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Author Topic: The Bullworth Never Ending Story  (Read 339288 times)

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #75 on: January 04, 2010, 12:48:02 AM »
Tony stood at the top cube of the with a dodgeball in his hand. Another Greaser on the other team pulled his arm back and threw the ball at Tony.

Tony ducked and threw his ball as hard as he could jumping down from the cube onto the hard wooden floor, which was a lot harder than he imagined. The ball pounded the Greaser in the face and he fell back on the floor.

"Tony Watch Out!" yelled Laurent to Tony.

Tony looked in front of him to see another large rubber ball hurtling towards him.

Smack! The ball crammed tony in the face. It wasn't enough to knock him on the floor but he felt a little shooken up....Everthing suddenly got blurry...... The roar of his teammates yelling his names came to a stop. Everything went black........


"Tony, Man, Tony, Wake up" said Laurent tapping Tony's face.

Tony suddenly woke up and jolted forward.

"What the hell just happened?"asked Tony dizzily.

"You just got pinned in the face with a ball, now get up and go sit on the bleachers. Me and Steve are gonna finish this game !" yelled Laurent helping Tony up.

Tony went to sit on the bleachers and the game was back on.  Laurent grabbed the ball that had hit Tony in the face and could see a small smear of blood on it.  He looked back over at Tony and realized his nose was bleeding.

Laurent looked back at the Greaser that had hit Tony and started running full speed towards him.   He jumped up in the air and aimed the ball at the Greaser...He threw the ball and it smashed into the face of his opponent sending him flying.

There was only one more to defeat.  This Greaser looked a bit like Johnny Vincent, but he was known as ’Peanut’.   Johnny Vincent, former leader of the Greasers, had left and transferred to the ‘Hot Rod Academy’ in Detroit, Michigan.

He looked at Steve standing on the other side of him.  Peanut had the ball in his hand aiming towards him.  The only difference between Tony and Steve was that Steve knew that the ball was coming his way.  He waited for Peanut to throw the ball and then ducked, letting the ball sail over his head. The ball bounced back to him and Steve picked it up.

"Your my friend Peanut, but I gotta do this !" said Steve heaving the ball at him.  The ball quickly zoomed at Peanut, but he ducked before it could hit him.

"Oh Damn !…I thought that would hit ‘em'", said Steve backing near the wall.  He then remembered that Peanut was one of the most athletic the Greaser Clique.

"Not so it Stevey ?", said Peanut while spinning the ball in his hand.  He threw the ball at Steve delivering a hard blow to his stomach.

"OUCH!!", thought Laurent as Steve, knocked out of the game, got up and limped over to the bleachers to sit beside Tony.

"Man, I should've know Peanut was that strong.  I mean seriously...He's one of my buddies in my own my clique, we're like brothers...", Steve said to Tony, sitting down on the bleacher.

Laurent and Peanut were the last two standing.  Whoever got hit first was the loser.  Laurent picked up the filthy piece of red rubber.  He looked at Peanut and studied him carefully. 

He’s ready for me to make a frontal attack...But maybe I can trick him with a.....SIDE ATTACK  !!, thought Laurent.

Laurent moved over to the gym wall and ran up it with all his might.  He Flipped backwards and while in the air chucked the ball at Peanut who was stunned by the incredible trick.  The ball smashed into Peanut’s face.

"Como haga le gusto mi ahora !!!!", yelled Laurent to Peanut, now laying face down on the floor.  He strutted over to Tony and Steve jumping around the bleachers, now cheering his name.

"YEA, GO LAURENT !!”…“ HELL, YEAH, MAN  !!“…“THAT WAS THE BEST !!!!", they yelled to Laurent.

"Oui, it wasn't easy either...", Laurent said modestly.

"Man, lets go get showered off and grab something to drink !" said Tony.

All three boys went down to the locker room and showered off and got dressed.

"I wish they sold coffee at this damn place..." said Steve.

"Well, they got water and soda, so that'll do for now…But hey, at least by mid-term, I heard they let us off campus to wonder around town." said Tony.

"Oui, I can't wait to try that French Restaurant down in Bullworth Vale, to see if they know how to make "REAL" French tasting foods." said Laurent.

"Lets just go back to the Dorm and get some Sodas, all right Guys ?" said Tony.

