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Author Topic: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers and OOB Exploration. [Now 80% stickier!]  (Read 153518 times)

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Offline Weremuffin

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New member here, But not new to the game. Planning a speed run, actually.

What? Right.
I believe this should count as modding, As it uses a cheat application(namely Ocarina) to temporarily modify the game to do other things.

Anyway. I've recently found a Levitate code for Bully: Scholarship Edition for the Wii.
It, as should be obvious, allows you to levitate.

I've found quite a few interesting things using this.
One Beta Area and bunch of Markers.

I know there are also beta characters in the game, But I don't know how to access them with the Wii version.

For anyone wondering what "Hidden Interiors" means, It's a term from Grand Theft Auto(particularly San Andreas which Bully obviously used as a base for it's game engine).
In San Andreas, If you enter the Ganton gym and kill everyone inside then spawn a Jetpack and stand on the exit marker, You can fly out and do all sorts of things. Mainly, Enter Interior Heaven.
Bully seems to have a very similar way of doing the interiors, But although I can enter other interiors, I can't figure how to load them.

Anyway, I've found a Beta Area in the School Building.
Although, According to Google I'm not the first to find it, there being at least one other person.
If you fly out of the lobby of the school and head towards the Principal's office, turn right to what looks like stairs and lower yourself in.
You will be inside a stairwell. This is not fully seen in the final game.
In the hallways you can see a door called "Roof Access", but you can't open it.
Going in here it's actually fully solid and rather detailed. Complete with a sign saying "To Roof ->" at the top pointing to a door out.
The sky box type bit around the other side of the door also reflects time changes like any other areas like it does.
It would of obviously been used in the final mission, Perhaps you were to actually chase Gary instead of it just being a cutscene?

Also, Beneath all interiors and some exterior areas there are little Triangle things.
They vary in color and often having some kind of markings on them, the markings being either text or random lines. In one case, a checkerboard pattern.
I theorize these are some sorta Markers placed by the developers.
The colors seem to represent an "Interior Heaven", Not fully sure of the markings.
One triangle seemed to say "im615" and another seemed to say "cera".

If anyone wants to help with the finding of beta areas and hidden interiors, You'll need a Wii with the Homebrew Channel(This is not piracy unless you use it as such.) with the Ocarina(Or was it Gecko something?) app.
Of course, You'll also need Bully: Scholarship Edition.
You can find codes for the Levitate and such on

If anyone finds something interesting, Do post it here with instructions on how to get to it.

A little note, The game seems to only spawn certain areas for certain missions or after certain missions.
e.g: The School's Roof Top will only fully spawn in when you're fighting Gary.
e.g: The Junkyard also only spawns for the fight with Johnny Vincent.
e.g: The Spud Machine Gun only spawns after the mission it appears in.

I do hope this topic is okay, I love the game and would love to see what kind of things the game is hiding away from us.
Hidden ability to jack cars? A hidden house interior with pictures of all of Jimmy's girlfriends and an angry man who attacks Jimmy on site?

I've got a bunch of notes, mainly triangle locations, but if anyone wants to read them, not sure why'd you want to though, just ask and I'll send them to you.

edit: Renamed to fit present content.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 12:21:55 PM by Weremuffin »


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Re: Hidden Interiors, Anyone?
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2010, 02:46:54 PM »
 Cool find and welcome to Bully Board!  Unfortunately I have the PS2 version, so I won't be able to exploit all this, but it sounds neat.  I have always tried to find different ways to get into the roof access, but it never works.
  We have found a glitch in the PS2 version where you can explore the inside of Mr. Hattrick's House.  It's pretty cool in there.  I'm just not sure if you can do it on the Wii verson.

Offline Weremuffin

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Anyone?
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2010, 07:02:59 PM »
I'm not fully sure, But there may exist a Levitate cheat for one of the PS2 cheat programs. Although I really don't know for sure.

Anway, Thanks for the welcome.
I think I know of what you mean by getting in.
It involved a Bicycle to hop through a non-solid window? Or at least the one I saw did..

I could never get it to work, But i was able to fly in with the Levitate code.
Surprisingly solid in there.

Sadly from my explorarion I can pretty much say with a doubt, They never had plans to add a flying vehicle. As only rooftops you can normally access have collision data.
Well, there are a few exceptions.

