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Author Topic: Modding help/requests  (Read 8010 times)

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Offline Peachrocks

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Modding help/requests
« on: November 11, 2011, 01:19:32 AM »

I kinda wanna learn how to mod myself but its lost on me. I looked briefly over the modding tutorial thread but... uhhhh... yeah...

For one, what sort of hex editor would you guys recommend. I tried it about a month ago, and... it didn't work out (eep). So this time I'm sucking pride up and asking for help... sooo...

I guess I should list what I'd like to start of with...

1. Ethan skin + Standard bully style (not Russell)

2. Jerry skin + Townie style

3. Weather changing magic

I sorta wanna learn to do it myself than someone doing it for me... but... eh, it's not a big deal either way.


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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2011, 06:05:38 AM »
first of all thanks for checking the threads out, so many people just make topics without doing so or even trying, and it gets annoying after a while >:(, also I would like to know what bit of the modding thread were you stuck on as clearly it will need work if you and others can't follow the tuts as the whole purpose of those tuts was to remedy these sort of posts... I would like some feedback if possible, as the threads not getting anything neither negative or positive so we don't know entirely where we're going wrong with it.

I personally use HxD hex editor, Hex workshop isn't bad either anyway here are some new tuts, just follow these step for step and you will be ok...

1.) Open World.img in ImgTool (or you could use madmans tool)
2.) Press f2 or ctrl+f or w/e the search button is in the program your using and search for your skin (these skins are named at the beginning of each ped seperatly from this in the ide.img ie
 (here for normal skin) (here for winter skin)

so if you wanted earnest winter skin you would search for Earnests and look for "NDlead_Earnest_W" (some peds have different names for the skins, so for this search the ide for that peds name eg "Gary" as a example and look for the texture names as shown above with earnest and you will see Garys skin is called "Nemesis" which you will then search in world.img)

3.) Once your chosen ped is found in world.img, Extract NDlead_Earnest_W.nif AND NDlead_Earnest_W.nft, (extract BOTH to a new folder, each skin has a .nif AND a .nft)
4.) Copy and paste these 3 times each in the folder so you have 8 files in total; 4.nif and 4.nft each of the same name.
5.) Now you will need to delete the clothing your replacing the skin for, I'll use the red ninja outfit as a example. (you will need to delete SP_NinjaR_FT.nif, SP_NinjaR_H.nif, SP_NinjaR_L.nif, SP_NinjaR_T.nif, SP_NinjaR_FT.nft, SP_NinjaR_H.nft, SP_NinjaR_L.nft and SP_NinjaR_T.nft) you need to delete all 8 of these items the .nif's and the .nft's from the archive of world.img making sure NOT TO DELETE the ones with CS_ at the beggining otherwise your world.img is fucked basicly.)
6.) go back to your new folder with the extracted NDlead_Earnest_W.nifs and .nfts, change these to the ones you deleted in step 5 in the world.img so you will have the files renamed to;

7.) add these files to world.img in imgtool by pressing ctrl+a or going to commands and pressing add
8.) load the game, go to the wardrobe and put the red ninja costume on.

Fighting styles
I will do this soon, for now i would suggest searching on google or youtube

I haven't delved too much into this, but i will post a descent tut up when i get time, if you mean getting it back to winter i would reccommend using my "hidden interior flags" mod
« Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 06:29:52 AM by Steman »

Offline Peachrocks

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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2011, 09:21:25 AM »
first of all thanks for checking the threads out, so many people just make topics without doing so or even trying, and it gets annoying after a while >:(, also I would like to know what bit of the modding thread were you stuck on as clearly it will need work if you and others can't follow the tuts as the whole purpose of those tuts was to remedy these sort of posts... I would like some feedback if possible, as the threads not getting anything neither negative or positive so we don't know entirely where we're going wrong with it.

My guess is you're not getting feedback because people are too shy to admit they aren't getting it and don't want to feel like idiots. I guess I believe in that someone who is intelligent will speak up about stuff they don't know to try understand but believe me when the position has been the reverse and I'm trying to get people to understand something others might find complex, I know what it's like not to figure out why you don't think you're getting through even though people haven't said so. 

Alternatively people are shy of sounding critical to something you've put a lot of effort into.

Truth be told, I find it a tad overwhelming all the stuff you got there and it is a bit walls of text like. Now that doesn't put me off, but the presentation could be a touch better and easier to understand.

You tell us what everything means when using Earnest as an example, but there's some jargon speak which automatically puts people off learning even if what you're saying makes sense and they can understand it.

Anyway... I'll try be more constructive later but that's just a start. I'll see how this goes...

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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2011, 10:30:02 AM »
hmmm thanks for this constructive feedback, so generally tidy up the chapters and get rid of the intimidating layout and maybe get a few screenshots to help with the tuts?

what about the understanding of some of these mods that are up? like how the stuffs explained would it be better in steps instead like the skin one ive posted in this thread?

also good luck with your mods

Offline Peachrocks

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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2011, 10:46:41 AM »
When I've got a bit more time I'll dig in and let you know. I'm unusually busy next few days.