"Ooookkaayyyy....", chimed  Steve and Laurent in disappointment.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 09:48:22 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #76 on: January 04, 2010, 04:04:09 AM »
The three boys headed towards the dorm. At the fountain, Constantinos was waiting.
“Hey, Bo…um…Tony, I really gotta tell you what I heard”, he tried once again.
“Not now, not now….Can’t you see we’re headed off for some drinks ?” Said Tony.
“Yeah, but this is really important…It’s about…” Here he lowered his voice…”Kurt..and Jake”.
Tony suddenly paid attention. “OK…We need somewhere private…”. He turned to the other two boys. “Hey, guys, you go on ahead. Gotta talk to Constantinos….I’ll catch up, allright ?”.
As Laurant and Steve went off, Tony led Constantinos down the path toward Harrington House, as it was deserted for the moment.
“OK…Spill” He said to Constantinos.
Constantinos quickly told Tony of all he had learned earlier in the day. When he finished, Tony leaned against the wall, thinking. Hmmm….So, Jake’s hiding out…Wonder where….Kurt’s laid up….For how long ?……Damn, got so much to do….Have to get some more supplies out to sell to the Preps…Need to talk to the Greasers….Maybe can now do that through Steve…And I GOTTA start going to class, somebody’s bound to catch on I’ve been skipping…And…SHIT, KAREN….I gotta talk to Karen, make things right….

Tony turned back to Constantinos and asked if he knew where Karen was.
“Oh..Yeah, heard a couple of girls by the Fountain just a while ago say she was holed up in her room, crying”, Constantinos said.
“Damn”. Tony thought for a moment more. He got an Idea.
“Here’s $10 for what you’ve told me…And I need you to do something else…There’s another Fiver in it for you…..I need you to get me some flowers from over by the Library…Yeah, girls like flowers….Can you do that ?”
Constantinos took the offered money and agreed. Tony said, “I’ll meet you at the Girl’s Dorm. Go !”
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 09:53:47 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #77 on: January 04, 2010, 05:10:10 AM »
Tony hurried to the Girl’s dorm, taking the shortcut by the school through the broken fence. Waiting over by the side door, he finally saw Constantinos, running up with the flowers.
“’s your $5...I’ll take those” Tony said. "Damn…I gotta sneak in, but I don’t know which room she’s in….”
“She rooms with Christy”, Constantinos said. “I know where that is…I can go in, and convince her to come out”.
Tony looked at Constantinos with a new respect. “You can ? You will ?”

“Sure B…I’ll be right back…Tony”. In a flash, Constantinos bounded up the steps and disappeared through the door.
Boy, that little kid is fast, thought Tony.
A few minutes laster, Constantinos reappeared at the door. Behind him was Karen, her eyes all puffy, red and swollen from crying. Her hair was messed up, too. She looked like crap. Tony thought she looked beautiful.
Constantinos said, “OK, Tony…This one’s on me…See you later”, and he Jogged away.
Tony got down on one knee and offered Karen the flowers as she approached. “Please listen, Karen, just listen…I didn’t mean to knock you over, it was an accident, I was running and not looking where I was going, I’m so damn sorry, so sorry, I never want to hurt you….”
Karen bent down to him. “Shhhh….Shhhh….It’s alright, Tony, It’s allright….I was just shook up, I’m not hurt….Shhhh”, She said as Tony continued his apologies. Taking his arm, she stood him up. “Are these for me ?”, she said as she took the flowers. “Tony, I just didn’t know what to think….After our talk, and then…You acted like you didn’t even see me….Tony, were you in a fight with Kurt…Over Me ?”
Tony nodded miserably. “That’s part of it….There’s something wrong with that boy…We’ve had problems since the first time we met up…He got too nosy, and I went off on him…Now, he’s after you, thinks he owns you or something…..Karen, listen, I really, really like you….I wanted to tell you that I wanted you to be my girl….”
“Oh, Tony”, Karen said, putting her arms around him and giving him a long, deep kiss. They stood that way for a moment, locked in that embrace. “Yes, Tony, I would love to be your girl”, she said. Tony felt a great relief come over him. “So, we’re OK then…I’m so glad, and so sorry about….”

Shushing him again, Karen said “It’s allright, It doesn’t matter…It’s just us now and we’re OK”. She gave him another deep kiss. When she drew away, she said, “Listen, we can’t stay here…We might get seen by one of the Matrons…Meet me behind the dorm after curfew…I’ll sneak out…OK ?”.
Tony nodded reluctantly, letting her go. She hurried back up the steps, turning to blow him a kiss before disappearing into the building as the door closed.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 09:59:35 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #78 on: January 04, 2010, 12:47:48 PM »
Tony headed back over to the Boy’s dorm to meet up with Laurent and Steve, who he assumed were inside. As he approached the steps, two bullies appeared and blocked his way. Friends of Jake, no doubt. He looked around. The rest of the yard was deserted.  Tony looked around him.  Near the steps was a Football..  That would be the first part of the plan.  He had to do quick before that big ape, Russell, could join them.

"Someone told us you had merchandise for us... Right ?", the blonde one said.

"You guys work for Jake ?“, Tony sniggered.  “You sure are paid a misery wage.….."

While talking crap, Tony gently made his way to the Football.  The two ugly-looking boys started coming at him, but Tony had already grabbed the ball, and sent it to the maximum power, smashing one of the Bullies right in the face.  The kid fell back immediately, falling to the asphalt groaning in pain, while his friend was still running, elbow first.  Tony avoided him, and sent his feet to the Bully's knee, a move reminded him of the way he had taken down Trent that first day.  Tony remembered his wrestling lessons.  He sent his proper knee directly in the boy's chest, and shoved him to the wall.

