Bully Modding Section => Modding Questions/Help => Modding Questions/Help Archives => Topic started by: vezii on January 06, 2011, 10:29:26 PM
Okay since I'm not releasing a mod here I dunno if the topic should be here, so feel free to move it if needed lol.
Anyhow, has anyone tried to make some sort of camera mod?
As much as I love to take screenshots ingame (yes I'm lame) I'd really love if Bully had a camera mod like in GTA:SA, example: GTA san andreas camera hack. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRNTNS0H1uQ#)
It would also help people if they wanted to make machinimas and stuff.
Or when you "zoom in" ingame and instead of Jimmy appearing in the corner he'd disappear. That'd be cool too.
Let me guess, you were on the Garver bridge? :D
This posting is fine right here, Vezii.
Let me guess, you were on the Garver bridge? :D
I actually have no idea xDD that's not my video... I can spell English.. ^^ /shot
and even though I play GTA:SA I haven't been everywhere, sadly :(
This posting is fine right here, Vezii.
Good, good ^^
Nice mod :)
Theres no "camera mod" out there, yet. Unfortunately rockstar removed the original code for a free moving camera which they used to take their screenshots of the game.
The only way around this is probally replacing the player model with Sheldon or another little kid or even a midget so when you zoom in, you will not see the player. But even then you will have the clock and the radar.
If your taking a screenshot then you should crop out part of your image without the clock and the radar.
If it's a video, then you will most definitely need an advanced video editing program, like Sony Vegas. Since there is no "pan" tool in Windows Movie Maker. I've made good use of the panning tool in Sony Vegas to create a "short movie" ( 35 minutes long ) in Bully SE. You can see it here if you want -
http://bully-board.com/index.php?topic=13262.0 (http://bully-board.com/index.php?topic=13262.0)
Cool, thanks for the information. Good that I have Sony Vegas :) and it's a pity Rockstar Games removed the freecam.. but bah.
Maybe it will be in GTA V.
GTA V? oh man, how many GTA's are they gonna make anyway xD It would have been cool if Bully had that many games too, sigh.
Anyway there should be a way to remove the "frame" from Jimmy's camera when you look through it. I wish I knew how to do.
GTA just sell's really well that's the main reason and it's also what made Rockstar what it is. Bully is a great game and all but it sold poorly which is a damn shame.
Fuck you Jack, FUCK YOU!
What is this Thompson's problem man?!?
I hate that guy.
Everyone does.
I heard GTA V may be happening in France. Cause in the papers about GTA IV, you see a false ad, saying "Liberty City, it's over !" and lower "Next Stop" written next to a part of France... Strange, hey ? Because I'm asking myself in which language the people on the street would be speaking then. Considering it's heavily sold in the US as well.
I wouldn't mind seeing them go back to London.
Well most likely, I found this on a site, the next location will be Los Santos, or Vice City.
They have already done parodies on Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, New York, and Miami. If it was to be in another U.S. city I think it should be in either Chicago, Boston, Washington D.C. or Seattle.
If it was a foreign city, I would like to see London, Paris, or Berlin....maybe even Madrid.
Chicago would be a good pick, they over done Liberty City imo I never liked it much to begin with.
I want a new Vice City.
An updated Vice City would be great, maybe they should go with Carcer City? It would be crazy then.
Isn't Carcer City supposed to be a take-off on Chicago?
Well in the Wiki is says the inspiration for it came from Camden, NJ; Flint, MI; East Saint Louis. IL; Gary, IN; and Youngstown, OH. Some of the worst places in the US, needless to say it could be the most violent and craziest GTA we would see. Plus I've always wanted to see more of this city, Manhunt didn't dive into it's heart like a GTA would.
It would have to be a mix....Chicago doesn't have a subway, per se, rather an Elevated system (The 'El'). Having lived there at one time, I didn't recognize any of the settings used in the game.
