Bully-Board.com => Suggestions & Feedback => Topic started by: QWEQWEQWEQWEQWE on June 08, 2023, 11:51:46 AM
too many inactive users (Especially professional modders like SWEGTA, SimonBestia, etc)
no one replies to someone's questions (Even my questions)
and lack of LUA tutorials.
wtf happened to bully-board.com? is like nobody plays this game anymore.
GTA (Even RDR) modding community is MORE active than that!
I'm not that inactive.
I occasionally update my All Screenshots (https://bully-board.com/index.php?topic=24273) post and reply to modding questions. If I don't reply, I simply don't know how to help.
Bully is nowhere near as popular as GTA and RDR. This website has always been a bit niche and small. I think what really drove people out is being unexpectedly closed for over year with no notification of when it returned. And of course, people could have easily just shifted interest.
Discord has basically killed online forums in general as well.
I still remember when people used this forum good old days
I still check in - granted, I don't check all the topics that often (usually just checking in on the life threads and so on) - but I'm usually checking in at least every couple of weeks, even if I don't post.
This topic still baffles me lol.
"GTA has more discussion...!"
PS2 Bully sold 1.5 million copies. San Andreas sold over 17 million. GTA5 alone sold over 200 million copies and is still actively supported.
That series is infinitely more popular. No duh it's getting talked about to this day while Bully's corpse is rotting.
I also have some questions, mainly if anyone knows if there's a way to get the .map/ .IPL files into blender.
But yeah, everything seems a bit dead, sadly. idk if we're allowed to discuss discord communities, but I'd love to join one that has active modders tbh. Kinda thought about working on something a big bigger.
I don't know of any Discord communities but I'm sure they exist.
As I said last year, Discord killed public forums.
It's actually so fucking annoying when everything is locked behind a Discord server.
I would really enjoy it if this made a comeback! I would certainly participate in it.
Say what you want, the concept of a community on a forum is far superior to a discord server. It's much better organized despite requiring more work.
What also kills forums is the fact that younger people seem to be much better at finding discord servers than making web searches. I was able to find this website long before I came across a discord server
Say what you want, the concept of a community on a forum is far superior to a discord server. It's much better organized despite requiring more work.
What also kills forums is the fact that younger people seem to be much better at finding discord servers than making web searches. I was able to find this website long before I came across a discord server
This. Really sad but true. Discord has picked up with younger people. I don't think discord was even a thing back when I joined here.
Discord chat can give off that feeling of being "loose" with talks. It's not as tightly organized as forums. It doesn't feel as connected as most forum communities. I don't think a strong community is what a lot of newcomers seek. Just simple chat with answers.
I'm team forum as well, but I don't see it changing. It's not only the new way of things but also that Bully is almost two decades old without a new release. Though it still remains a unique and classic game, I don't think I've met anyone that was introduced to it and didn't love it.
No way, we're just getting started. :cool:
I'm team forum as well, but I don't see it changing. It's not only the new way of things but also that Bully is almost two decades old without a new release. Though it still remains a unique and classic game, I don't think I've met anyone that was introduced to it and didn't love it.
This. Bully is very old at this point. Whether or not we will really see anything new surrounding bully has been mythical speculation crap. Until R* comes out with something to say, we just wait.
The entire reason we remain on a forum that's pretty quiet is because of the joy we found joining, even all these years later. Some of the friends I talk to privately are from this forum.
This forum did indeed have its "peak" or golden age. Different users would agree on different dates, but in my personal opinion, the best years on this forum were 2009-2015.
In 2014 especially, I'd leave this forum open on my computer all day and frequently refresh the "Unread" tab to see if anything new was posted or if there were any replies in a discussion I was involved in. I had a friend group on here at some point, and I enjoyed posting screenshots or new mod showcases. But there are other games that may be more rewarding to mod, or may have larger and more experienced modding communities, and modders such as myself shifted focus to other hobbies or activities.
The modding community for this game, although they have a special place in my heart, lacked technical experience a lot of the time. Lately, I've been seeing new modders for this game that seem to appear out of nowhere and are capable of making mods that we could only have dreamed of in 2014. But when this forum was more active, the active modders were mostly inexperienced. There was indeed a handful of very skilled modders such as derpy54320(daboss) or MadmaN, but it took about 18 years of this modding community existing before we were even able to print our own custom text on the screen without using the very limited TextPrintStringfunction which only allowed for red text in a specific font. Meanwhile, other modding communities (like Tony Hawk) had mods that pretty much created a whole separate game, just within a few years of the game existing.
Progress in Bully modding has been extremely slow and difficult due to the lack of modders with technical experience. It seems in the last 4 years, there are a lot of people coming into the community with great technical skill that have a lot to offer, but they may quickly move onto another game simply due to how small this community is and how little demand there is for anymore innovation.
I definitely know what you mean. I used to just watch the "who's online" area just to see the people actively posting. It was constantly lit up.
Like you, I hold Bully and this community as a special place personally. It's why I still hang around here. Only other communities I was really on were for Hitman games.
I wouldn't be surprised to see new modders than can edit Bully with a level of ease. They might be more experienced or simply have better tools we didn't here at the time.
One of the biggest things this community was working on with Madman was bringing the game back to a form of "raw" code. Once that was somewhat achieved, it simplified the modding quite a bit. Decompiling the code took time though and it was mainly Madman working on it.
There is no real "demand" in bully modding now. The game has been around for so long that most ideas in modding have been either tried or done. Plus as hardware and OS systems updated, Bully has very slowly been getting less compatible.
Don't count modding out yet, there are still a lot that has not been achieved. Editing the map for example, as far as I know, only a few people have actually achieved this, and most have either deleted their yt channel or haven't updated in a very long time.
I plan on releasing a few things still, this forum will be the place for that.