"Okay, I'll let you have a chance to go, if  you tell me who set me up !", Tony snarled.

"No, please, I... I didn't want to hurt you !", the Bully lied.

"It Was Jake, Wasn’t It ?", Tony yelled in the kid’s face.

"Y...Y…Yes, he paid us well...", the Bully stuttered.

"How Much ?", Tony asked gruffly.

"F...F… Five B... Bucks each...", the Bully blubbered.

"Can't you speak like an human, you Fucking Cockroach ?“, Tony growled. “You know, I could have paid you fifteen !  FIFTEEN, YOU HEAR ME ?"

"So... Sorry...", the kid said weakly.

"Go Now Before I Make You Eat The Pavement !"  Tony kneed the boy on the side of the leg, and pushed him in direction of the wall with the broken fence. The Bully tried to escape as fast as possible, limping.  He tried to climb the little wall, but couldn't, and fell on the ground. Tony kicked the Bully that received the ball in the face, to make sure he wouldn‘t be getting back up.

In the Dorm, there was a crowd before a notice on the wall. Tony made his way to the paper, and could read it.

To the Students of Bullworth ----

Last year, after a student painted a graffiti on the town hall, it was decided to build a shelter by the school's gates, where a prefect will be during the day.  If you want to visit the town, you'll have to go see him, and he'll allow you to stay two hours in the town.  Do not be late returning, or we'll have to call the local police to bring you back.

------ Dr. Crabblesnitch


Tony found Laurent and Steve hanging out near the soda machine.

"Hey, Dude, you've seen that ?  Fuck this !", began Steve.

"Two hours are not enough to appreciate the food of my country", Laurent said, disgustedly.

"Hep, Tony, don't touch your money, I'se  pay for your Beam, you deserve it after your fight !",  said Steve.

"Thank you, Bro, thank you“, Tony said, accepting the drink, thinking, Shit, that just happened !  News sure travels fast here ! 

The boys sat at the card table in the common area, talking and laughing until late into the evening.  Suddenly, Tony asked, “Hey, what time is it ?"

“About 20 minutes to curfew”, Steve said. “Why ?”

“I've got to go see Karen, I told her I would meet her after curfew." said Tony.

"I thought she hated your guts ?" asked Steve curiously.

"Well, lets just say...We made up...", Tony allowed.

"Whatever…“, Steve shook his head, grinning. “Hey Laurent, you's know much about cars ?”

"Oui, They have Motors...", Laurent joked.

"Let us sneak to the Autoshop, I gots some things to teach you.", said Steve patting Laurent's shoulder.

"Later Tony !" said Steve, Leaving the Dorm and showing Laurent the way to the Autoshop
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 10:17:55 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #79 on: January 04, 2010, 01:56:40 PM »
Okay, How am I gonna do this ?, though Tony to himself. I guess since I still got about 10 minutes till curfew, I could go hide in the small Planted area where the fence is broken, beside the Girls Dorm.  Yeah, that’s it.

Tony ran over to the Broken Fence area by the Girl’s Dorm and hung out there until curfew.  He watched Mr. Luntz drive the mower over to the Autoshop garages by the Parking Lot to put it up for the night.  He could barely make out the figures of Steve and Laurent heading through the Greaser back area. Laurent would look frustrated trying to do something with a motor, he thought with a chuckle.

"Hey !" said a voice that startled Tony  It was Karen.  She was standing on the ground behind him.

"Hey, so….What do you want to do ?" asked Tony.

“I've got a plan in mind..." said Karen.

Karen and Tony snuck around to the Parking Lot and she showed him to a large red garage door on the end.

"What’s this ?", Tony asked as Karen fiddled with the lock and then suddenly lifted the door.  Inside sat a modified Go-Kart which happened to have two seats.

"Lets go have some fun !" said Karen sitting in the passenger seat.

Tony slowly made his way to the other side of the Go-Kart and sat down.

"So…Er…How do I...Drive this thing ?" asked Tony cluelessly.

"It's easy silly, just Hold Down the clutch, Turn the ignition, and Put the shifter in Drive.", Karen smiled sweetly.  Tony felt ashamed that a girl knew more than him about cars.

"How did you know all that ?" said Tony.

"Oh....I take Shop Class...Instead of Art.", Karen said airily.

"Well, that would explain it...I take Art, but I rarely go to it anyway”, lied Tony.

Tony pushed down the pedal of the machine and they took off.  Tony made a wide sweeping turn to go out of the Parking Lot and headed down towards the access road. He had to come to a stop at the gate at the end, however.

"We're locked in", observed Tony.

"Don’t Worry Tony !" said Karen, hopping out of the Go-Kart.

She walked towards the gate and started picking at the lock with something. After a few seconds, she pushed and the gate swung open. She turned around and got back in the Go-Kart.

"What the heck did you just do ?" asked Tony.

