
Bully => Anti-Bully => Topic started by: PlayStation361 on April 25, 2006, 09:49:44 AM

Title: Edit
Post by: PlayStation361 on April 25, 2006, 09:49:44 AM
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: Jenkins on April 25, 2006, 10:00:28 AM
just read through some of the signatures heres 1 i found :

1942. Susan Compton:This makes me sick!! I am fighting enforce the No Tolerance law in Maryland and happened to see this sick game in the game store, I actually picked it up and threw it across the counter asking why in the hell they would sell something like this...they made up some lame excuse, well the people buy them...whatever!! This absolutely needs not to be released, Im personally sending a letter to the Rockstar idot company that made this game...What a disgrace!

sum1 is telling lies  :roll:
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: DGAF on April 26, 2006, 08:35:47 PM
Quote from: PlayStation361
That petition is totally rubbish, and even this topic sucks.

Look at this:

I saw a girl saying, "I can even die for Harry Potter".
Check this out - http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/clubs/club.php?NomClub=harry%20potter%20fan%20club%20%20no%20muggles%20al

Does this mean Harry Potter movies should be stopped, it doesn't right?

This topic sucks, I should't have made it.

I dont even want to know how you found that ^^  :lol:
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: BuckatBullworth on May 09, 2006, 05:21:36 PM
Quote from: PlayStation361
Harry Potter sucks, his movies makes no sense. Trust me on this one!

agree 100% on that buddy
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: JESTER on May 12, 2006, 12:35:59 PM
sucks is to good of a word for harry potter movies :D  :D
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: Sycodudeguy on October 10, 2006, 06:40:27 PM
The movies are bad, but I kind of enjoy the books.

Also, I really, REALLY, hate people who do that crap.
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: Manbearpig on October 10, 2006, 07:19:25 PM
These people are idiots
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: narutonut123 on October 10, 2006, 08:01:33 PM
how many times does R* have to state that this is not a columbine simulator or bully simulator before these people listen? this stuff is starting to get me worried though most of us may hate these kind of ignorant people if enough ban together sweet games that arent understood may be banned :(
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: PyroSockerDude on October 10, 2006, 08:42:19 PM
lol wow, people should go outside more ,stop being all emo and crap
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: redswirl on October 10, 2006, 09:37:09 PM
thanks man i needed a good laugh today:D
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: Ubernube on October 10, 2006, 09:43:43 PM
I know it is wrong, but I feel like spamming that damn petetion.
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: BloodArtist on October 10, 2006, 09:54:52 PM
yea, we should have a petition about banning stupid R* petitions
Title: you people are full of crap grow up
Post by: star28c on October 11, 2006, 05:38:34 PM
Quote from: Jenkins;5780

1942. Susan Compton:This makes me sick!! I am fighting enforce the No Tolerance law in Maryland and happened to see this sick game in the game store, I actually picked it up and threw it across the counter asking why in the hell they would sell something like this...they made up some lame excuse, well the people buy them...whatever!! This absolutely needs not to be released, Im personally sending a letter to the Rockstar idot company that made this game...What a disgrace!

sum1 is telling lies  :roll:
You make me sick from just reading your garbage post.please explain what so bad a bout bully then mybe some one would take the time to listen.I watch jack on g4tv he really shouldnt even be a lawyer what a looser he is.You just like the other h ave no real clue to what make this game so great.stop the bullshitting your self .The games rated t.If jack was smart he would have band other games like dead or alive hmm is this ok just because it;s women shacking their Tits around and ass i bet that alright that teaches younger kids about sex before their time.Oh i could go down the list of other more violent games that should have never been release.I m a parent and i go to stores with my daughter when she wants a game problem solve parents do your jobs.Jacks a looser he has no clue he never co uld give any reason why the game shouldnt get release thats why his own son was playing all the game he so called hated.Just go to hell with this dumb topic and whoever else that's against this game and you have no clue.
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: thebullykid on October 11, 2006, 06:08:25 PM
all the haters can kiss my ass
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: star28c on October 12, 2006, 08:46:12 AM
Quote from: Grindcorecrustpunk;12198
Dude chill, I think what Jenkins was trying to say is that the fat bitch is an idiot and was lying telling people that she had the game at a store and threw it at the clerk cause she's a dumb bitch. Obvious bullshit. The stupid cow even calls it rockstar idiot company haha what a fool. But yea man Jenkins there is just havin a laugh bud, chill. Pop some valluum or somthing, smoke a joint haha shit.
If thats  the case t hen im sorry Jenkins no disrespect.zim just sick of this bull crap
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: Red_Samurai on October 12, 2006, 06:18:45 PM
That petition wont do shit im going to start up a petition to KEEP bully/canis canem edit on the market

Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: Red_Samurai on October 12, 2006, 07:11:49 PM
Quote from: Grindcorecrustpunk;12443
Fight fire with fire.

I konw this is a bit off topic but if you did u would make a bigger fire lol im just makin the petition now
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: ArmedDragoon on October 13, 2006, 04:44:40 PM
As I've said once before:

 Their right to whine and complain is guaranteed in the first amendment, just like our right to point and laugh at them histerically.
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: Red_Samurai on October 13, 2006, 05:54:31 PM
Quote from: ArmedDragoon;12649
As I've said once before:

 Their right to whine and complain is guaranteed in the first amendment, just like our right to point and laugh at them histerically.

Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: Woodnote on January 02, 2007, 01:12:45 PM
Oh my god, half those comments are about cum and getting arrested. Ew. (Not to mention some racism too.)
Some people disgust me.
Title: Haters Petition!
Post by: Peter on January 02, 2007, 01:57:14 PM
People like Jack Thompson and the undersigned of that petition are a bunch of old hags with sand in there vagina's' that are blinded by the true reason for violence in teenagers. Video game companies are not to be blamed, and the games that come out should not be banned. It is the fault of the idiot parents for buying the games for there children. I am not saying that kids should stop playing games, but if a kid cannot tell the difference between video games and real life, his parents should not buy him games. Furthermore the majority of kids that do follow video games either got the video game without permission or have some sort of mental disease that causes anger. People like JT and the undersigned of that petition are just looking for something to fight, and thanks to them gaming companies are forced to be censored. Anyway, there are much bigger sources of violence that pose a greater threat then any video game.