Mind you what you've got is very much in the development stage which makes it hard to get feedback on it because it's not complete yet and there are changes to be made. I wouldn't worry about it until you're a bit further along with your tutorials but I'll give you what I can.


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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2011, 10:58:00 AM »
ok thanks for this peachrocks, i think thats all thats missing from the thread just a few tuts here and their, but most of if not all of whats on their is the full version, i just havn't had time to sort it out, reds been busy, and me and mad have been worked close to death with our little ped mods.

i would search on youtube for now for a fighting styles video their is a few up their, once again nice one

Offline Hayley

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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2011, 01:20:41 PM »
My guess is you're not getting feedback because people are too shy to admit they aren't getting it and don't want to feel like idiots.

Alternatively people are shy of sounding critical to something you've put a lot of effort into.
I'm going to agree on this as it kind of goes for me. Not being a very good modder myself (I can add and remove characters from the game, but that's about it), I'm a tad bit afraid of asking for help on whatever it is I don't understand. The amount of expert modders here is a bit intimidating to me and I fear they'd get frustrated at me for not being able to grasp the basics.

Truth be told, I find it a tad overwhelming all the stuff you got there and it is a bit walls of text like. Now that doesn't put me off, but the presentation could be a touch better and easier to understand.

You tell us what everything means when using Earnest as an example, but there's some jargon speak which automatically puts people off learning even if what you're saying makes sense and they can understand it.
Reading through what you posted, it was a little overwhelming, like I was reading alien language at times. There were some things you could have expanded a little bit more on. For any newbie who wishes to mod, they might want to know what Imgtool is, or where to find these files, and know what exactly a ped or pedstat is. A lot of the terms you have written down would make sense to the more advanced modders, but not necessarily for the newcomers. Or maybe I just need a dictionary.

Mind you what you've got is very much in the development stage which makes it hard to get feedback on it because it's not complete yet and there are changes to be made. I wouldn't worry about it until you're a bit further along with your tutorials but I'll give you what I can.
Tell ya what, this thread is going to be amazing once completed. But as Peach as stated, there's not a lot to review there since it's still in the works.

I understand that the three of you are working on your own little things and have little to no time to update it in bulk. So really, there's no, "Roar, get this done right now," kind of pressure from me. It's simple to see that there's a lot of work to do over there and the three of you are busy. Anybody who wants to see that completed by tomorrow will have to suck it up. :p

As one last little side note, I'm not super interested in modding the game considering I can't play it due to lovely CTD bugs. So please don't worry about me not speaking up if I want to be able to do X, as I haven't bothered to attempt anything. The only thing that really piques my interest is changing skins, which you've already explained here.

All in all, you boys are doing a fine job. ❤ What you've stated here isn't necessarily bad, if that's the impression you're getting from me/Peach. I um. I just wish I had a better comprehension of what exactly this or that is if I ever choose to mod the game.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 01:30:25 PM by Hayley »

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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2011, 02:41:56 PM » reply to you Hayley, I can see where you are comming from and I will be totally honest with honest anyways but still....always remember that there is no such thing as a stupid question! It doesnt matter if everyone else may think that said question is common knowledge and that it is a sin to ask such of someone. I personally have a near unlimited amount of patience so I am more then glad to break thing down and explain everything to whomever asks, am even willing to do one on one deals using teamviewer to remotely show how to do certain things...etc so the person asking for help can have a better grasp since I do know from personal experience...not everyone  has the same abilities when it comes to various things in life. and what is simple for one...can be extremely difficult for another so please please dont worry about irritating me or making me mad for asking questions...even if its the same question over and

As to my personal tutorials, I do plan to update every one of them with screenshots showing exactly what to do since I have found that it makes things so much easier for ppl to see pictures of what to do rather then near endless amounts of text since some ppl dont have the time to read a ton and would just alike a quick simple solution...which is in all fairness...the goal I and some others here are working towards. Just the hard thing is on my end I have been trying to help get the modding community going like I did for the gta modding communities for san andreas and vice city as well as being a promenint modder for the hl2 modding community as well (somewhat inactive  now) and it is kinda a lot to take in all at once and even with the help of Steman, Red, bullyimod123 and insanitygames not to mention others that have since stepped forward with ideas...etc. It is a very uncharted terriroty and noone will have all the answers until things are figured out so, what I am trying to say is....we are just making this up as we go

but if you want hayley, just add me if u use steam or xfire (pm me if you use both and want to contact me easier) and if you need help with anything regarding bully I can take the time to explain everything in a easier format. This offer goes to anyone wanting help but I will only be able to concentrate on one person at at time due to the massive amount of work I have ahead of me.

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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2011, 06:55:49 PM »
I'm naturally afraid of being shunned if I don't comprehend something after asking a billion times. That, and I'm a bit stubborn and don't ask for help often. : p

Screenshots would be wonderful to have. Having something visually to check if you're doing something right or not could be useful. I took a peek at World.img earlier and um. Yeah. The Never Ending Wall of Textâ„¢ was scary haha. I even had to use screenshots to see if I was adding characters into the game correctly. Handy for anybody who opened ide.img up and closed it immediately for not knowing where to begin.