"My Dad is a Professional Lock Picker, but now he's in jail.  I plan to try to pick him out someday”, Karen said with a straight face.

"Ooo-kay....", Tony said, not knowing weather she was putting him on or not.

Tony zoomed up the access road, then turned left and headed towards Bullworth Vale.  He got onto the straightaway and nailed the gas.

"Where...Exactly Are We...Going ?, asked Tony, with the wind beating against his face.

"Lets Go To Lookout Point Near The Beach House !", Karen said exuberantly.

"How Do I Get There ?", Tony shouted.

Karen pointed at Boardwalk in front of the long Pier leading off the road, and indicated a ramp leading down to the Beach.

As Tony dove down the ramp and onto the sand, the Go-Kart slowed down tremendously.

"This Kart doesn't exactly drive good on sand !" said Karen Jokingly.

"Yeah, I guessed that.", Tony said, making his way West on the beach. He came to and passed the Beach House and the Lighthouse that stood next to it, taking a sweeping right turn that put the Go-Cart on a wide dirt trail that wound up at an angle behind the structures. After climbing a good ways, Tony had to turn the Go-Kart left for a couple of turns, arriving a large, flat, oblong space that was filled with benches overlooking the area.

Tony and Karen got out of the Kart and walked to the railing at the edge of the Lookout. They could see all of Bullworth Vale, the Carnival, and just about the entire bay.

"Someday, I want to see what’s on that Island !", said Karen pointing out over the water.

"Yeah, me too...", Tony said, peering.  But he had other things on his mind.

Tony and Karen turned to each other and started exchanging kisses.

"You Kids ! Stop Right There !”, a gruff voice said.

A mean-looking Cop stood behind them. "It’s After Curfew...You’re BUSTED !"
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 10:34:03 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #80 on: January 04, 2010, 03:35:20 PM »
Jake waited until almost Midnight before he started to move. He couldn’t stand it any longer in there with those Fucking Rats. He HATED those little goddam vermin-ridden sons-of-bitches. After putting on as much extra clothing as he could, he removed the bricks and crawled out from the hole in the wall, then just as quickly replacing them. He would come back here later, after he got settled into his new “Digs” for the rest.
He peeked around the corner of the Dorm. Coast Clear…He didn’t know where the Bullies he had paid to put a hurtin’ on Tony had gone….Pussys….Not worth a damn, if you wanted something done, you hadda do it yourself….Bunch of lazy pricks…He had wasted his money on them, that was for sure…..
And money was now a problem….He HAD to move the merchandise, and he HAD to sell the merchandise. But there was another problem, too…He had heard the boys in the dorm talking, heard them through the ductwork these past few nights. He knew he had lost some customers. Maybe a LOT of customers. And no sales meant no money.
All because of that fucking prick Tony. As he moved across the deserted yard, he decided
to go straight to the Girl’s dorm and take the shortcut from there to the parking lot. As he moved, his thoughts boiled with revenge. He’d get that prick, he’d get them all who were helping that prick, if it was the last thing at Bullworth he ever did. As he was thinking that, he entered the yard of the Girl’s Dorm.
A small part of his mind knew this was partly his fault. He hadn’t stayed cool when he found out Tony was running his own scam, he got all bent out of shape and went after him. STUPID, STUPID,STUPID. He knew…But his anger and feelings of betrayal had overwhelmed him…And he had gone after Tony, was gonna teach him a lesson, all right…But the whole thing had spun out of control.
Jake quietly snuck through the shortcut, and, avoiding the final remaining Prefect on his rounds, jogged across the school parking lot to where a large yellow junk bus sat. He worked on getting the door open, it hadn’t been open in some time. Finally, he got it open far enough to where he could squeeze through, and then, he forced it back closed. He rested there awhile, thinking.
The bus had been hauled here years ago, when the new bus had been put into service. At the direction of Dr. Crabblesnich, it had been moved to this spot by the Greasers, and had been disabled in a way so that it could never be moved again. The reason was that the bus had been protecting a secret. Exiting the bus through a hole cut in it’s other side, Jake came out in a roughly small triangular yard. To the left, there was another small square yard, protected by a large gate bolted from the other side.
Jake had heard the rumors of an old man who had LIVED back here, just before he came here, called by everybody as just the “Hobo”. Some even said the old fart was Dr. Crabblesnich’s father, and he was hiding him away because he was Loony Tunes. Whatever. Jake didn’t give a shit. He began stripping off the extra pants and shirts that he had brought along from the stash, and then started tying the pantlegs and the arms of the shirts together, In this fashion, he made a crude rope. He then located a large rock, and tied the end around it. Then, he threw the rock, attached to his ‘rope’ over the top of the gate, and heard it thump down on the other side. He pulled on the ‘rope’ until he felt it was tight enough and tested it…It would support his weight. He then climbed to the top, over the old barb-wire strands, and dropped to the other side, and pulled the rest of the ‘rope’ clothing over with him.
Jake had never been back here before. There were also rumors of radioactive waste stored in barrels back here, and a persistent rumor that the Hobo had one night been beamed up to a spaceship hovering over Bullworth. All that was really true was that the Hobo had disappeared, never to be seen again. A more rational Jake had always steered clear of this spot, just in case….But Jake had been off his Meds for days now, and was slowly becoming more and more psychotic. Besides, he was in a real pickle now, and needed a safe spot. And everyone avoided this spot like the plague. No one ever came back here. That was just fine with him.
Jake examined the crude bolt arrangement on the gate. It was a mite rusty, but Jake was sure he could get it open. He looked around. There were indeed barrels here, but he had no idea what was in them. He didn’t give a shit, anyway. Over toward the West end, there was a small tent…and inside was a cot. Jake made his way inside, and sat down on the cot. He had picked up a bunch of apples and stuffed them in his pockets as he had come through the shortcut. He pulled a few of them out and ate hungrily.
He looked around. No Rats. THAT was good…real good. Tomorrow night, he would move his stash over here…Then…It would be time to take back the school, and get his revenge. They’ll all Pay…Every last one…Starting with that double-dealing prick, Tony.
He lay back on the cot, exhausted, and was soon fast asleep.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 10:37:22 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #81 on: January 04, 2010, 04:50:49 PM »
"That is Damn Right... I never knew love...", the Cop in blue said.