A catwalk around the Chem-O-Lot building is oddly solid.
Along with the sign mutating when you get up close. Very strange.

Back on the topic of the Roof Access, If you've hired anyone and you go inside, they will follow complete with door opening.
You can't exit when the door is open though. Invisible Wall.
I wonder if there are any oddities exclusive to 360 or PS2.

Excuse any typos, I typed this up on my DSi.

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Anyone?
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2010, 05:24:01 AM »
That all is cool, I've always been into modding ! For Hattrick's house, it involves the bike going through a non-solid area of the roof - Inside there are some strange pictures, there it is...

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers, Non Evil Markers (maybe).
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2010, 12:47:49 PM »
Hello! im also new to these forums,
it's about time someone brought this into light, ive been wondering about this for some time aswell!
i have this for pc, and im certain theirs a "jetpack" mod for ps2
I managed to crack GTA IV and EFLC hidden interiors recently and would love to get inside these for bully
...just to clarify we are talking about cutscene interiors right such as the biology room and the music room etc because the topic seems to have derailed to Hattricks house (which isnt even an interior!)
Personaly im almost certain theirs only 1 way to enter these, and thats by putting a marker from the entrance into the interior as when your inside one the marker appears to get you back into the school hall, im sure that the interiors load ONLY 1 at a time, so they would each be in their own "heavons" not sharing it with anything else.


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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers, Non Evil Markers (maybe).
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2010, 03:02:04 PM »
 Well, if you find anything let us know.  Welcome to Bully Board!

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers, Non Evil Markers (maybe).
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2010, 04:10:36 PM »
thanks for the pleasant welcome, it's nice to see a descent forum with descent people,
i havn't found anything as of yet apart from what i said before, but with most of the people it seems on here using console versions it would be difficult to get modders on here,
mods ive seen are mostly all from editing the .DAT files, if someone could please shed some light on the BlipLocs.DAT and ExitLocs.DAT im sure it would help, their interior oriantated anyway maybe editing these could help?

Offline Weremuffin

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers, Non Evil Markers (maybe).
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2010, 05:47:18 PM »
Hm, To clarify, Do you mean basically adding an entrance to the interior?
e.g: Outside the Boy's Dorm is an entrance marker, Pressing Z(wii controls) would take you to, say, Music Class Room(also Wii, maybe).

I was hoping it wouldn't have to be something like that. Sigh.

Anyway, I renamed the topic to fit a little more to how it has changed slightly.
On the new topic.

I found an oddity, If you levitate into Boxing Ring at the Boxing Gym, Some of the corners allow the action "[Z] Climb".
Clicking [Z] will cause Jimmy to go into a place holder animation and that part of the ring's ropes to bend slightly.
This is likely beta, As the only time you can get in there is during Boxing Matches, and you don't have the standard controls for those segments.

Don't quote me on this, But if I were to apply GTA logic, BlipLocs.DAT would likely be the bits you interact with to start missions, enter buildings, etc.
As I believe they had the same name in GTA.
All those would do is supply an identifier for an exit, not the actual positioning. Maybe.
These are just theories.
ExitLocs.DAT would possibly hold the IDs and there locations. Again, Maybe.

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers, Non Evil Markers (maybe).
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2010, 06:46:31 AM »
yes thats exactly what im clarifying! instead of it taking you inside the boys dorms it would take you to a chosen interior, couldnt have put it better myself
and yes it seems the bliplocs and exitlocs do exactly as you say! ive tried editing these and thought they would at least get us somewhere but to no avail, either that or im doin it wrong lol because all the mods ive seen on u tube are editing these .dat files with somewhat useless stuff like make prefects students and changing bike stats etc,
anyway what gives me the conclusion this is the "only" method, which im hoping isn't is the fact that on the pc version theirs a trainer where you can teleport, and when you teleport to these interiors, they are on the map and the collision for the floor is somewhat their BUT NOTHING LOADS, and it doesnt matter what interior your in to teleport their still the same thing!, also when your on that mission for whts his name, the guy that gets terrored and wedgied and u get the slingshot when you go to the interior their are exit locations at the doors??? which leads me to believe their must be exit and entry locations for EACH interior! and you just have to look at exitlocs.dat as you say which proves this!
the problem we face is just getting someone with a bit of knowledge whos intrested in this, but sadly because its an old game and hardly anyone i know atleast uses it this seems unlikely :(
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 06:52:56 AM by Steman »