While MH 1 occurred in Carcer City (except for the last 3 episodes at Starkweather's manison), I don't recall hearing any reference to a specific city in MH 2.....The game begins at Dixmor Hospital, goes to a Carcer-like city for the first part of the game. There are 4 flashback episodes sprinkled in there also, A high rise city center (Maibatzu Plaza), an Island (Blackwell Island), a storage facility (near Watkins Trainyards), and a suburban neighborhood (Wooddale). The other spots included an old movie outdoor setting, attached to a TV studio, a laboratory, a graveyard, and inside Danny's mind.
Carcer City is Manhunt, not GTA...
Snake and Mike asked about Carcer City...^^ Above.
Doesn't matter if it's GTA or not, it's referenced in GTA 3 a few times, and is said to be close to Liberty City, no more than 100 miles away at most. I'm just saying that this is already a known city in Rockstar history that could be explored within the GTA universe which would be a nice change.
I liked being able to explore multiple cities like in SA. That was cool.
Las Venturas rocks.
Maybe they should make a GTA Australia??....just saying.
GTA Belgrade... ;D
Where the hell is that??
It would be nice to see GTAs in international locations, but there are just too many to choose from!
Belgrade would be a good city. It's large (it's about the same size or a bit smaller than Miami), has great nightlife (best nightlife on Balkan) and there's a lot of Serbian Mafia for GTA (families like Zemun Clan, etc.)
Anywhere besides New York I'm getting tired of seeing that damn city be used in games.
Yeah, New York has really been over done. For some of my own local flavor I'd like to see Boston. The only problem is that you'd probably get stuck in traffic too much :p
I wonder...Is there a video game that HAS traffic jams ?
Yup. Sim City.
STFU, I love New York.
New York is great, but in terms of games and movies it is just way to cliche.
Agreed, i like New York as well, but they need to go to a place that isn't in every movie/TV show and games. And Sydney has nightlife as well, you just have to go to the right places. Also Adelaide does too but you most likely to get stabbed. Which would be a great edition to GTA. So then you can just stab them back with out the police shooting you.
Why not Shangai or Beijing? The first is the most populous city in the world while the second is the largest city in the world.
I always thought the most populous city was Seoul, South Korea? It gets confusing when you talk about cities because someone could be referring to the population within the city itself, or the population of the urban area that spreads out from the city.
They should place it in the African Savannah. Police what?
Watch out for that rhino!
In Sahara desert.
Rhino 911.
(Bad joke, sorry, but it had to be done.)
Don't get it.
^^Yes, that one would be a shame to leave out.
Can someone explain it please??
Ridiculously hilarious cop show.
Reno 911! Neighborhood Watch (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d44toCd_qQ8&feature=related#)
Ooooh. That clears things up.
Super Bowl Reno 911 Safety (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-3p22FIqyI&feature=fvw#)
They look like faggots.
That's part of the joke.
Clears things up now indeed.
The one in shorts is Lt. Dangle. I don't remember if they ever come out and say he's gay, but it's blatantly hinted.
Junior's insane.
Clemtine's a whore.
Rayneesha is an obnoxious black woman with a huge butt.
Weigl's insane, a cat lady, and dresses like a grandma when she's not working.
Garcia can't shoot worth shit. He'll empty a whole clip and not hit anywhere near the target.
Jones is the stereotypical big black guy.
Is it just a joke?
Yeah. It's pretty much a parody of cops. They shoot it in a similar fashion, interview the cops, etc, but they're all a bunch of bumbling idiots. It's like mock reality.
Woo, you scared me for a second.
Hahhaha! I remember people thinking it WAS real.
It would be freaky.
Back to da camera mod (sorry) do you just imagine Bully played on first person ?
I personally don't think Bully would be fun in first person. Not being able to see the surroundings and such around you. Being in first person would restrict your view big time in a game like this. I wouldn't mind it for certain situations, only if it was done right.
I'm not a fan of FP. I like to see my characters and what they're doing. Besides, who holds their guns and hands up at that funny angle while they're shooting, anyway ?
I'm a pretty big fan of FP games. But open world games like these just wouldn't benefit from it. You'd miss a lot of funny things you wouldn't otherwise.