"I'm sure you will... One day”, purred Karen.

Tony and Karen were sitting on the sand, holding hands, while the Policeman was sitting just next to them, arms around his knees, looking at the silent waves of the Lake.  One more time, Tony had to use his persuasion skills.

"It's simple... Women don't want me... I'm just a lonely wolf...", the Cop sadly reflected.

"I'm really sorry for you, Sir.  I promise I'll help you one of this days”, said Tony.

Tony felt Karen pressing his hand harder, and rubbing very softly against him. Time to be alone.

"Now go, little kids... I have to stay here now... For a while...", The Cop said morosely.

The young couple went back to their vehicle, and went all the way back to the Parking Lot.  After they had returned the Go-Kart and exited the garage, Karen didn't want to let Tony go.  She said the bleachers were a very beautiful place at night.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 10:45:41 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #82 on: January 04, 2010, 11:13:06 PM »
A noise woke Jake. Sounded like a mower motor. He got up, exited the tent, and climbed on one of the barrels on the other side of the yard….And peeked his head over the top of the wall to investigate.
He saw Tony and Karen coming from the garage area in the parking lot, walking swiftly towards his hiding spot, on their way to cutting through the Autoshop area. Nobody was around. Damn….If he had his weapons….He had left his Slingshot, and his other weapons under the dorm….Remembered pelting the endless Rats with it, so it must be there. Tony and Karen went right by his new hiding place without looking up, never knowing Jake was there, watching them, just a few feet away.
Jake backed away. Here had seen enough. Hmmm….Karen and Tony….He never would have seen that coming….She always acted so stuck up around him….Little Bitch. No matter…He was gonna put Tony in the hospital….If she got in the way, she would get hurt. Too Bad, So Sad. Life sucks, get used to it.

Tony and Karen made their way past the Gym and down to the backside of the bleachers by the Football Field. Karen fell into Tony’s arms. Leaning against the wall in back of the bleachers, their actions became more and more intense. Slowly, they slid down the side of the wall, and down to the ground.
Afterwards, Tony an Karen were talking, softly. Every once and a while, Karen would let a giggle escape, and then clamp a hand over her mouth. She was so happy now, happy that Tony had come back to her, and had made things right.
The conservation took a more serious tone. “Tony, what are you going to do now ?” she asked.
“I don’t know” Tony replied. “I got some deals in the works, and I’ve got to make some money…..I got a little help, I think it’ll work out”.
“Tony, you were running stolen merchandise with Jake, weren’t you ?” Karen asked.
Tony looked at her, shocked. “How did you know about….”
“Oh, don’t be so surprised. I’ve been here long enough. I know how things work at this school.” As Tony started to say something, she held up her hand. “It’s all right. We all have to do whatever it takes to survive around here”. She lowered her voice. “I had to join the Jocks, just for protection. They treat me OK, even are kinda protective of me, but sometimes, one of them wants to….well, you know…”
Tony was again shocked. “I’ll put a stop to that, right away…You bet I will” Tony said angrily. “None of them are gonna touch you, ever again”.
“Tony, please…Leave it alone, for now…I can handle them…And you need their help, don’t you ? I can help you with that…Just…Let me handle it. They’re the most powerful Clique in the School”.
Tony considered for a moment. Reluctantly, he agreed not to go after anyone yet. “But”, Tony said, “Things are gonna change around here…You can count on it.”
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 10:55:50 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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The Never Ending Story
« Reply #83 on: January 05, 2010, 12:13:07 PM »
Later, after Tony snuck Karen back to her Dorm, he snuck back to his own Dorm.  Constantinos approached him coming out of the Common Room and whispered something to him.

