Bully => Bully 1 Discussion => Topic started by: PlayStation361 on April 21, 2006, 01:36:06 PM
were u get that looks fake to me
Where did you pre-order it from mate?
I dont think the box-art is official, looks like background has been darkend for some reason.
doesn't look official.
What was the release date on the site you pre-ordered it from. I think every shopping site says different :roll:
seriously i prefer the blue one but i think their going to change it...
the black one looks pretty cool though i think
I prefer the blue one over the black.
I prefer the blue one over the black.
Yeah i think its gonna be Blue not black
and I like the Blue way better :shock:
It doesnt really make a diffrence to me though.
ADMIN EDIT: No racism please, first and only warning then i'll have to ban you
in my opinion, the official box art is still to come. (could be wrong though)
its likely that there will be a new boxart, most games have a temp boxart up untill their release
I put this together..Had no idea on how, but used GTA as a template..
Its not gonna use GTA's style, obviously :D
quality hehe
That looks really cool znib!
I tried to find a mean glare like a pair of eyes like Jimmys, couldn't find any on google so used my own LOL..
I thought the extra blue bars where a bit over the top though :P
But thanks again and I'm sure the real thing will be tons better
thats awesome dude
mabye u should mail it to R*
and see if they'll use it
thats awesome dude
mabye u should mail it to R*
and see if they'll use it
:D I'll do that....