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Messages - Constantinos

Pages: [1] 2 3
Bully 1 Questions / Where's The Fire Department ??
« on: September 28, 2009, 04:28:31 PM »
meh. I say if you want GTA, play GTA.

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Glitch: Get into Mr. Grant's Yard!
« on: September 28, 2009, 04:24:54 PM »
When i did this, my bike went with me so i managed to jump back out :p

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Glitch: Get into Mr. Grant's Yard!
« on: September 15, 2009, 05:06:00 PM »
Maybe it just PS2? I have wii, and i can jump in.

Bully 1 Questions / Garage/Lock-up question
« on: August 27, 2009, 08:04:11 PM »
Yeah, but this is about the go-kart.

Bully 1 Questions / Garage/Lock-up question
« on: August 26, 2009, 10:36:40 PM »
You will keep both the mountain bike and your shop bike because the go-kart doesn't go in the garage. It goes in the school parking lot. :)

Bully 1 Questions / Hard Swings?
« on: August 26, 2009, 02:32:46 AM »
I can't for the life of me figure out how to do the hard swing with baseball bats etc, that knocks people over. I did it all the time on xbox 360, but now that a play on wii all i can do is club. How can i do the hard swing on wii?

OT, i think maybe we should have a thread for short, stupid questions like this, so the forum doesn't get spammed up with question threads.

Bully 1 Questions / Windowed mode?
« on: August 25, 2009, 02:40:10 PM »
Go to Properties, and and add a space followed by -w in the target line.

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Map Abuse !may contain spoilers!
« on: August 23, 2009, 12:20:26 AM »
That's the problem. Unlike The Vale, Bullworth Town and Blue Skies, which have blockades that are exploited rather easily, New Coventry seems very well blocked off.

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Map Abuse !may contain spoilers!
« on: August 22, 2009, 12:51:29 PM »
Now if we could figure out how to be able to bust in to new coventry then we could have the whole map chapter 1!

Bully 1 Discussion / 200 things you have learnt from bully
« on: August 22, 2009, 12:42:39 PM »
What? There was supposed to be an image in that post.(#54) Crap.

Hints, Tips and Cheats / Map Abuse !may contain spoilers!
« on: August 22, 2009, 01:31:51 AM »
Any of you enjoy abusing the map,i.e, going places you can't under normal conditions. My favorite is getting into blue skies before chap 5. (early as chap 2.!) You go to that small beach by the bridge from bullworth academy to bullworth town, then jump at the rock near the water. Face the rock and keep jumping, while sprinting forward. you will be sliding across the rocks. keep jumping until you fall through the rocks. Then you will land in water, inside the rock. This part requires some quesswork. Swim straight until you think you you're past the barge blockade, then turn and swim through the rock.  You will be at the docks. Cool possibilities, like getting the rubber band ball as early as chapter 3. Any of you got tricks like this?

Bully 1 Discussion / 200 things you have learnt from bully
« on: August 21, 2009, 11:42:57 PM »
I declare that

Bully 1 Discussion / 200 things you have learnt from bully
« on: August 21, 2009, 05:00:33 PM »
193: The code to the observatory is 1138.
194: Jimmy knows the key-code to every door.
195: The preps are never in Harrington house.
196: The final cut owner is really a man.
197: That the only people who have a modern computer are the nerds
198: Clint wants a bike. A bike. Yeaaahhhhh, a bike.
199: No one hates the rich as much as clint.
200: That bully is the best. game. ever.
Aww yeahh! its done!

Hints, Tips and Cheats / After 2.00 AM ?
« on: August 16, 2009, 03:17:43 PM »
I't didn't work as planned, but i did get to 2:04!

Bully 1 Discussion / Characters you hate.
« on: August 15, 2009, 02:12:43 PM »
I can neither confirm nor deny your accusations.

Pages: [1] 2 3