"Shit", Tony muttered, and headed back outside, going to the Autoshop area.   Dodging Prefects, he hunkered  at the side of the Fountain. 

"Ah, Tony !” a voice sounded.  Laurent was approaching. Tony noticed a bottle in his hands. It was just as Constantinos said.

"Tony, Tony... Tu es mon pote, hein ?", Laurent said, his words slurring.

"What the... Man, you're drunk ?", Tony asked, not really shocked.

"Qu'est-ce que tu dis ?", Laurent said drunkenly.

"C'mon, we have to get back to the Dorm”, Tony said.  “Come with me !"

"Pourquoi ? Je suis bien ici !", Laurent spewed out another phrase Tony didn’t understand.

"The Prefects are gonna see you !  Fuck, man, you get what I say ?", Tony said, looking around.

"Attrape-moi !"  Laurent sped off in direction of the Harrington House. Tony didn't lose any time. If the Prefects saw him, he'd be kicked out... Could this drunk boy still Parkour ?

Laurent crossed the Harrington side yard, and jumped over a break in the high wall.  So did Tony.  They ran in the grass, through the plants.  Laurent climbed the wall and arrived at the locked Nerd’s gate.  He hit many buttons, and after screaming a French word, started trying to climb to the roof of the library, without any rope.  In fact, he used the borders of the windows, a very dangerous technique.  But Tony was afraid for the life of his friend, so he did the same.  Arriving on the roof, he continued pursuing Laurent.  No way out... Except... Falling ?

Laurent stopped right before the end of the roof, and started to lose balance.  Tony grabbed him from the back, pivoted, then jumped and landed with the French kid on the flower beds in peat moss, breaking their fall without any injuries.

"Do you hear me ?  Fuck !!!", Tony said, exasperated.
"Tony... You are very good... But I have to sleep now”, Laurent mumbled.

"It's about time !  Now you're gonna walk right, understood ?", Tony demanded.

The two boys got back to the Dorm without trouble.  Laurent was already asleep as Tony threw him on his bed.  Steve had things to explain him tomorrow... But he'd ask him without any violence, as Steve was still his only way to access the Greasers.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 11:17:29 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #84 on: January 05, 2010, 04:21:45 PM »
After waking up the next day, Tony decided to go see the Greasers.  There, he could ask Steve about last night's little incident with Laurent, and maybe get more in touch with the Clique.  He decided to dress with the classic green Bullworth vest and jeans.

As he arrived at the Autoshop gate, a Greaser in leather jacket was standing between the two open gates. "Hey, you, get away, there's nothing to see here."

"Relax, Dude, I came to talk to Steve.", Tony said calmly.

"Steve ?  You know him ?  I swear that if it was a lie, I'll have to beat you up”, the Greaser retorted, then turned and screamed the name of Steve.  Tony took this time to look the guy carefully in the eyes.  They were classic brown eyes, and they looked hard.  For one moment, the eyes went at the bottom, then left.  As far as Tony knew, this meant that he was thinking about something.  A minute later, Steve's face appeared behind the fence that delimited the Greaser territory.

"Hey, Tony ! You're doing well ?", Steve greeted.

"I gotta talk to you, Steve”, Tony said. “I'm sure you know what I want to talk about."

"Yeah, sure, glad you’re here !”, Steve added.

"So, may I enter, or does today, discussions between friends make themselves through the fence ?", Tony asked.

"Of course... Let him enter, Hal !", Steve called cheerfully.

Tony passed around the fence, and arrived in a zone roofed by corrugated iron, only a little over two yards high, that had been thrown together since the last time he was here.  There were several old sofas there, and Tony noticed that one of them was taken from a car.  On the right of the open room, there were draped cloths that made a sort of wall.  The whole works were attached to the building where there was the open bay that contained the Greaser’s classic car.  Around the work benches were mechanic’s tools and the big wood box where Tony had gotten the hooks.  On a steel table in front of the sofas, there was a motor attached with a cable to a huge motor-puller, sitting in the middle of a huge oil spot.  Tony sat on a pretty comfortable seat, while Steve took place on the car sofa, beside the motor.

"You want anything to drink, Tony ?", Steve asked.

"Any soda would make it”, said Tony.

Steve eased into the bay and reached around to little dirty fridge on his right.  He grabbed a cola, threw it to Tony, then grabbed another one, and threw it in the direction of the draped cloths. A hand reached through and grabbed it.  Laurent emerged from behind the cloths and sat down next to Tony.

"You guys have to explain to me something !" said Tony with a fake smile, not really surprised to see Laurent there.

"It is all my fault, Tony”, Laurent said, embarrassed. “I  had a little beer, two, three... You know...."

"You were lucky I seen you”, Tony admonished.

"Je sais... I know”, Laurent said, his face reddening

"Whatever”, Tony chuckled.  “You've learned something about motors ?"

"He’s learned a lot !" said Steve, hands still working.