Offline Weremuffin

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers, Non Evil Markers (maybe).
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2010, 04:45:48 PM »
Hm, I just saw one of a Bicycle with Sea Plane handling.
I don't fully get what this leftover handling means, Is it data that refers to the vehicles main behavior(e.g flying), or just stat type data like acceleration speed?
If there are any others, Mind PMing them to me? I could only find the Sea Plane one.
Such as the trainer too? Google is oddly useless in looking for it.

Anyway.. I think the mission you refer to is just after "This Is Your School".
However some details don't fit, Namely that you get the Slingshot by chasing one of the Bullies to Greaser Territory and knock him off a sorta tower.

Perhaps you refer to Bucky or Algernon(Algie)? I'm a little confused about that part, Is it possible to give some more details?
Do you mean the Observatory? Where you battle.. Bucky(I think)?

That's interesting that there are exit markers there, wherever there is.

Is it possible to send me the Blip & Exit files? It's not the full game, So there shouldn't be any problems.

Games such as the aforementioned Ocarina of Time(wait, Where did I mention it?) still have a fairly active game hacking community, wherever it may be(It's a long long story).
Super Mario 64 & Super Mario World also have large communities, particularly SMW.

Hm, I know of a good Rom Hacking(Or is that Rohm Acking?) community, namely the one where the SM64 one is.
Perhaps I should post some of our findings there and see if we can get any help from them.

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers, Non Evil Markers (maybe).
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2010, 05:42:01 AM »
Hello, thought this thread was dead for sure :(, yea sorry i should have come across a bit better, its the mission where bucky gets terrored and you then go into the AV room and have to use the slingshot to stop his speech from getting ruined,
anyway when in their you are on the top balcony and can only move the sling shot from left to right, however if you teleport and then unteleport back with THIS you will now appear on the 1st floor being able to use the slingshot 360 degrees, turn yourself around and theirs oddly an exit marker at 1 of the doors!?

about the editing the .DAT files, it seems very true that its just a simple case of changing the handling, i found this on another forum dating back from Jan 2010 alittle bit off topic but its about the editing:

"You can add clique leaders into the game using a hex editor. They will randomly spawn with their fellow clique members around the game. Here's how you do it:

1. Open the file "ide.img" with a hex editor. It can be found in the "Objects" folder in your main Bully program directory.

2. Press "ctrl + f" and search for a text string in the hex editor. Search for "lead"

3. The hex editor will take you to different sections of the file where the clique leaders are referenced. For all the characters that will never spawn in free roam, there will be a line of text that reads "ÿÿÿÿ/Global". Click on the first "ÿ" and go to the other side of the hex editor where you change numerical values. Change it from "FF FF FF FF" to "01 00 00 00". This is all you actually have to do

4. Change it for all the clique leaders, but be sure you only do it for the first example you find. There will be 2 sections of hex for Derby, one default one where he wears his regular outfit and one where he's dressed in his robe, like he was in "complete mayhem." Change the first section only, because the second section, where Derby will be referenced as "Derby_EG" or something instead of just Derby, will make him pretty much always spawn in his robe. This is also true for Earnest (who appears in his pseudo-military garb), Johnny (who looks beat up), Ted (football gear) and Russel (beat up). Only enable the first sections of hex for those characters so they will wear default outfits

5. You can also ctrl+f and look for Gary and Petey to enable them in free roam as well

be sure to back up your original ide.img file before you save

You can change their fighting style as well. Since Ted is such a pansy I changed him into fighting like the Greasers. Change the Global/J_Striker_A into Global/G:_Striker_A
This also works with Bullies style with B, and P for Preppies. It's probably old news anyway. Still working on how to change Gary and Derby fight like they do in bossmode. Any tips perhaps?

