Becomes pro boxer
Johnny: Makes his own car company
Earnest: Becomes vice president
Algie, Fatty and Melvin: Owns video game company.
Russell: Becomes prefect
Beatrice: Becomes doctor
Derby: Company owner
Norton: Becomes professional biker.
Russell ? A prefect ? Don't you even think this ! Bullworth would become a Kindergarten ! XD
Jimmy: Got Married to Zoe, and works as a janitor at Bullworth Academy after Mr. Luntz commited suicide. Ended up killing Gary Smith
Petey: Became the youngest Head of Bullworth Academy ever at age 24
Gary Smith: Went to Happy Volts asylum from age 16 to 21, got out, and lived in a small apartment in Bullworth for a few years. At 23, he met a 16 year old girl who attended Bullworth Academy. He gained her trust and got her to betray her two best friends and help him to once again incite a riot and take over Bullworth Academy at age 24. He also, in a night of passion and gaining her trust, got her pregnant. The girl's ex boyfriend and his best friend attempt along with Jimmy Hopkins, age 24 to take Gary down, but Gary shoots Jimmy in the leg in the scuffle. The two students fight Gary and almost defeat him until he turns the tables. Right as Gary is about to kill the two students, Jimmy shoots him three times in the back with his own gun. He died at age 24.
Earnest: Became Governor of Massachusetts, and enacted strict policies against bullies. Also got the age of consent in Massachusetts lowered by two years.
Johnny: Was cheated on again at age 26 by his wife Lola, and is serving a 25 year prison sentance for murdering 24 year old Gord Vendome with a sledgehammer.
Derby: Ended up a wealthy congressman
Ted: died of alcohol poisoning just a week after graduating High school at a college party at age 19.
Russel: Became a bodyguard for Governor of Massachusetts Earnest Jones
Edgar: Started an underground fight club in Blue Skies, died at age 49 from Lung cancer attributed to heavy tobacco use.
Jimmy: Starts an interstellar experiment with the Hobo and kills Gary with an alien gun
Russell: Become a hippie who likes to fight and eat shrooms
Earnest: Attempt a Communist uprising with all the Nerds in entire Bullworth, killing 100 policemen and the Governor with a Dragunov sniper rifle and create a new Communist country, who become the rival of the Islamic Republic of America
Gary: Gone mad. Jimmy kills him with an alien gun
Ted: Becomes a Jihadist Muslim, he killed 250 U.S Delta Force operatives and 1000 U.S regulars with his bare hands and a sledgehammer and take over the White House, then converts Jimmy and Russell to his religion. Ted's Islamic Republic of America rivals Earnest's Soviet Republic of Bullworth, start a war, and Ted kills Earnest with a chainsaw after being sniped 15 times by Earnest
Not a student....But remember the Hobo ?
The Hobo returns as the head of the alien force, and wipes out all of Bullworth with death-rays......
This thing was STRANGE...
Not a student....But remember the Hobo ?
The Hobo returns as the head of the alien force, and wipes out all of Bullworth with death-rays......
That's going to be the ending in Bully 2.
It better be.
Greasers-Ended up working for NASA and stole a spacecraft and now live on Mars.
Jocks-Turned into an OJ Simpson(except Damon, who was arrested for murdering a gorilla in a petting zoo)
Nerds-Discovered that there was another universe and traveled at warp speed to get there and burnt up to ashes before they arrived.
Preps-Turned into Lawers and Judges that freed people for money.
Petey: Accidentally shot by Jimmy's alien cannon. He survives, but he warped into alien world and becomes extraterrestrial Justin Bieber.
Greasers: Joined Jimmy's interstellar expedition. Lefty and Ricky stays in the alien world.
Pinky: Married with Justin Bieber.
Bif: Becomes Heavy in Team Fortress 3
Townies: Patented Jenkem and terrorized all of Bullworth with them.
Damn, you gotta love Justin Bieber to talk so much about him.
I hate him, I say Bieber in a negative way.
This thing was STRANGE...
Yeah, what the hell was that even supposed to like... represent?!
This thing was STRANGE...
What, my thing was strange ?
Yeah the thing with the Hobo. Sorry I should've incorporated that quote.
When you think about it....Not so strange, as he was the only one to "Leave" Bully...That is, if you don't count those you never encounter in 'Free Roam'....
Thats what I hate about R* free roams. You never see key characters.
Yeah, Bully seems like it almost splits into two seperate games between the story part and endless summer.
I feel like an ass when I get in a fight that I started, and it's hard to get people to join in. So I just start a new game when I get to that point.
Wow, sounds like you're pretty unpopular! lol
It would be cool if you could see the hobo in free roam. Until, you know, he becomes an alien or whatever the hell happens to him.
Crazy war veteran bastard. I know somebody from the Vietnam war and I am still wondering how he isn't in prison. I guess it takes a lot to scare a guy that's been shot at before.
Like Epic Beard man?
Just like Epic Beard Man, Tom Slick !
Please don't stray away!
Johnny: Commands one of Jimmy's spacecraft
Ricky: Sells bicycles in the Xen.
Vance: Sings "Baby" with Petey in Xen.
Ray: Unsuccessfully tried to bring down Jimmy's spacecraft, only to be warped with Jimmy's alien cannon and becomes the other Fat Beardless Man in Xen.
Please don't stray away!
Haha. You haven't figured us out yet.
It would seem kind of strange if topics didn't go off course round here.