But again, I'm in absolutely no rush to see you guys get screenshots done, or expand on the other topic, ect. I'm aware that you guys are caught up in your own projects right now and those are going to take a while to finish.

As for contacting you on Steam, I shall decline. As I've stated, Bully PC is unplayable for me so yeah. I don't see the point in modding if I can't really play the game. ; D

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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2011, 08:27:03 PM »
Fair enough  8)

But wanted to put that offer out there anyways since in the end, I am just here to have fun and help anyone that needs help providing it is withing my power.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 02:22:25 AM by |XF|-MadmaN[AR] »

Offline Peachrocks

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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2011, 01:05:55 AM »
Okay got the skin replacement to work.

Ethan is one of those people who isnt listed by name so I'll have to find him later so I used Jerry.

It works except he's got Jimmy's face with his mouth wide open. He looks like Jerry's smaller retarded brother who I've nicknamed Jirry. Sorta funny...

Still I kept the files and replaced them back into the file and kept the ninja outfit as it was. So if anything I'm mostly cool with skin replacements except for this minor flaw.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 01:12:54 AM by Peachrocks »

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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2011, 01:13:40 AM »
Sorta funny? It's freaking hilarious. I may or may not still be laughing. :'D

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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2011, 06:17:20 AM »
Okay got the skin replacement to work.

Ethan is one of those people who isnt listed by name so I'll have to find him later so I used Jerry.

It works except he's got Jimmy's face with his mouth wide open. He looks like Jerry's smaller retarded brother who I've nicknamed Jirry. Sorta funny...

Still I kept the files and replaced them back into the file and kept the ninja outfit as it was. So if anything I'm mostly cool with skin replacements except for this minor flaw.

It's easy to fix, and I explained it thoroughly and made it easy to understand in the ultimate modding thread.

Offline Peachrocks

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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2011, 08:26:38 AM »
Okay got the skin replacement to work.

Ethan is one of those people who isnt listed by name so I'll have to find him later so I used Jerry.

It works except he's got Jimmy's face with his mouth wide open. He looks like Jerry's smaller retarded brother who I've nicknamed Jirry. Sorta funny...

Still I kept the files and replaced them back into the file and kept the ninja outfit as it was. So if anything I'm mostly cool with skin replacements except for this minor flaw.

It's easy to fix, and I explained it thoroughly and made it easy to understand in the ultimate modding thread.

Okay... where exactly did you put this explanation to deal with this particular flaw in that thread? *Idiot face*.

I looked over the skinning section in the ultimate modding thread and found an entire explanition but it wasn't written (or the main post wasn't edited) by you nor did it refer specfically to fix this issue so once again I'm missing something eeep.

The stuff that Steman didn't mention is all the stuff referring to the ide, so is this what I need to do? I just want to be super sure and understand it myself rather than just copying a list of instructions and not actually learning how the thing works.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 08:58:32 AM by Peachrocks »

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Re: Modding help/requests
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2011, 09:54:02 AM »
@red what i think peach and hayley are saying all and all (and rightly so) is that the "ultimate modding thread" is clearly too confusing in total for newcomers and some people in general and thus is null and void.

clearly the topic has great potential but needs a great deal of renovation to combat these crucial needs; what peach's trying to say about his mod is that the problem he has is with the bone glitch, (which you gathered) but the bone glitch isn't even up their!, it hasn't even been mentioned or explained in the fighting styles bit or even throughout the entire topic!, so basically the entire thread is useless to newcomers as of present. and this defeats the whole purpose of what we initially joined forces to make it for.

theirfore the problem is bigger than what we first though and the whole modding community is in jeopardy, after watching and being a part of the evolution of modding this game, I can clearly state that we are in dire need of newcomers to take this progress further than what it is as of present and this isn't going to be achieved if no one can understand these tutorials, as far as I'm aware their is only one savior to remedy this problem and it comes in the indispensable form of xf-madman, evidently his in depth and detailed tutorials have proved very successful both for newcomers and experienced modders and a complete renovation of this thread by him could achieve this. i think this is a case of "in mad we trust"

what we face here is a grave task which needs to be dealt with very rapidly, so just shunning this event off won't help in neither the short or long term, that said taking into account what Hayley said their is no urgent "get it done now" need, but the sooner the better.

what another problem is which peach has explained is that people have seen that we have bent over backwards and put a considerable amount of hard work in getting this thread up for the purpose of getting the modding community up and running and/or stopping trolls, and its good to see and finally get some feedback on this matter this is whats going to make this modding board a success story for newcomers, people discussing these problems openly without the fear of offending someone, but if that's the point whats been put across in the board then that's irresponsible of the active modders and this can be redeemed if we take this as a learning curve.

This said I think we do need to put in consideration that this thread is only a young pup in terms of age and their is much needed work which needs doing, we need to explain everything fully file for file including .ide files and how they work etc.