Bully => Bully 2 Discussion => Topic started by: AZOZ on August 22, 2023, 03:41:29 PM
so i dont know if you guys saw SWEGTA's tweet and i quote " Tez2:
Maybe, they will reconsider releasing Bully 2 after VI. It has been shelved, but it went thru 2 years of active development."
i think i can feel it this time guys and it makes sense to me cuz they took forever to make GTA VI and they bought fiveM maybe they let fiveM devs work on online and the rest of R* work on bully 2 idk but that is my guess , thoughts ?.
SWEGTA's tweet : https://twitter.com/SWEGTA/status/1693603443967942980
All "rumors" are the same. There is nothing to go on besides a "It could be next."
In the age of endless remakes we are living in because apparently there is no more creativity left in this world? I totally think it is still possible. 8) 8) 8)
We had a remake... it's called Scholarship Edition :P
Oh whoops I totally forgot about that. 8)
Rumors often turn out to be nothing but that. Rumors. The amount of times dreams were crushed on Bully 2 has become so insurmountable that people stopped counting it. For those of us who still have an "itch" for the game, and really want it, we just wait.
In all reality though we aren't surprised to see another GTA over Bully. Even games like Manhunt haven't been touched in god knows how long, when there's communities who follow it still.
With GTA V being an infinite money printer, it's no wonder that series is prioritized over everything else. VI will most likely be the same, leaving the Bully IP to collect an endless amount of dust on the shelf.
Exactly. It's nothing to be surprised about. It just sucks to see it STILL. Games are artwork that form their own following with communities. When you simply make games because $$$$, you're just showing the world openly how you truly function. The reason people pay for a game is because they enjoy it but also want to support those who made it. When the joy dies, the $upport part follows not far behind.
While I'm inclined to agree, there are still morons who complain about the drop in quality regarding [Series] over the past few installments yet they continue to buy it. Same with microtransactions. So, devs keep doing this shit cuz it makes them money.
Assassins Creed is a series that's happened with. "I'm not buying anymore of these games!" ~Buys and pre-orders next release~
Microtransactions, paywalls, DLC, whatever they want to call it, has been good and bad. EA games like battlefield are a great example of "DLC" issues. You'll be buying "new content" when it's just default game pieces that were sliced out and resold.
It's one of the ways devs have become a little cozy in their building of games. If the game turns out to be shitty and buggy, no worries. Just send out a patch for it day one.
You'll be buying "new content" when it's just default game pieces that were sliced out and resold.
I'm very anti-DLC cuz of this shit lol. Can't just be a free update, no no, we gotta charge another $20.
I don't really mind the idea of cosmetics and such. A game that handles digital sales really well is Warframe. Free2Play and online only. No paywalls. But anything you pay for is completely optional. Cosmetics, skins and other stuff you technically don't NEED. It's just there if you want it.
Couldn't get into it. As far as I know it's still very grindy to get things.
Extremely grindy. Intentionally built that way though. There's good grind with good results, then there's the shit grind with no return. The division was a game with weird grind to it. Division 2 wasn't a whole lot better.