Well, how long can you discuss the same thing?
Till you beat it to death, and then move on.
With us I'd say.... Maybe 5 posts?
Well, I have ADHD, so even that's expecting much of me.
Like Ms. Phillipps says, we have serious problems.
Haha, that we do.
And still have the best BB in the entire world....Fancy That.
That we do...
Well of course, when you have your favorite Serb...
Our only Serb....Repo must be a legend in his own country.
And also Indonesian like me.
A legend? Nah, not even in my school. But what the fuck, nobody's perfect.
I don't mean myself, I mean my schoolmates who don't think I'm a legend.
I'm legendary.
^ No your a step up from that.
Ooh, hello future boyfriend.
Legendary in the way that Repo, Mercury, and even Jenks are the only ones in their respective countries on the world's premiere Bully Board.
Ooh, hello future boyfriend.
You talking to me? ;D :p
Anyone who can feed my already tremendous ego has an opportunity.
I like the sound of that ;)
C'mon, Crazysnake, CHARGE!
I should have :( I let the moment slip past me.
Besides, he'd have to move to Jersey.....
Haha, fuck that. When I work for the eff bee eye, I'm moving to New York.
FBI that means you could check out our history and everything we've did. Chrissy could get a lot of shit on us, or me if I'm the only one who does things.
Who says I'm not already practicing?
O really? Who's your target then?
Now, darling, that would be telling. I wouldn't be a very good agent if I didn't keep my mouth shut.
Well I tried lol.
FBI that means you could check out our history and everything we've did. Chrissy could get a lot of shit on us, or me if I'm the only one who does things.
"THINGS" ? What Things ?
Let me just practice some of my elite agent skills, Chuck. I'll send you a screen grab momentarily ... ;)
Chrissy's real surname is Bond. Fuck it, it's Sickert.
Hmmm....so ya got dirt, eh?
What dirt? I didn't mention no dirt.
It's an expression, means finding out hidden secrets that a person doesn't want you to know.
Not only that, I was directing that at Chrissy anyways.
Chrissy the dirt digger?
That's correct.
That's my word. Correct.
Well I stole it. Whatcha gonna do about it?
Nothing. Even you know that you can't use the word correct as good as me.
No, only better.
Whatever, Chucky boy...
Hmmm....so ya got dirt, eh?
I'm good at what I do.
Planting seeds of doubt.
I can't wait until it grows into an entire tree of doubt! :D
A whole Forest of Doubt.
Into an Ecosystem of Doubt, with Birds of Doubt, Insects of Doubt, Grasses of Doubt, and shit.
Why do you mention fucking ecosystem?! It's my Biology now!
....and boom goes the dynamite.
Der Riese KABOOM Sound + Download link (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PTVO2omV1o&feature=related#)
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfBqeXc6am8#)
System Of A Down - Boom
The Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m48GqaOz90#)
Seth Kolbe: Graduated at age 18 in 1985. Attempted to join police, but they wouldn't take him because of anger issues, and he worked odd jobs for next few years, getting fired multiple times. Died in a car crash at age 27 on May 26, 1994.
His lines were my favorite out of all the prefects.
He was such an ass. I loved it.
I hate him.
I hate them all.
Also I'm convinced Bully is set in 2006/2007 and nobody can tell me otherwise.
I'm convinced it's like 2000.
No cellphones, and vehicles reminiscent of the turn of the millennium...kind of. 8)
But Bullworth is a shitty place, do you really think they would have nice things?
The preps would! 8)
Maybe, no doubt they would import Nice Stuffâ„¢ and use it, but that's just more "seen/done off-screen" crap right?!
'Cause they like... use the boys' dorm and I scream about how stupid that is because they could do so much better but don't because this game is stupid lol I love it regardless :')
Considering the similarities with Earnest's logo, he's gonna be literally Hitler. But seriously, he'll be in Congress.
Jimmy: Got Married to Zoe, and works as a janitor at Bullworth Academy after Mr. Luntz commited suicide. Ended up killing Gary Smith
Petey: Became the youngest Head of Bullworth Academy ever at age 24
Gary Smith: Went to Happy Volts asylum from age 16 to 21, got out, and lived in a small apartment in Bullworth for a few years. At 23, he met a 16 year old girl who attended Bullworth Academy. He gained her trust and got her to betray her two best friends and help him to once again incite a riot and take over Bullworth Academy at age 24. He also, in a night of passion and gaining her trust, got her pregnant. The girl's ex boyfriend and his best friend attempt along with Jimmy Hopkins, age 24 to take Gary down, but Gary shoots Jimmy in the leg in the scuffle. The two students fight Gary and almost defeat him until he turns the tables. Right as Gary is about to kill the two students, Jimmy shoots him three times in the back with his own gun. He died at age 24.
Earnest: Became Governor of Massachusetts, and enacted strict policies against bullies. Also got the age of consent in Massachusetts lowered by two years.
Johnny: Was cheated on again at age 26 by his wife Lola, and is serving a 25 year prison sentance for murdering 24 year old Gord Vendome with a sledgehammer.
Derby: Ended up a wealthy congressman
Ted: died of alcohol poisoning just a week after graduating High school at a college party at age 19.
Russel: Became a bodyguard for Governor of Massachusetts Earnest Jones
Edgar: Started an underground fight club in Blue Skies, died at age 49 from Lung cancer attributed to heavy tobacco use.
My favorite so far and seems the most accurate.