"This is good..." Tony said as he drank the refreshing liquid.

"What about you ?  And this girl... Karen ?", Laurent asked with a sly look.

"What would you have done, you little perv ?", Tony joked back. The three laughed.

"OK, Steve, I'm here to meet you Greasers, to learn a bit on motors, and stuff like that”, Tony said, more at ease.

"No problem”, Steve said. “You won't be able to access our shop class for now, but you can come see me anytime."

"Thanks, man”, Tony said. “Hey, Laurent, what's going on this afternoon in the gym ? Super-Dodgeball again ?"

"Non, nothing today, I think”, Laurent said, and swirled his arm around. “I may check this out."

"You wanna stay here ?", Tony asked.

"Oui.", Laurent replied.  “For awhile.”

"OK, I'll see you after lunch sometime”, Tony said, getting up. “Don't you guys do any stupid stuff while I'm away."

"Yeah, Mmum..." mumbled Steve jokingly.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 11:30:40 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #85 on: January 05, 2010, 07:40:27 PM »
Later, after leaving his first class of the day, Tony walked down the hall, and then out of nowhere, it seemed, one of Kurt's henchmen shoved Tony.

"What the Hell, Man !?" said Tony.

"It's a warning, Douche. Don't screw with our Leader." said the Rocker.

Shit. That weasel, Kurt, is up to something, Tony thought, Well, I'm gonna nip this right quick.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 11:35:38 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #86 on: January 05, 2010, 09:55:37 PM »
“Leader ? You don’t have a Leader, Shitbag” Tony snarled. “Hell, you weird fuckers don’t even have a Clique”
“Yeah, well we do now !”, the Rocker kid said, getting up in Tony’s face.
“STEP BACK”, Tony yelled, roughly pushing the Rocker kid into the lockers. “You better run, shit-for-brains….You DO NOT wanna be messin’ with this !!!”
Staggering back upright from the lockers, The Rocker kid, who’s name was Tibo, yelled back “You Fuckface, We Are Gonna TAKE YOU DOWN…..”
The Prefect was racing down the hall, straight at Tony and Tibo. Both boys took off in different directions, and the small crowd of kids who had gathered to watch scattered. Tony ran down the hall, took a right, ran towards the Teacher’s lounge, took another right, and ran full tilt for the Boy’s restroom, knocking down a couple of other students on the way. Just before he reached the bathroom, he dived into the rather large Trash Bin beside it.
This better work, he thought.
The Prefect came around the corner, still yelling, and came to a halt when he realized he could no longer see his prey. After a couple of minutes, he walked off.
Tony peeked over the top of the trash bin and saw the coast was clear. He had just come out of his first Chemistry class right before being accosted by the Rocker kid. He climbed out of the Trash Bin and brushed himself off.
That’s what I get for coming back to class, he thought.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 11:39:11 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #87 on: January 06, 2010, 05:10:16 AM »
Walking with Karen to his next class, Tony sensed a change in the way some of the students in the school were respecting him, giving him space. The Nerds, The Greasers, The Jocks, and even The Preps were not hassling him, and some were actually being nice. The Bullies were being just as big of shits as they always were, though.

“Meet me tonight behind the Dorm ?’, asked Karen.

“You know it babe…I’ll be there”, Tony replied as the bell rang. He ducked into Art class.


After Art class, where Tony did some more drawings while ogling Ms. Phillips, he headed down to the Football Field to find Laurant. Spotting him over by his usual spot at the bleachers, Tony approached him.

“Heya, Tony, whatcha know ?  Get in some grabs at the Art teacher this fine afternoon ?”, Laurent greeted him.

“Hello, Laurent…Um..Why are you talking like a Greaser ?”, Tony asked.

Laurant let out a long laugh. “Just practicing, my friend….Just practicing.  Some of the lingo rubbed off on Moi….Oui ?”

“I guess so”, Tony replied, smelling just a whiff of alcohol on the French boy. “Listen, I’m gonna need your lockpicking skills…I’ve got to get out some more merchandise to sell to the Preps. Meet me at the gate about 2 AM, after midnight, tomorrow night ?”

“Well, sure, or…..We could just take a shortcut over there”, he said pointing over at a large, tall steel panel-looking thing set into the wall over at the North-East side of the field.

“What are you talking about ?” Tony asked.

“Through that, you may go right to the front of the Observatory”, Laurant said. “You asked me how I knew about the place. I had already been in there. I used the Parkour to get over that, second night of school."

“What about the Razor Wire ?”, Tony said, “You said it would cut us up !”

“Not any more !”, Laurent said, pulling a pair of large wire cutters from his back pocket.  “Got these from Steve last night !”

“Well, I’ll be damned…Why didn’t you tell me this before ?”

Mon du !! You didn’t ask !!”, laughed Laurent.


“It looks like you’re coming along well, young man. I think we can release you tomorrow”, the white suited woman said.

