Bully => Anti-Bully => Topic started by: PlayStation361 on April 30, 2006, 03:35:04 AM
Nice one, a good read.
Eight Myths About Video Games Debunked.....Article.
http://www.pbs.org/kcts/videogamerevolution/impact/myths.html (http://www.pbs.org/kcts/videogamerevolution/impact/myths.html)
I didn't even read all of what was there. Just reading what the eight myths was enough to tell me they were all bullshit.
But it's right....They're not real. It's imaginary shit, just like a book of fiction, some of which have been pretty damn violent themselves down through the centuries....The only difference is, you can see it on a screen instead of your imagination.
Games come from the imagination. We know that the reasons people want to ban media isn't even reasons. They're just excuses that people pulled out of their asses. You'll never get to know the real reasons. It would show just how much of an asshole someone is for even trying to do what they did. That's like JT telling the real reasons for why he bans games. Do you really believe he does it for "the good of the people"?
It was probably for the good of his wallet.
Lawyers don't do much of anything for free. They probably charge their wives for sex.
Once he heard there was a murder and the killer played games he went running to those families. Then he talked a bunch of shit on how "the family deserves justice". Which is true. But you're not gonna get it from using games as your evidence. For some reason they just skipped right over crazy and went to games.
They've did the same thing with music and movies as well. Video games have taken over with how popular they are. The game industry is pulling in more money than the movie industry now. Any thing popular will try and be brought down by people who don't like it.
The gaming industry is bigger than the movie industry. People like it more. There's just some miserable fucks who need to ruin it for us. Instead of saying "I want you to be miserable like me" they say "This game is a bad influence". They pull an excuse out of their ass to cover up the real reason they're doing this.