I've figured out that if you erase or insert ONE block of hex it screws up the "alignment" of the whole file and will make the game crash to desktop. But maybe thats just basic hex editing fundamentals, idk. I managed to make Gary fight like a prep, then a jock, and now finally a greaser. The hex looks like this:

Medium -The character's health. Can be changed to "Huge" or "Large" etc
STUDENT -I think this determines the character's faction, havent tried changing it
STAT_GS_GARY -I dont think this can be changed without crashing the game
Straf_Male -Change this to "Straf_Prep" for prep animations, "J_Grappler" for jock and "G_Johnny" for greaser
F_BULLY -Not sure what this does but I usually change it anyway, to "F_Preps" or "F_Jocks" etc
/Global/B_Striker_A -What he said ^^
/Global/AI Act/AI/AI.act

I find that if you turn "Medium" into "Huge" you can just make the last two characters in "medium" be 00's (blank spaces) and the game will accept it. Watch out, if you use spacebar instead of typing 00 in hex, the blank characters will be "20" instead

the only thing I cant figure out is how to make him fight like a townie. You have to change "B_Striker" to "DO_Striker", but that either has to add an extra character or shift all the other characters down in order to fit, so my game will just always crash. It'd be cool to have Gary be the only kid on campus that fights like a townie, especially since he's non-clique

Also I'm pretty sure all this is fresh news, first time I'd heard about anyone hex editing this game was like 2 weeks ago"

On topic, i tried doing something similar to this for the interiors on the mission where you have to get the diary back from the staff room, i edited ide.IMG and the staff room and somehow made the marker once inside disapear completely! so their was no way out! if we could just change where it exits to! and i also made the door dissapear!, so i walked out to the small piece of land outside and could see on the map that their was another building next to the staffroom but i strongly dought it was loaded infact i would even put money on it, anyway i couldn't explore a bit more, due to the fact like a dumb ass i didnt back up my .img, sure i did but the game wont load now so im gonna have to reinstall when i get the chance, anyway how do i upload these files to here do i just use megaupload or summet?
and about the most important question, i dought these other guys would be into modding bully, i think this concept is doomed, i mean you just have to look at this forum and see that their is only 2 topics based on modding!
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 05:49:47 AM by Steman »

Offline Weremuffin

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers, Non Evil Markers (maybe).
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2010, 06:36:01 PM »
Hm. Very interesting stuff.
I'll have to play around with that first bit you mentioned. As I had done something similar by flying up high and falling, he fell off the balcony and landed in the seats.
I couldn't do much exploring though, As Bucky's health bit was so near bottom that I only had enough time to look around for a few seconds.
I'll play with it more once I get some more batteries for my Wii Remote.

Anyway, Sorry for the deadness, My computer died and a friend is helping me with getting it working/sending me a spare one he has.

Just Zip the two files and upload them to Senduit, Set it for the longest period of time and PM me the link and I'll get it next I'm on.

Also, Next I can, I'll look into posting about Bully/SE hacking on the forum I mentioned.

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers, Non Evil Markers (maybe).
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2010, 05:04:13 PM »
Heeeeeey people ! I'm just back from Vienna, and I AM totally into modding. I read the whole thread, I find the modifying of the fighting styles/behaviour totally cool ! Is there any way you could get me the 3D files of the characters ? So I could modify them ?

Offline Weremuffin

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers, Non Evil Markers (maybe).
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2010, 12:16:14 PM »
Hm, Are you thinking of something such as replacing a character's model with another(original or from another game)? Because that would be pretty neat.

I find the thought of having Cee-Jay through Itching Powder at people disturbingly funny.

.. Anyway, Sorry, I can't help you with that.

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Re: Hidden Interiors, Beta Leftovers, Non Evil Markers (maybe).
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2010, 07:05:50 AM »
1st of all welcome back and hope you had a good holiday, i dont think it would be possible to export peds/people from different games and import into this, but if you mean editing skins and replacing it should be possible but i havnt a clue about modding, and where to find these youd probably need to do extract a file from a img and edit it with a different prog like youd have to do in gta,
@niffumerew i need to reinstall the game first when i get time ill try send you these files, i dont think their relevent tho as the coords on them arnt the same as the ones in the .img file allthough similar,
what we need to do i think is find out in a hex editor which file and which part in the file leads you from 1 place into another, then edit where it would send you, im almost certain this is the only way to gain access to arguably one of the most hardest to access places in gaming today
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 07:09:32 AM by Steman »