Kurt looked up at the Infirmary Nurse whose name he didn’t remember. “That’ll be just great….I gotta lotta work to catch up on…”

As he settled back on the pillows, he thought, Yeah…A WHOLE lotta work.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 11:59:37 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #88 on: January 06, 2010, 04:15:36 PM »
The next day Kurt was released. He rallied up all the Rockers, and started talking to Tibo.  "Did you warn that dickhead ?" Kurt asked.

"Uhh...Yeah…Almost got busted though." Tibo replied.

"Alright guys. We all know the enemy here. That douche, Tony.  A 'little bird' told me he's going to be selling some merchandise to the Rich Pricks tonight." Kurt announced.

He continued, "The Greasers think rather fondly of us…Met Peanut at the Infirmary after he got beaten by a Prep.  I told him everything about what's going on tonight, and he told me him and the boys will be glad to help.  So, tonight, 2 AM...we'll be there.  Us Rockers for revenge, and the Greasers for the Preps.  It'll be like hell breaking loose, minus those wimpy Nerds, and Jocks."

« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 11:56:58 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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« Reply #89 on: January 06, 2010, 06:21:09 PM »
Right before curfew, Tony left the Boy’s dorm, and walked Quickly to the Girl’s dorm. He encountered one Prefect along the way, from a short distance…But as it wasn’t quite 11 PM yet, the Prefect only yelled “GO ON SCUM…YOU’RE WORTHLESS” at him, and Tony hurried faster. Arriving behind the Girl’s Dorm, he took up a spot beside a dumpster, and waited. Soon, he spotted a small dark figure coming around the corner, making their way slowly towards him.

“Tony ?” the dark figure said softly.
“Karen” Tony said in a low voice. “Over Here”.
She quickly moved towards the sound of his voice, and the came into each other’s arms.
“I missed you after classes…Where were you ?” Asked Karen.
“I hadda go talk to Derby of the Preps…We have to make a delivery to them tonight”.
“Oh, Tony, do promise me that you’ll be careful !”, fretted Karen.
“Relax -- They’re harmless…Besides, I’ve got this…” He patted the Spud Gun at his side….”for protection. And, now I have these”. He dug his hand in his other pocket, and pulled out several cylindrical objects with fuses attached to them.
“What are those ?” asked Karen, although she pretty much knew.
“Firecrackers”, said Tony. “More like M-80s though…Powerful”.
“Where did you get those ?”, Karen asked.
“I made ‘em….Learned how to in Chem class today…Sulfur and gunpowder, jam them down these hollow tubes, stick in a fuse…When the old coot wasn’t looking, I swiped me a bunch of the stuff to make them with. Took me about 2 hours to put all these together, holed up in my room tonight”.
“Tony, just be careful…I know you gotta do what you have to…..”, Karen began.
“No problem…Just a routine delivery…It’ll be fine", Tony said. Speaking of fine…Com’re Baby…”

Jake had finished moving the last of his stash over to the Hobo’s yard the night before. He was now headed back to the Boy’s Dorm to look again for his Slingshot. It had to be under there somewhere, Dammit…Suddenly, he stopped.

He heard something from around the back of the Girl’s Dorm. Quietly, he made his way over to the back corner of the building, then slowly into the darkness.

Melvin and Fatty were conferring in the Library.
“So, you asked him ?”, said Fatty.
“Yes, talked to him today, over by the Fountain. We made a deal”, Melvin said.
Fatty sighed. “So how much is this gonna cost us ?”.
“Ten dollars a day…If nothing happens.", Melvin recounted  "Twenty dollars on any day that he has to beat up anybody who hurts any one of us. Plus, we get to knock off Five dollars on any day one of us gets knocked out if he isn’t able to get there in time to protect them”.
Fatty snorted. “Sounds complicated…”
“There’s more”, Melvin went on. “If we come to his aid in a fight, then he will supply us with what we need for a week”.
“What can we do ?” asked Fatty.
Melvin patted his Spud Gun. “We have these. We can stand far away and shoot”.
“I don’t know…I guess”, Fatty said. “I have to go pee”.

Jake stood very still in the darkness, listening to the sounds of Tony and Karen making out. Finally, their rapid breathing slowed, and Tony spoke.

“I gotta go pretty soon…Round up Laurant and Constantinos and get the merchandise. We’re supposed to meet Derby and the Preps after 2 AM over by Harrington House for the delivery”.

“OK…I guess I got to let you go…For now, you bad boy….And Tony, please be careful !”, Karen said again.

“Piece of cake”, Tony said.

Delivery ? Merchandise ?  How the hell did he get stuff for the Preps ?  Jake’s paranoid mind was racing. Doesn’t Matter. Doesn’t Matter. Gotta find that Slingshot. And break into Trent’s room from the back window. That fuck still has some Firecrackers. Very quietly Jake edged back in the darkness, back around the corner, and started silently running towards the Boy’s Dorm. Looks like I can get some action sooner than I thought.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 12:15:17 PM by BloodChuckZ »