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Author Topic: Bully Storyline REWRITTEN Part II  (Read 1977 times)

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Offline Derby Is Love

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Bully Storyline REWRITTEN Part II
« on: September 07, 2016, 05:59:44 AM »
So, in the first part we covered Chapter I. Now that we have established our friendship with Gary and Pete, it's time to kick Russell's ass.

Chapter II: The Name Is Hopkins

As I have said before, this Chapter is going to be focused on The Squad vs The Bullies. Save Algie involved Bullies, but I am going to be changing it to Save Petey. Also, Setup, Defend Bucky and the last two missions are still here, just done differently. Also, worth mentioning: in my missions, we target every clique member based on their individual characteristics, as you will see now.


1. Senpai Ethan ( now, we know Ethan knows a lot about martial arts. Well, who in school are objectively the best fighters? Preps, so we are going to exploit that. Basically, you would leave clues in The Harrington House in Chad's room a few times, before he finally has enough and challenges Ethan, and whoops his ass)

2. The Setup ( stays the same, except you won't be talking to Crabblesnitch, but to Gary. )

3. Preps Bullied ( Tom, who we know for an unknown reason hates the Preps, wants revenge. Russell is not an intelligent guy, so he is going to be missing for now. Basically, you and Preps would prepare for a fight and it would be up to you if you want to partake or not: )

4. Save Petey ( Gary asks you to escort Petey from the Dorm to the school, but be careful, Bullies are pissed off now that you triggered them. Our target now is Wade, who has anger issues. Jimmy would have to lure him into fighting him by yelling stuff about his dad while Pete gets his stuff from his locker.)

5. A Bully's Secret ( Gary and Petey inform you that they have been hearing rumors about Trent's... orientation. Another stealth mission where you would follow Trent to the gym, and take pictures of him and Kirby on a date. Then, you would plant those pics in Bullies dorm room, so they all laugh at him lol. )

6. Defend Gary ( Pete is worried cuz Gary went to the parking lot to bully Nerds, but he is not coming back. Same mission as before, just a different area.)

7. Having Fun ( Troy is a tough guy, so how do you beat a tough guy. You beat his ass. Troy would actually be the guy we fought in the introductory mission, not Davis, so now, Troy wants a rematch and he is a lot tougher than before. A mini boss fight.)

8. A Failed Project Part Two (Gary tells you that last year, Russell broke a science project over Donald's head. Jimmy now has to intimidate Donald into taking it again so Russell gets in trouble.)

9. Help Gary (stays the same, but Pete is involved too and also involves a mini game and a cutscene where you would be training with Gary and Pete to beat Russell. Same betrayal at the end, but for different reasons. Gary didn't betray you cuz he stopped taking meds; it's because he saw your potential in the combat art, but nothing more, so he is getting rid of you since brains always beat brawns)

10. The Rematch (not Russell In The Hole, its The Rematch. Stays the same, but weapons are not allowed in The Hole AND Russell is still tough, just not as much as before. Same cutscene in the end, now we are somwehat popular .D. That is the end of Chapter II)

Thoughts?  ;) :D